/** @file rexmpp_openpgp.c @brief XEP-0373 routines @author defanor @date 2020--2021 @copyright MIT license. Implementation notes ==================== XEP-0373 v0.6 is implemented here. Intentionally omitted functionality: - Not including a `to` element for self, since it is redundant for signed messages, and only useful for signed ones. - Private key synchronisation is not implemented, since it is unnecessary in the presence of asynchronous cryptography and support for multiple keys, but can be dangerous if a passphrase used for key encryption is weaker than the key itself. - XEP-0374 is not implemented here, since restricting its usage to `` is likely to be undesirable in some cases (primarily because it introduces non-repudiation). Possible future improvements: - A setting to generate the keys if they are missing, upload them automatically, encrypt messages opportunistically (as the XEP suggests). - Maybe use alternative key retrieval methods in order to decrease dependency on PEP/pubsub, and possibly to incorporate existing infrastructure: e.g., retrieval by PEP-provided fingerprint from key servers, by vCard-provided email address from WKD or DANE. */ #include #include #include #include "config.h" #ifdef HAVE_GPGME #include #endif #include #include "rexmpp.h" #include "rexmpp_xml.h" #include "rexmpp_openpgp.h" #include "rexmpp_jid.h" #include "rexmpp_pubsub.h" #include "rexmpp_base64.h" #ifdef HAVE_GPGME void rexmpp_pgp_fp_reply (rexmpp_t *s, void *ptr, rexmpp_xml_t *req, rexmpp_xml_t *response, int success) { (void)ptr; (void)req; /* Not of interest. */ if (! success) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "Failed to retrieve an OpenpPGP key"); return; } rexmpp_xml_t *pubsub = rexmpp_xml_find_child(response, "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub", "pubsub"); if (pubsub == NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "OpenPGP key retrieval: not a pubsub response"); return; } rexmpp_xml_t *items = rexmpp_xml_find_child(pubsub, "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub", "items"); if (items == NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "OpenPGP key retrieval: no items in pubsub element"); return; } rexmpp_xml_t *item = rexmpp_xml_find_child(items, "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub", "item"); if (item == NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "OpenPGP key retrieval: no item in items"); return; } rexmpp_xml_t *pubkey = rexmpp_xml_find_child(item, "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0", "pubkey"); if (pubkey == NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "OpenPGP key retrieval: no pubkey in item"); return; } rexmpp_xml_t *data = rexmpp_xml_find_child(pubkey, "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0", "data"); if (data == NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "OpenPGP key retrieval: no data in pubkey"); return; } char *key_raw = NULL; size_t key_raw_len = 0; const char *key_base64 = rexmpp_xml_text_child(data); int base64_err = rexmpp_base64_from(key_base64, strlen(key_base64), &key_raw, &key_raw_len); if (base64_err != 0) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Base-64 key decoding failure"); return; } gpgme_error_t err; gpgme_data_t key_dh; gpgme_data_new_from_mem(&key_dh, key_raw, key_raw_len, 0); err = gpgme_op_import(s->pgp_ctx, key_dh); /* Apparently reading GPGME results is not thread-safe. Fortunately it's not critical. */ gpgme_import_result_t r = gpgme_op_import_result(s->pgp_ctx); gpgme_data_release(key_dh); if (gpg_err_code(err) != