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authordefanor <>2018-02-23 13:57:55 +0300
committerdefanor <>2018-02-23 13:57:55 +0300
commitb5d3850bfa7ae2ed3b2229613f4fed9382c3b40a (patch)
parent0ab6f27eabfbc6713a5da5c12cd94fc0083ae045 (diff)
Render RDF documents compactly
Omit repeating subjects and predicates.
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RDF.hs b/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RDF.hs
index bf58695..0448771 100644
--- a/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RDF.hs
+++ b/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RDF.hs
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ import System.Directory
import Redland
+-- | Detects an alternate "rdf+xml" version of a document.
detectAlternateVersion :: T.Text -> IO (Maybe URI)
detectAlternateVersion t = do
let doc = readString [withParseHTML yes, withWarnings no] (T.unpack t)
@@ -59,7 +59,50 @@ detectAlternateVersion t = do
[NTree (XText uri) []] -> parseURIReference uri
_ -> Nothing
+-- | Shows an URI, relative to a base URI.
+showURI :: URI
+ -- ^ base URI
+ -> String
+ -- ^ URI to show
+ -> String
+showURI bu u = case parseURIReference u of
+ Just u' -> uriToString id (relativeFrom u' bu) ""
+ Nothing -> u
+-- | Reads a node.
+readNode :: URI
+ -- ^ base URI
+ -> ( ForeignPtr RedlandWorld, ForeignPtr RedlandModel)
+ -> Maybe Node
+ -> IO [Inline]
+readNode _ _ Nothing = pure [Str "-"]
+readNode _ _ (Just (BlankNode s)) = pure [Str s]
+readNode _ _ (Just (LiteralNode s)) = pure [Str s]
+readNode bu (w, m) n@(Just (ResourceNode s)) = do
+ let su = showURI bu s
+ labelURI = ""
+ l <- withStatements w m
+ (Triple n (Just (ResourceNode labelURI)) Nothing) $ \r ->
+ case r of
+ (Triple _ _ (Just (LiteralNode label)):_) -> pure label
+ _ -> pure su
+ pure [Link (su, [], []) [] (su, l)]
+-- | Prepares triples for conversion into Pandoc: excludes repeating
+-- subjects and predicates.
+prepareTriples :: [Triple] -> [Triple]
+prepareTriples = prepareTriples' (Triple Nothing Nothing Nothing)
+ where
+ prepareTriples' :: Triple -> [Triple] -> [Triple]
+ prepareTriples' _ [] = []
+ prepareTriples' prev (cur:ts) = cur { subject = changedOnly subject
+ , predicate = changedOnly predicate }
+ : prepareTriples' cur ts
+ where changedOnly :: (Triple -> Maybe Node) -> Maybe Node
+ changedOnly f | f prev == f cur = Nothing
+ | otherwise = f cur
+-- | Reads an RDF document.
readRDF :: (MonadIO m, PandocMonad m)
=> URI
-- ^ Base (source) URI.
@@ -92,38 +135,15 @@ readRDF bu rf t = do
cacheDir <- getXdgDirectory XdgCache "pancake"
createDirectoryIfMissing True cacheDir
withWSMU "hashes" [("hash-type", "bdb"), ("dir", cacheDir)]
- "rdf-cache" "" (uriToString id bu "") $ \world' _ model' uri' ->
- mapM (printTriple (world', model', uri')) triples
- printTriple :: ( ForeignPtr RedlandWorld
- , ForeignPtr RedlandModel
- , ForeignPtr RedlandURI)
+ "rdf-cache" "" (uriToString id bu "") $ \world' _ model' _ ->
+ mapM (readTriple (world', model')) $ prepareTriples triples
+ readTriple :: ( ForeignPtr RedlandWorld
+ , ForeignPtr RedlandModel)
-> Triple
-> IO [Inline]
- printTriple wmu triple =
+ readTriple wm triple =
concat . intersperse [Space] <$>
- mapM (printNode wmu) [subject triple, predicate triple, object triple]
- printNode :: ( ForeignPtr RedlandWorld
- , ForeignPtr RedlandModel
- , ForeignPtr RedlandURI)
- -> Maybe Node
- -> IO [Inline]
- printNode _ Nothing = pure [Str "-"]
- printNode _ (Just (BlankNode s)) = pure [Str s]
- printNode _ (Just (LiteralNode s)) = pure [Str s]
- printNode (w, m, u) (Just (ResourceNode s)) =
- let su = showURI s
- q = "SELECT ?label WHERE { <" ++ s ++
- "> <> ?label }"
- in do
- l <- withQuery w m "sparql" q (Just u) $ \r ->
- case r of
- ([("label", LiteralNode label)]:_) -> pure label
- _ -> pure su
- pure [Link (su, [], []) [] (su, l)]
- showURI :: String -> String
- showURI u = case parseURIReference u of
- Just u' -> uriToString id (relativeFrom u' bu) ""
- Nothing -> u
+ mapM (readNode bu wm) [subject triple, predicate triple, object triple]
-- rdfproc rdf-cache parse
-- rdfproc rdf-cache parse