/** @file rexmpp_roster.c @brief Roster-related functions. @author defanor @date 2020 @copyright MIT license. */ #include "rexmpp.h" #include "rexmpp_xml.h" #include #include rexmpp_xml_t * rexmpp_roster_find_item (rexmpp_t *s, const char *jid, rexmpp_xml_t **prev_item) { rexmpp_xml_t *prev = NULL, *cur = s->roster_items; while (cur != NULL) { const char *cur_jid = rexmpp_xml_find_attr_val(cur, "jid"); if (cur_jid == NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ALERT, "No jid found in a roster item."); return NULL; } int match = (strcmp(cur_jid, jid) == 0); if (match) { if (prev_item != NULL) { *prev_item = prev; } return cur; } prev = cur; cur = cur->next; } return NULL; } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_modify_roster (rexmpp_t *s, rexmpp_xml_t *item) { rexmpp_err_t ret = REXMPP_SUCCESS; if (! rexmpp_xml_match(item, "jabber:iq:roster", "item")) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "No roster item."); return REXMPP_E_PARAM; } const char *subscription = rexmpp_xml_find_attr_val(item, "subscription"); const char *jid = rexmpp_xml_find_attr_val(item, "jid"); if (subscription != NULL && strcmp(subscription, "remove") == 0) { /* Delete the item. */ rexmpp_xml_t *prev, *cur; cur = rexmpp_roster_find_item(s, jid, &prev); if (cur != NULL) { if (prev != NULL) { prev->next = cur->next; } else { s->roster_items = cur->next; } rexmpp_xml_free(cur); } else { ret = REXMPP_E_ROSTER_ITEM_NOT_FOUND; } } else { /* Add or modify the item. */ rexmpp_xml_t *cur, *prev; cur = rexmpp_roster_find_item(s, jid, &prev); /* Remove the item if it was in the roster before. */ if (cur != NULL) { if (prev != NULL) { prev->next = cur->next; } else { s->roster_items = cur->next; } rexmpp_xml_free(cur); } /* Add the new item. */ rexmpp_xml_t *new_item = rexmpp_xml_clone(item); new_item->next = s->roster_items; s->roster_items = new_item; } if (s->roster_modify_cb != NULL) { s->roster_modify_cb(s, item); } return ret; } void rexmpp_roster_set (rexmpp_t *s, rexmpp_xml_t *query) { if (s->roster_items != NULL) { rexmpp_xml_free_list(s->roster_items); } if (s->roster_ver != NULL) { free(s->roster_ver); } const char *roster_ver = rexmpp_xml_find_attr_val(query, "ver"); s->roster_ver = NULL; if (roster_ver != NULL) { s->roster_ver = strdup(roster_ver); } s->roster_items = rexmpp_xml_clone_list(query->alt.elem.children); if (s->roster_modify_cb != NULL) { rexmpp_xml_t *item; for (item = query->alt.elem.children; item != NULL; item = item->next) { s->roster_modify_cb(s, item); } } } void rexmpp_roster_cache_read (rexmpp_t *s) { if (s->roster_cache_file == NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "No roster cache file path is set."); return; } rexmpp_xml_t *query = rexmpp_xml_read_file(s->roster_cache_file); if (query != NULL) { rexmpp_roster_set(s, query); rexmpp_xml_free(query); } } void rexmpp_roster_cache_write (rexmpp_t *s) { if (s->roster_cache_file == NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "No roster cache file path is set."); return; } rexmpp_xml_t *query = rexmpp_xml_new_elem("query", "jabber:iq:roster"); if (s->roster_ver != NULL) { rexmpp_xml_add_attr(query, "ver", s->roster_ver); } if (s->roster_items != NULL) { rexmpp_xml_add_child(query, rexmpp_xml_clone_list(s->roster_items)); } rexmpp_xml_write_file(s->roster_cache_file, query); rexmpp_xml_free(query); } void rexmpp_iq_roster_get (rexmpp_t *s, void *ptr, rexmpp_xml_t *req, rexmpp_xml_t *response, int success) { (void)ptr; (void)req; /* Nothing interesting in the request. */ if (! success) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Roster loading failed."); return; } rexmpp_xml_t *query = response->alt.elem.children; if (! rexmpp_xml_match(query, "jabber:iq:roster", "query")) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_DEBUG, "No roster query in reply."); return; } rexmpp_roster_set(s, query); if (s->roster_cache_file != NULL) { rexmpp_roster_cache_write(s); } }