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "OpenPGP key import error: %s", gpgme_strerror(err)); return; } if (r->imported == 1) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_DEBUG, "Imported a key"); } else { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "Key import failure"); } } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_openpgp_check_keys (rexmpp_t *s, const char *jid, rexmpp_xml_t *items) { rexmpp_xml_t *item = rexmpp_xml_find_child(items, "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event", "item"); rexmpp_xml_t *list = rexmpp_xml_find_child(item, "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0", "public-keys-list"); rexmpp_xml_t *metadata; for (metadata = rexmpp_xml_first_elem_child(list); metadata != NULL; metadata = rexmpp_xml_next_elem_sibling(metadata)) { const char *fingerprint = rexmpp_xml_find_attr_val(metadata, "v4-fingerprint"); gpgme_key_t key; gpgme_error_t err; err = gpgme_get_key(s->pgp_ctx, fingerprint, &key, 0); if (key != NULL) { gpgme_key_unref(key); } if (gpg_err_code(err) == GPG_ERR_EOF) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_DEBUG, "Unknown OpenPGP key fingerprint for %s: %s", jid, fingerprint); rexmpp_xml_t *fp_req = rexmpp_xml_new_elem("pubsub", "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub"); rexmpp_xml_t *fp_req_items = rexmpp_xml_new_elem("items", NULL); rexmpp_xml_add_attr(fp_req_items, "max_items", "1"); char key_node[72]; snprintf(key_node, 72, "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0:public-keys:%s", fingerprint); rexmpp_xml_add_attr(fp_req_items, "node", key_node); rexmpp_xml_add_child(fp_req, fp_req_items); rexmpp_iq_new(s, "get", jid, fp_req, rexmpp_pgp_fp_reply, NULL); } else if (gpg_err_code(err) != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "OpenPGP error when looking for a key: %s", gpgme_strerror(err)); } } return REXMPP_SUCCESS; } rexmpp_xml_t *rexmpp_published_fingerprints (rexmpp_t *s, const char *jid) { rexmpp_xml_t *published = rexmpp_find_event(s, jid, "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0:public-keys", NULL); if (published == NULL) { return NULL; } rexmpp_xml_t *event = rexmpp_xml_find_child(published, "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event", "event"); rexmpp_xml_t *items = rexmpp_xml_find_child(event, "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event", "items"); rexmpp_xml_t *item = rexmpp_xml_find_child(items, "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event", "item"); rexmpp_xml_t *list = rexmpp_xml_find_child(item, "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0", "public-keys-list"); rexmpp_xml_t *published_fps = list->alt.elem.children; return published_fps; } int rexmpp_openpgp_key_is_published (rexmpp_t *s, const char *fp) { rexmpp_xml_t *metadata; for (metadata = rexmpp_published_fingerprints(s, s->assigned_jid.bare); metadata != NULL; metadata = metadata->next) { if (! rexmpp_xml_match(metadata, "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0", "pubkey-metadata")) { continue; } const char *fingerprint = rexmpp_xml_find_attr_val(metadata, "v4-fingerprint"); if (fingerprint == NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "No fingerprint found in pubkey-metadata"); continue; } if (strcmp(fingerprint, fp) == 0) { return 1; } } return 0; } rexmpp_xml_t * rexmpp_openpgp_remove_key_from_list (rexmpp_t *s, const char *fp) { rexmpp_xml_t *fps = rexmpp_xml_clone_list(rexmpp_published_fingerprints(s, s->assigned_jid.bare)); rexmpp_xml_t *metadata, *prev = NULL; for (metadata = fps; metadata != NULL; prev = metadata, metadata = rexmpp_xml_next_elem_sibling(metadata)) { if (! rexmpp_xml_match(metadata, "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0", "pubkey-metadata")) { continue; } const char *fingerprint = rexmpp_xml_find_attr_val(metadata, "v4-fingerprint"); if (fingerprint == NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "No fingerprint found in pubkey-metadata"); continue; } int matches = (strcmp(fingerprint, fp) == 0); if (matches) { if (prev != NULL) { prev->next = metadata->next; } else { fps = metadata->next; } rexmpp_xml_free(metadata); return fps; } } return fps; } void rexmpp_pgp_key_publish_list_iq (rexmpp_t *s, void *ptr, rexmpp_xml_t *req, rexmpp_xml_t *response, int success) { (void)ptr; (void)req; (void)response; if (! success) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "Failed to publish an OpenpPGP key list"); return; } rexmpp_log(s, LOG_INFO, "Published an OpenpPGP key list"); } void rexmpp_pgp_key_fp_list_upload (rexmpp_t *s, rexmpp_xml_t *metadata) { rexmpp_xml_t *keylist = rexmpp_xml_new_elem("public-keys-list", "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0"); rexmpp_xml_add_child(keylist, metadata); rexmpp_pubsub_item_publish(s, NULL, "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0:public-keys", NULL, keylist, rexmpp_pgp_key_publish_list_iq, NULL); } void rexmpp_pgp_key_delete_iq (rexmpp_t *s, void *ptr, rexmpp_xml_t *req, rexmpp_xml_t *response, int success) { (void)ptr; (void)response; if (! success) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "Failed to delete an OpenpPGP key"); return; } rexmpp_xml_t *pubsub = req->alt.elem.children; rexmpp_xml_t *publish = pubsub->alt.elem.children;; const char *node = rexmpp_xml_find_attr_val(publish, "node"); const char *fingerprint = node + 31; rexmpp_log(s, LOG_INFO, "Removed OpenpPGP key %s", fingerprint); } void rexmpp_pgp_key_publish_iq (rexmpp_t *s, void *ptr, rexmpp_xml_t *req, rexmpp_xml_t *response, int success) { (void)ptr; (void)response; if (! success) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "Failed to publish an OpenpPGP key"); return; } rexmpp_log(s, LOG_INFO, "Uploaded an OpenpPGP key"); rexmpp_xml_t *pubsub = req->alt.elem.children; rexmpp_xml_t *publish = pubsub->alt.elem.children;; const char *node = rexmpp_xml_find_attr_val(publish, "node"); const char *fingerprint = node + 31; char time_str[42]; time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm utc_time; gmtime_r(&t, &utc_time); strftime(time_str, 42, "%FT%TZ", &utc_time); rexmpp_xml_t *metadata = rexmpp_xml_new_elem("pubkey-metadata", "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0"); rexmpp_xml_add_attr(metadata, "date", time_str); rexmpp_xml_add_attr(metadata, "v4-fingerprint", fingerprint); rexmpp_xml_t *fps = rexmpp_openpgp_remove_key_from_list(s, fingerprint); if (fps != NULL) { metadata->next = fps; } rexmpp_pgp_key_fp_list_upload(s, metadata); } void rexmpp_openpgp_retract_key (rexmpp_t *s, const char *fp) { rexmpp_xml_t *new_fp_list = rexmpp_openpgp_remove_key_from_list(s, fp); if (new_fp_list != NULL) { rexmpp_pgp_key_fp_list_upload(s, new_fp_list); } char node_str[72]; snprintf(node_str, 72, "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0:public-keys:%s", fp); rexmpp_pubsub_node_delete(s, NULL, node_str, rexmpp_pgp_key_delete_iq, NULL); } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_openpgp_publish_key (rexmpp_t *s, const char *fp) { if (strlen(fp) != 40) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Wrong fingerprint length: %d", strlen(fp)); return REXMPP_E_PGP; } gpgme_data_t key_dh; gpgme_error_t err; err = gpgme_data_new(&key_dh); if (gpg_err_code(err) != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Failed to create a gpgme data buffer: %s", gpgme_strerror(err)); return REXMPP_E_PGP; } gpgme_data_set_encoding(key_dh, GPGME_DATA_ENCODING_BINARY); err = gpgme_op_export(s->pgp_ctx, fp, 0, key_dh); if (gpg_err_code(err) == GPG_ERR_EOF) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "No such key found: %s", fp); gpgme_data_release(key_dh); return REXMPP_E_PGP; } else if (gpg_err_code(err) != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Failed to read a key: %s", gpgme_strerror(err)); gpgme_data_release(key_dh); return REXMPP_E_PGP; } char *key_raw, *key_base64 = NULL; size_t key_raw_len, key_base64_len = 0; key_raw = gpgme_data_release_and_get_mem(key_dh, &key_raw_len); rexmpp_base64_to(key_raw, key_raw_len, &key_base64, &key_base64_len); free(key_raw); rexmpp_xml_t *data = rexmpp_xml_new_elem("data", "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0"); rexmpp_xml_add_text(data, key_base64); free(key_base64); rexmpp_xml_t *pubkey = rexmpp_xml_new_elem("pubkey", "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0"); rexmpp_xml_add_child(pubkey, data); char time_str[42]; time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm utc_time; gmtime_r(&t, &utc_time); strftime(time_str, 42, "%FT%TZ", &utc_time); char node_str[72]; snprintf(node_str, 72, "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0:public-keys:%s", fp); rexmpp_pubsub_item_publish(s, NULL, node_str, time_str, pubkey, rexmpp_pgp_key_publish_iq, NULL); return REXMPP_SUCCESS; } int rexmpp_openpgp_fingerprint_matches (const char *f1, const char *f2) { int i = 0, j = 0; while (f1[i] || f2[j]) { /* skip spaces */ while (f1[i] == ' ') i++; while (f2[j] == ' ') j++; /* compare */ if (f1[i] != f2[j]) { return 0; } /* advance */ i++; j++; } return 1; } rexmpp_xml_t * rexmpp_openpgp_decrypt_verify_message (rexmpp_t *s, rexmpp_xml_t *message, int *valid) { gpgme_error_t err; struct rexmpp_jid from, to; *valid = 0; if (! rexmpp_xml_match(message, "jabber:client", "message")) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Not a message element"); return NULL; } const char *from_str = rexmpp_xml_find_attr_val(message, "from"); if (from_str == NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "No 'from' attribute"); return NULL; } rexmpp_jid_parse(from_str, &from); const char *to_str = rexmpp_xml_find_attr_val(message, "to"); if (to_str == NULL) { if (strcmp(from.bare, s->assigned_jid.bare) != 0) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "No 'to' attribute"); return NULL; } rexmpp_jid_parse(from.full, &to); } else { rexmpp_jid_parse(to_str, &to); } rexmpp_xml_t *openpgp = rexmpp_xml_find_child(message, "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0", "openpgp"); if (openpgp == NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "No 'openpgp' child element"); return NULL; } const char *cipher_str = rexmpp_xml_text_child(openpgp); rexmpp_xml_t *plain = rexmpp_openpgp_decrypt_verify(s, cipher_str); if (plain == NULL) { return NULL; } if (rexmpp_xml_match(plain, "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0", "crypt")) { *valid = 1; return plain; } if (! (rexmpp_xml_match(plain, "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0", "signcrypt") || rexmpp_xml_match(plain, "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0", "sign"))) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "An unexpected element inside "); return plain; } rexmpp_xml_t *child; int found = 0; for (child = rexmpp_xml_first_elem_child(plain); child != NULL && ! found; child = rexmpp_xml_next_elem_sibling(child)) { if (rexmpp_xml_match(child, "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0", "to")) { const char *to_jid = rexmpp_xml_find_attr_val(child, "jid"); if (to_jid == NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "Found a 'to' element without a 'jid' attribute"); } else if (strcmp(to_jid, to.bare) == 0) { found = 1; } } } if (! found) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "No recipient corresponds to outer message's recipient"); return plain; } gpgme_verify_result_t result = gpgme_op_verify_result(s->pgp_ctx); if (result == NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Signature verification failed"); return plain; } gpgme_signature_t sig = result->signatures; if (sig->next != NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "Multiple signatures detected, verifying them all"); } while (sig) { if (! sig->validity) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "Invalid signature: %s", gpgme_strerror(sig->validity_reason)); return plain; } found = 0; rexmpp_xml_t *metadata; for (metadata = rexmpp_published_fingerprints(s, from.bare); metadata != NULL && ! found; metadata = metadata->next) { const char *fingerprint = rexmpp_xml_find_attr_val(metadata, "v4-fingerprint"); if (fingerprint == NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "No fingerprint found in pubkey-metadata"); continue; } if (rexmpp_openpgp_fingerprint_matches(fingerprint, sig->fpr)) { found = 1; } } if (! found) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "No %s's known key matches that of the signature", from.bare); return plain; } gpgme_key_t key; err = gpgme_get_key(s->pgp_ctx, sig->fpr, &key, 0); if (gpg_err_code(err) != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Key reading failure: %s", gpgme_strerror(err)); return plain; } gpgme_user_id_t uid; found = 0; for (uid = key->uids; uid != NULL; uid = uid->next) { if (strlen(uid->uid) < 6) { continue; } if (strncmp(uid->uid, "xmpp:", 5) == 0 && strcmp(uid->uid + 5, from.bare) == 0) { found = 1; } } if (! found) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "No 'xmpp:%s' user ID found in the key used for signature", from.bare); return plain; } sig = sig->next; } *valid = 1; return plain; } rexmpp_xml_t * rexmpp_openpgp_decrypt_verify (rexmpp_t *s, const char *cipher_base64) { gpgme_error_t err; gpgme_data_t cipher_dh, plain_dh; char *cipher_raw = NULL, *plain; size_t cipher_raw_len = 0, plain_len; int base64_err = rexmpp_base64_from(cipher_base64, strlen(cipher_base64), &cipher_raw, &cipher_raw_len); if (base64_err != 0) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Base-64 cipher decoding failure"); return NULL; } gpgme_data_new_from_mem(&cipher_dh, cipher_raw, cipher_raw_len, 0); gpgme_data_new(&plain_dh); err = gpgme_op_decrypt_verify (s->pgp_ctx, cipher_dh, plain_dh); gpgme_data_release(cipher_dh); if (! (gpg_err_code(err) == GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR || gpg_err_code(err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA)) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Failed to decrypt/verify: %s", gpgme_strerror(err)); gpgme_data_release(plain_dh); return NULL; } plain = gpgme_data_release_and_get_mem(plain_dh, &plain_len); if (plain == NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Failed to release and get memory"); return NULL; } rexmpp_xml_t *elem = rexmpp_xml_parse(plain, plain_len); if(elem == NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Failed to parse an XML document"); } free(plain); return elem; } void rexmpp_openpgp_add_keys (rexmpp_t *s, const char *jid, gpgme_key_t **keys, int *nkeys, int *allocated) { gpgme_error_t err; rexmpp_xml_t *metadata; for (metadata = rexmpp_published_fingerprints(s, jid); metadata != NULL; metadata = metadata->next) { const char *fingerprint = rexmpp_xml_find_attr_val(metadata, "v4-fingerprint"); if (fingerprint == NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "No fingerprint found in pubkey-metadata"); continue; } err = gpgme_get_key(s->pgp_ctx, fingerprint, &(*keys)[*nkeys], 0); if (gpg_err_code(err) == GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { if ((*keys)[*nkeys]->can_encrypt) { *nkeys = *nkeys + 1; if (*nkeys == *allocated) { *allocated = *allocated * 2; *keys = realloc(*keys, sizeof(gpgme_key_t *) * *allocated); } } else { gpgme_key_unref((*keys)[*nkeys]); } (*keys)[*nkeys] = NULL; } else if (gpg_err_code(err) == GPG_ERR_EOF) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "No key %s for %s found", fingerprint, jid); } else { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Failed to read key %s: %s", fingerprint, gpgme_strerror(err)); } } } void rexmpp_openpgp_set_signers (rexmpp_t *s) { gpgme_error_t err; rexmpp_xml_t *metadata; gpgme_key_t sec_key; gpgme_signers_clear(s->pgp_ctx); for (metadata = rexmpp_published_fingerprints(s, s->initial_jid.bare); metadata != NULL; metadata = metadata->next) { const char *fingerprint = rexmpp_xml_find_attr_val(metadata, "v4-fingerprint"); if (fingerprint == NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "No fingerprint found in pubkey-metadata"); continue; } err = gpgme_get_key(s->pgp_ctx, fingerprint, &sec_key, 1); if (gpg_err_code(err) == GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { if (sec_key->can_sign) { gpgme_signers_add(s->pgp_ctx, sec_key); } gpgme_key_unref(sec_key); } else if (gpg_err_code(err) != GPG_ERR_EOF) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Failed to read key %s: %s", fingerprint, gpgme_strerror(err)); } } } char *rexmpp_openpgp_payload (rexmpp_t *s, rexmpp_xml_t *payload, const char **recipients, const char **signers, enum rexmpp_ox_mode mode) { gpgme_error_t err; int i, nkeys = 0, allocated = 0; gpgme_key_t *keys = NULL; /* Prepare an element. */ char *elem_name = NULL; if (mode == REXMPP_OX_SIGNCRYPT) { elem_name = "signcrypt"; } else if (mode == REXMPP_OX_SIGN) { elem_name = "sign"; } else if (mode == REXMPP_OX_CRYPT) { elem_name = "crypt"; } rexmpp_xml_t *elem = rexmpp_xml_new_elem(elem_name, "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0"); if (mode == REXMPP_OX_SIGN || mode == REXMPP_OX_SIGNCRYPT) { if (signers == NULL) { rexmpp_openpgp_set_signers(s); } else { gpgme_signers_clear(s->pgp_ctx); int signer; gpgme_key_t sec_key; for (signer = 0; signers[signer] != NULL; signer++) { err = gpgme_get_key(s->pgp_ctx, signers[signer], &sec_key, 1); if (gpg_err_code(err) == GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { gpgme_signers_add(s->pgp_ctx, sec_key); gpgme_key_unref(sec_key); } else { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Failed to read key %s: %s", signers[signer], gpgme_strerror(err)); } } } /* Add all the recipients. */ for (i = 0; recipients[i] != NULL; i++) { rexmpp_xml_t *to = rexmpp_xml_new_elem("to", "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0"); rexmpp_xml_add_attr(to, "jid", recipients[i]); rexmpp_xml_add_child(elem, to); } } /* Add timestamp. */ char time_str[42]; time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm utc_time; gmtime_r(&t, &utc_time); strftime(time_str, 42, "%FT%TZ", &utc_time); rexmpp_xml_t *time = rexmpp_xml_new_elem("time", "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0"); rexmpp_xml_add_attr(time, "stamp", time_str); rexmpp_xml_add_child(elem, time); /* Add the payload. */ rexmpp_xml_t *pl = rexmpp_xml_new_elem("payload", "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0"); rexmpp_xml_add_child(pl, payload); rexmpp_xml_add_child(elem, pl); if (mode == REXMPP_OX_CRYPT || mode == REXMPP_OX_SIGNCRYPT) { /* Add keys for encryption. */ allocated = 8; keys = malloc(sizeof(gpgme_key_t *) * allocated); keys[0] = NULL; rexmpp_openpgp_add_keys(s, s->initial_jid.bare, &keys, &nkeys, &allocated); for (i = 