/** @file rexmpp_dns.c @brief DNS helper functions @author defanor @date 2020 @copyright MIT license. */ #include #include #include "config.h" #if defined(USE_UNBOUND) #include #elif defined(USE_CARES) #include #else #endif #include #include "rexmpp.h" #include "rexmpp_dns.h" struct rexmpp_dns_query_cb_data { rexmpp_t *s; dns_query_cb_t cb; void *ptr; }; /* https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1035#section-3.1 */ int rexmpp_dns_parse_qname (char *in, int in_len, char *out, int out_len) { int i = 0; while (i < in_len && in[i]) { if (i + in[i] < in_len && i + in[i] < out_len) { memcpy(out + i, in + i + 1, in[i]); i += in[i]; out[i] = '.'; i++; out[i] = '\0'; } else { return -1; } } return i; } int rexmpp_parse_srv (char *in, int in_len, struct rexmpp_dns_srv *out) { if (in_len < 7 || in_len > 255 + 6) { return -1; } out->priority = in[0] * 0x100 + in[1]; out->weight = in[2] * 0x100 + in[3]; out->port = in[4] * 0x100 + in[5]; if (rexmpp_dns_parse_qname(in + 6, in_len - 6, out->target, 255) < 0) { return -1; } return 0; } void rexmpp_dns_result_free (rexmpp_dns_result_t *result) { if (result->data != NULL) { int i; for (i = 0; result->data[i] != NULL; i++) { free(result->data[i]); } free(result->data); result->data = NULL; } if (result->len != NULL) { free(result->len); result->len = NULL; } free(result); } rexmpp_dns_result_t *result_from_hostent (struct hostent *hostinfo) { rexmpp_dns_result_t *r = malloc(sizeof(rexmpp_dns_result_t)); r->secure = 0; int i, size = 0; while (hostinfo->h_addr_list[size] != NULL) { size++; } r->data = malloc(sizeof(void *) * (size + 1)); r->len = malloc(sizeof(int) * size); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { r->len[i] = hostinfo->h_length; r->data[i] = malloc(r->len[i]); memcpy(r->data[i], hostinfo->h_addr_list[i], hostinfo->h_length); } r->data[size] = NULL; return r; } int rexmpp_dns_ctx_init (rexmpp_t *s) { #if defined(USE_UNBOUND) int err; s->resolver.ctx = ub_ctx_create(); if (s->resolver.ctx == NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_CRIT, "Failed to create resolver context"); return 1; } err = ub_ctx_resolvconf(s->resolver.ctx, NULL); if (err != 0) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "Failed to read resolv.conf: %s", ub_strerror(err)); } err = ub_ctx_hosts(s->resolver.ctx, NULL); if (err != 0) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "Failed to read hosts file: %s", ub_strerror(err)); } err = ub_ctx_add_ta_file(s->resolver.ctx, DNSSEC_TRUST_ANCHOR_FILE); if (err != 0) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "Failed to set root key file for DNSSEC: %s", ub_strerror(err)); } return 0; #elif defined(USE_CARES) int err = ares_library_init(ARES_LIB_INIT_ALL); if (err != 0) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_CRIT, "ares library initialisation error: %s", ares_strerror(err)); return 1; } err = ares_init(&(s->resolver.channel)); if (err) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_CRIT, "ares channel initialisation error: %s", ares_strerror(err)); ares_library_cleanup(); return 1; } return 0; #else (void)s; return 0; #endif } void rexmpp_dns_ctx_cleanup (rexmpp_t *s) { (void)s; return; } void rexmpp_dns_ctx_deinit (rexmpp_t *s) { #if defined(USE_UNBOUND) if (s->resolver.ctx != NULL) { ub_ctx_delete(s->resolver.ctx); s->resolver.ctx = NULL; } #elif defined(USE_CARES) ares_destroy(s->resolver.channel); ares_library_cleanup(); #else (void)s; #endif } int rexmpp_dns_fds (rexmpp_t *s, fd_set *read_fds, fd_set *write_fds) { #if defined(USE_UNBOUND) (void)write_fds; int max_fd = ub_fd(s->resolver.ctx) + 1; if (max_fd != 0) { FD_SET(max_fd - 1, read_fds); } return max_fd; #elif defined(USE_CARES) return ares_fds(s->resolver.channel, read_fds, write_fds); #else (void)s; (void)read_fds; (void)write_fds; return 0; #endif } struct timeval * rexmpp_dns_timeout (rexmpp_t *s, struct timeval *max_tv, struct timeval *tv) { #if defined(USE_UNBOUND) (void)s; (void)tv; return max_tv; #elif defined(USE_CARES) return ares_timeout(s->resolver.channel, max_tv, tv); #else (void)s; (void)max_tv; (void)tv; return max_tv; #endif } #if defined(USE_UNBOUND) void rexmpp_dns_cb (void *ptr, int err, struct ub_result *result) { struct rexmpp_dns_query_cb_data *d = ptr; rexmpp_t *s = d->s; if (err != 0) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "DNS query failure: %s", ub_strerror(err)); ub_resolve_free(result); d->cb(s, d->ptr, NULL); free(d); return; } if (result->bogus) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "Received a bogus DNS resolution result"); ub_resolve_free(result); d->cb(s, d->ptr, NULL); return; } if (! result->havedata) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_DEBUG, "No data in