This is a CLI web/gopher/file browser inspired by [[][Line Mode Browser]]. It combines [[][pandoc]] with external downloaders such as [[][curl]], adding support for Gopher directories and plaintext files, and invoking external applications (e.g., image and PDF viewers) depending on its configuration. It is intended to be used with ~rlwrap~ and ~tmux~ or ~screen~, and doesn't duplicate their functionality. * Commands - [q]uit, [b]ack, [f]orward, [h]elp, [re]load config - : follow a link (or open the referenced file) - ?: show link/image URI - ?: show current URI - RET (empty): show the next 2/3 of a page, if pagination is enabled - : follow an URI, possibly relative to the current one - : run a query using a shortcut defined in the configuration (e.g., search) * Sample configuration #+BEGIN_SRC yaml externalViewers: png: xdg-open hs: emacsclient commands: gopher: torify curl "${URI}" ssh: scp "${URI_REGNAME}:${URI_PATH}" /dev/stdout defaultCommand: curl -4 -L "${URI}" shortcuts: ddg: wt: wp: gp: gopher:// vs: gopher:// paginate: true #+END_SRC * Screenshots [[]] [[]] [[]] [[]]