0; recipients[i] != NULL; i++) { rexmpp_openpgp_add_keys(s, recipients[i], &keys, &nkeys, &allocated); } /* A random-length random-content padding. */ char *rand_str, rand[256]; gcry_create_nonce(rand, 1); size_t rand_str_len = 0, rand_len = (unsigned char)rand[0] % (255 - 16) + 16; gcry_create_nonce(rand, rand_len); rexmpp_base64_to(rand, rand_len, &rand_str, &rand_str_len); rexmpp_xml_t *rpad = rexmpp_xml_new_elem("rpad", "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0"); rexmpp_xml_add_text(rpad, rand_str); free(rand_str); rexmpp_xml_add_child(elem, rpad); } /* Serialize the resulting XML. */ char *plaintext = rexmpp_xml_serialize(elem); rexmpp_xml_free(elem); /* Encrypt, base64-encode. */ gpgme_data_t cipher_dh, plain_dh; gpgme_data_new(&cipher_dh); gpgme_data_new_from_mem(&plain_dh, plaintext, strlen(plaintext), 0); if (mode == REXMPP_OX_SIGNCRYPT) { err = gpgme_op_encrypt_sign(s->pgp_ctx, keys, GPGME_ENCRYPT_NO_ENCRYPT_TO, plain_dh, cipher_dh); } else if (mode == REXMPP_OX_CRYPT) { err = gpgme_op_encrypt(s->pgp_ctx, keys, GPGME_ENCRYPT_NO_ENCRYPT_TO, plain_dh, cipher_dh); } else { /* if (mode == REXMPP_OX_SIGN) */ err = gpgme_op_sign(s->pgp_ctx, plain_dh, cipher_dh, GPGME_SIG_MODE_NORMAL); } if (keys != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < nkeys; i++) { gpgme_key_unref(keys[i]); } free(keys); keys = NULL; } gpgme_data_release(plain_dh); if (gpg_err_code(err) != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Failed to %s: %s", elem_name, gpgme_strerror(err)); gpgme_data_release(cipher_dh); return NULL; } char *cipher_raw = NULL, *cipher_base64 = NULL; size_t cipher_raw_len = 0, cipher_base64_len = 0; cipher_raw = gpgme_data_release_and_get_mem(cipher_dh, &cipher_raw_len); rexmpp_base64_to(cipher_raw, cipher_raw_len, &cipher_base64, &cipher_base64_len); free(cipher_raw); return cipher_base64; } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_openpgp_set_home_dir (rexmpp_t *s, const char *home_dir) { gpgme_engine_info_t engine_info; gpgme_error_t err; engine_info = gpgme_ctx_get_engine_info(s->pgp_ctx); err = gpgme_ctx_set_engine_info(s->pgp_ctx, engine_info->protocol, engine_info->file_name, home_dir); if (gpg_err_code(err) != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Failed to set home directory: %s", gpgme_strerror(err)); return REXMPP_E_PGP; } return REXMPP_SUCCESS; } #else /* Dummy functions for when it's built without GPGME. */ rexmpp_err_t gpgme_not_supported(rexmpp_t *s) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "rexmpp is compiled without GPGME support"); return REXMPP_E_PGP; } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_openpgp_check_keys (rexmpp_t *s, const char *jid, rexmpp_xml_t *items) { (void)jid; (void)items; return gpgme_not_supported(s); } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_openpgp_publish_key (rexmpp_t *s, const char *fp) { (void)fp; return gpgme_not_supported(s); } void rexmpp_openpgp_retract_key (rexmpp_t *s, const char *fp) { (void)fp; gpgme_not_supported(s); } rexmpp_xml_t * rexmpp_openpgp_decrypt_verify (rexmpp_t *s, const char *cipher_base64) { (void)cipher_base64; gpgme_not_supported(s); return NULL; } rexmpp_xml_t * rexmpp_openpgp_decrypt_verify_message (rexmpp_t *s, rexmpp_xml_t *message, int *valid) { (void)message; (void)valid; gpgme_not_supported(s); return NULL; } char *rexmpp_openpgp_payload (rexmpp_t *s, rexmpp_xml_t *payload, const char **recipients, const char **signers, enum rexmpp_ox_mode mode) { (void)recipients; (void)signers; (void)mode; rexmpp_xml_free(payload); gpgme_not_supported(s); return NULL; } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_openpgp_set_home_dir (rexmpp_t *s, const char *home_dir) { (void)home_dir; return gpgme_not_supported(s); } #endif