/** @file rexmpp_sasl.c @brief SASL @author defanor @date 2021 @copyright MIT license. */ #include #include "config.h" #include "rexmpp.h" #include "rexmpp_sasl.h" #include "rexmpp_base64.h" #ifdef HAVE_GSASL #include int rexmpp_sasl_cb (Gsasl *ctx, Gsasl_session *sctx, Gsasl_property prop) { (void)sctx; /* The session should already be in rexmpp_t. */ rexmpp_t *s = gsasl_callback_hook_get(ctx); if (s == NULL || s->sasl_property_cb == NULL) { return GSASL_NO_CALLBACK; } if (s->sasl_property_cb(s, (rexmpp_sasl_property)prop) == 0) { return GSASL_OK; } else { return GSASL_NO_CALLBACK; } } int rexmpp_sasl_ctx_init (rexmpp_t *s) { s->sasl = malloc(sizeof(struct rexmpp_sasl_ctx)); int err = gsasl_init(&(s->sasl->ctx)); if (err != GSASL_OK) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_CRIT, "gsasl initialisation error: %s", gsasl_strerror(err)); return -1; } gsasl_callback_hook_set(s->sasl->ctx, s); gsasl_callback_set(s->sasl->ctx, rexmpp_sasl_cb); return 0; } void rexmpp_sasl_ctx_deinit (rexmpp_t *s) { gsasl_done(s->sasl->ctx); if (s->sasl != NULL) { free(s->sasl); s->sasl = NULL; } } void rexmpp_sasl_ctx_cleanup (rexmpp_t *s) { gsasl_finish(s->sasl->session); s->sasl->session = NULL; } int rexmpp_sasl_encode (rexmpp_t *s, const char *in, size_t in_len, char **out, size_t *out_len) { int sasl_err = gsasl_encode (s->sasl->session, in, in_len, out, out_len); if (sasl_err != GSASL_OK) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "SASL encoding error: %s", gsasl_strerror(sasl_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int rexmpp_sasl_decode (rexmpp_t *s, const char *in, size_t in_len, char **out, size_t *out_len) { int sasl_err = gsasl_decode(s->sasl->session, in, in_len, out, out_len); if (sasl_err != GSASL_OK) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "SASL decoding error: %s", gsasl_strerror(sasl_err)); return -1; } return 0; } const char *rexmpp_sasl_suggest_mechanism (rexmpp_t *s, const char *mech_list) { return gsasl_client_suggest_mechanism(s->sasl->ctx, mech_list); } void rexmpp_sasl_property_set (rexmpp_t *s, rexmpp_sasl_property prop, const char *data) { gsasl_property_set (s->sasl->session, (Gsasl_property)prop, data); } int rexmpp_sasl_start (rexmpp_t *s, const char *mech) { int sasl_err = gsasl_client_start(s->sasl->ctx, mech, &(s->sasl->session)); if (sasl_err != GSASL_OK) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_CRIT, "Failed to initialise SASL session: %s", gsasl_strerror(sasl_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int rexmpp_sasl_step64 (rexmpp_t *s, const char *b64_in, char **b64_out) { int sasl_err = gsasl_step64 (s->sasl->session, b64_in, b64_out); if (sasl_err != GSASL_OK) { if (sasl_err == GSASL_NEEDS_MORE) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_DEBUG, "SASL needs more data"); } else { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "SASL error: %s", gsasl_strerror(sasl_err)); return -1; } } return 0; } #else /* No GSASL. */ #include int rexmpp_sasl_ctx_init (rexmpp_t *s) { s->sasl = malloc(sizeof(struct rexmpp_sasl_ctx)); s->sasl->mech = REXMPP_SASL_MECH_UNKNOWN; s->sasl->authid = NULL; s->sasl->password = NULL; return 0; } void rexmpp_sasl_ctx_cleanup (rexmpp_t *s) { s->sasl->mech = REXMPP_SASL_MECH_UNKNOWN; if (s->sasl->authid != NULL) { free(s->sasl->authid); s->sasl->authid = NULL; } if (s->sasl->password != NULL) { free(s->sasl->password); s->sasl->password = NULL; } } void rexmpp_sasl_ctx_deinit (rexmpp_t *s) { if (s->sasl != NULL) { free(s->sasl); s->sasl = NULL; } } int rexmpp_sasl_encode (rexmpp_t *s, const char *in, size_t in_len, char **out, size_t *out_len) { (void)s; *out = malloc(in_len); memcpy(*out, in, in_len); *out_len = in_len; return 0; } int rexmpp_sasl_decode (rexmpp_t *s, const char *in, size_t in_len, char **out, size_t *out_len) { (void)s; *out = malloc(in_len); memcpy(*out, in, in_len); *out_len = in_len; return 0; } rexmpp_sasl_mechanism rexmpp_sasl_mech_read (const char *mech) { if (mech == NULL) { return REXMPP_SASL_MECH_UNKNOWN; } if (strcmp(mech, "EXTERNAL") == 0) { return REXMPP_SASL_MECH_EXTERNAL; } else if (strcmp(mech, "PLAIN") == 0) { return REXMPP_SASL_MECH_PLAIN; } else { return REXMPP_SASL_MECH_UNKNOWN; } } const char *rexmpp_sasl_mech_name (rexmpp_sasl_mechanism mech) { if (mech == REXMPP_SASL_MECH_EXTERNAL) { return "EXTERNAL"; } else if (mech == REXMPP_SASL_MECH_PLAIN) { return "PLAIN"; } else { return NULL; } } const char *rexmpp_sasl_suggest_mechanism (rexmpp_t *s, const char *mech_list) { (void)s; char *mech, *save_ptr, *mlist = strdup(mech_list); mech = strtok_r(mlist, " ", &save_ptr); rexmpp_sasl_mechanism preferred = REXMPP_SASL_MECH_UNKNOWN; while (mech != NULL) { rexmpp_sasl_mechanism m = rexmpp_sasl_mech_read(mech); if (m == REXMPP_SASL_MECH_EXTERNAL || (m == REXMPP_SASL_MECH_PLAIN && preferred == REXMPP_SASL_MECH_UNKNOWN)) { preferred = m; } mech = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &save_ptr); } free(mlist); return rexmpp_sasl_mech_name(preferred); } int rexmpp_sasl_start (rexmpp_t *s, const char *mech) { rexmpp_sasl_mechanism m = rexmpp_sasl_mech_read(mech); if (m != REXMPP_SASL_MECH_UNKNOWN) { s->sasl->mech = m; return 0; } return -1; } const char *rexmpp_sasl_get_prop (rexmpp_t *s, rexmpp_sasl_property prop) { if (prop == REXMPP_SASL_PROP_AUTHID) { if (s->sasl->authid == NULL) { s->sasl_property_cb(s, prop); } return s->sasl->authid; } else if (prop == REXMPP_SASL_PROP_PASSWORD) { if (s->sasl->password == NULL) { s->sasl_property_cb(s, prop); } return s->sasl->password; } return NULL; } int rexmpp_sasl_step64 (rexmpp_t *s, const char *b64_in, char **b64_out) { (void)s; (void)b64_in; if (s->sasl->mech == REXMPP_SASL_MECH_PLAIN) { /* RFC 4616 */ const char *authid = rexmpp_sasl_get_prop(s, REXMPP_SASL_PROP_AUTHID); const char *password = rexmpp_sasl_get_prop(s, REXMPP_SASL_PROP_PASSWORD); if (authid != NULL && password != NULL) { size_t auth_len = strlen(authid) + strlen(password) + 2; char *auth = malloc(auth_len); auth[0] = 0; memcpy(auth + 1, authid, strlen(authid)); auth[strlen(authid) + 1] = 0; memcpy(auth + strlen(authid) + 2, password, strlen(password)); size_t out_len; rexmpp_base64_to(auth, auth_len, b64_out, &out_len); free(auth); return 0; } } else if (s->sasl->mech == REXMPP_SASL_MECH_EXTERNAL) { *b64_out = strdup(""); return 0; } return -1; } void rexmpp_sasl_property_set (rexmpp_t *s, rexmpp_sasl_property prop, const char *data) { (void)s; (void)data; if (prop == REXMPP_SASL_PROP_AUTHID) { if (s->sasl->authid != NULL) { free(s->sasl->authid); } s->sasl->authid = strdup(data); } else if (prop == REXMPP_SASL_PROP_PASSWORD) { if (s->sasl->password != NULL) { free(s->sasl->password); } s->sasl->password = strdup(data); } } #endif