the query result"); ub_resolve_free(result); d->cb(s, d->ptr, NULL); free(d); return; } int i, size = 0; while (result->data[size] != NULL) { size++; } rexmpp_dns_result_t *res = malloc(sizeof(rexmpp_dns_result_t)); res->data = malloc(sizeof(void *) * (size + 1)); res->len = malloc(sizeof(int) * size); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (result->qtype == 33) { /* SRV */ res->len[i] = sizeof(rexmpp_dns_srv_t); res->data[i] = malloc(res->len[i]); int err = rexmpp_parse_srv(result->data[i], result->len[i], (rexmpp_dns_srv_t*)res->data[i]); if (err) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "Failed to parse an SRV record"); res->data[i + 1] = NULL; rexmpp_dns_result_free(res); d->cb(s, d->ptr, NULL); free(d); return; } } else { /* Non-SRV, for now that's just A or AAAA */ res->len[i] = result->len[i]; res->data[i] = malloc(res->len[i]); memcpy(res->data[i], result->data[i], res->len[i]); } } res->data[size] = NULL; res->secure = result->secure; ub_resolve_free(result); d->cb(s, d->ptr, res); free(d); } #elif defined(USE_CARES) void rexmpp_dns_cb (void *ptr, int err, int timeouts, unsigned char *abuf, int alen) { (void)timeouts; struct rexmpp_dns_query_cb_data *d = ptr; rexmpp_t *s = d->s; if (err != ARES_SUCCESS) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "A DNS query failure: %s", ares_strerror(err)); d->cb(s, d->ptr, NULL); free(d); return; } /* c-ares won't just tell us the type, but it does check for it in the parsing functions, so we just try them out. */ struct hostent *hostinfo; struct ares_srv_reply *srv, *cur_srv; if (ares_parse_a_reply(abuf, alen, &hostinfo, NULL, NULL) == ARES_SUCCESS || ares_parse_aaaa_reply(abuf, alen, &hostinfo, NULL, NULL) == ARES_SUCCESS) { rexmpp_dns_result_t *r = result_from_hostent(hostinfo); ares_free_hostent(hostinfo); d->cb(s, d->ptr, r); } else if (ares_parse_srv_reply(abuf, alen, &srv) == ARES_SUCCESS) { int i, size; for (size = 0, cur_srv = srv; cur_srv != NULL; size++, cur_srv = cur_srv->next); rexmpp_dns_result_t *r = malloc(sizeof(rexmpp_dns_result_t)); r->secure = 0; r->data = malloc(sizeof(void*) * (size + 1)); r->len = malloc(sizeof(int) * size); for (cur_srv = srv, i = 0; i < size; i++, cur_srv = cur_srv->next) { r->len[i] = sizeof(rexmpp_dns_srv_t); rexmpp_dns_srv_t *r_srv = malloc(sizeof(rexmpp_dns_srv_t)); r_srv->priority = cur_srv->priority; r_srv->weight = cur_srv->weight; r_srv->port = cur_srv->port; strncpy(r_srv->target, cur_srv->host, 255); r_srv->target[255] = '\0'; r->data[i] = r_srv; } r->data[size] = NULL; ares_free_data(srv); d->cb(s, d->ptr, r); } else { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Failed to parse a query"); d->cb(s, d->ptr, NULL); } free(d); } #endif int rexmpp_dns_resolve (rexmpp_t *s, const char *query, int rrtype, int rrclass, void* ptr, dns_query_cb_t callback) { #if defined(USE_UNBOUND) struct rexmpp_dns_query_cb_data *d = malloc(sizeof(struct rexmpp_dns_query_cb_data)); d->s = s; d->cb = callback; d->ptr = ptr; int err = ub_resolve_async(s->resolver.ctx, query, rrtype, rrclass, d, rexmpp_dns_cb, NULL); if (err) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Failed to query %s: %s", query, ub_strerror(err)); return 1; } #elif defined(USE_CARES) struct rexmpp_dns_query_cb_data *d = malloc(sizeof(struct rexmpp_dns_query_cb_data)); d->s = s; d->cb = callback; d->ptr = ptr; ares_query(s->resolver.channel, query, rrclass, rrtype, rexmpp_dns_cb, d); #else if (rrclass == 1) { if (rrtype == 1 || rrtype == 28) { struct hostent *hostinfo = gethostbyname(query); if (hostinfo == NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Failed to lookup %s", query); callback(s, ptr, NULL); } else { rexmpp_dns_result_t *r = result_from_hostent(hostinfo); callback(s, ptr, r); } } else if (rrtype == 33) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "rexmpp is built without SRV lookup support"); callback(s, ptr, NULL); } else { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "A DNS lookup of unrecognized type is requested"); callback(s, ptr, NULL); return -1; } } else { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "A DNS lookup of unrecognized class is requested"); callback(s, ptr, NULL); return -1; } #endif return 0; } int rexmpp_dns_process (rexmpp_t *s, fd_set *read_fds, fd_set *write_fds) { #if defined(USE_UNBOUND) (void)read_fds; (void)write_fds; if (ub_poll(s->resolver.ctx)) { int err = ub_process(s->resolver.ctx); if (err != 0) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "DNS query processing error: %s", ub_strerror(err)); return 1; } } return 0; #elif defined(USE_CARES) ares_process(s->resolver.channel, read_fds, write_fds); return 0; #else (void)s; (void)read_fds; (void)write_fds; return 0; #endif }