/** @file rexmpp_xml.c @brief XML structures and functions for rexmpp @author defanor @date 2023 @copyright MIT license. */ #include #include #include #include #include "rexmpp.h" #include "rexmpp_utf8.h" #include "rexmpp_xml.h" #include "rexmpp_random.h" #ifndef USE_RUST void rexmpp_xml_qname_free (rexmpp_xml_qname_t *qname) { if (qname->name != NULL) { free(qname->name); qname->name = NULL; } if (qname->namespace != NULL) { free(qname->namespace); qname->namespace = NULL; } } void rexmpp_xml_attribute_free (rexmpp_xml_attr_t *attr) { if (attr == NULL) { return; } rexmpp_xml_qname_free(&(attr->qname)); if (attr->value != NULL) { free(attr->value); attr->value = NULL; } free(attr); } void rexmpp_xml_attribute_free_list (rexmpp_xml_attr_t *attr) { rexmpp_xml_attr_t *next = attr; while (attr != NULL) { next = attr->next; rexmpp_xml_attribute_free(attr); attr = next; } } void rexmpp_xml_free (rexmpp_xml_t *node) { if (node == NULL) { return; } if (node->type == REXMPP_XML_TEXT) { if (node->alt.text != NULL) { free(node->alt.text); node->alt.text = NULL; } } if (node->type == REXMPP_XML_ELEMENT) { rexmpp_xml_qname_free(&(node->alt.elem.qname)); rexmpp_xml_attribute_free_list(node->alt.elem.attributes); rexmpp_xml_free_list(node->alt.elem.children); } free(node); } void rexmpp_xml_free_list (rexmpp_xml_t *node) { rexmpp_xml_t *next = node; while (node != NULL) { next = node->next; rexmpp_xml_free(node); node = next; } } rexmpp_xml_t *rexmpp_xml_clone (rexmpp_xml_t *node) { if (node == NULL) { return NULL; } if (node->type == REXMPP_XML_TEXT) { return rexmpp_xml_new_text(node->alt.text); } else if (node->type == REXMPP_XML_ELEMENT) { rexmpp_xml_t *ret = rexmpp_xml_new_elem(node->alt.elem.qname.name, node->alt.elem.qname.namespace); rexmpp_xml_attr_t **next_attr = &(ret->alt.elem.attributes); rexmpp_xml_attr_t *old_attr; for (old_attr = node->alt.elem.attributes; old_attr != NULL; old_attr = old_attr->next) { rexmpp_xml_attr_t *new_attr = rexmpp_xml_attr_new(old_attr->qname.name, old_attr->qname.namespace, old_attr->value); *next_attr = new_attr; next_attr = &(new_attr->next); } ret->alt.elem.children = rexmpp_xml_clone_list(node->alt.elem.children); return ret; } return NULL; } rexmpp_xml_t *rexmpp_xml_clone_list (rexmpp_xml_t *node) { rexmpp_xml_t *first, *last; if (node == NULL) { return NULL; } first = rexmpp_xml_clone(node); for (last = first, node = node->next; node != NULL; last = last->next, node = node->next) { last->next = rexmpp_xml_clone(node); } return first; } rexmpp_xml_t *rexmpp_xml_new_text (const char *str) { rexmpp_xml_t *node = malloc(sizeof(rexmpp_xml_t)); node->type = REXMPP_XML_TEXT; node->alt.text = strdup(str); node->next = NULL; return node; } rexmpp_xml_t *rexmpp_xml_new_text_len (const char *str, size_t len) { rexmpp_xml_t *node = malloc(sizeof(rexmpp_xml_t)); node->type = REXMPP_XML_TEXT; node->alt.text = strndup(str, len); node->next = NULL; return node; } void rexmpp_xml_add_child (rexmpp_xml_t *node, rexmpp_xml_t *child) { rexmpp_xml_t **last_ptr = &(node->alt.elem.children); while (*last_ptr != NULL) { last_ptr = &((*last_ptr)->next); } *last_ptr = child; } int rexmpp_xml_add_text (rexmpp_xml_t *node, const char *str) { rexmpp_xml_t *text_node = rexmpp_xml_new_text(str); if (text_node != NULL) { rexmpp_xml_add_child(node, text_node); return 0; } return -1; } int rexmpp_xml_add_text_len (rexmpp_xml_t *node, const char *str, size_t len) { rexmpp_xml_t *text_node = rexmpp_xml_new_text_len(str, len); if (text_node != NULL) { rexmpp_xml_add_child(node, text_node); return 0; } return -1; } rexmpp_xml_t *rexmpp_xml_new_elem (const char *name, const char *namespace) { rexmpp_xml_t *node = malloc(sizeof(rexmpp_xml_t)); node->type = REXMPP_XML_ELEMENT; node->alt.elem.qname.name = strdup(name); if (namespace != NULL) { node->alt.elem.qname.namespace = strdup(namespace); } else { node->alt.elem.qname.namespace = NULL; } node->alt.elem.attributes = NULL; node->alt.elem.children = NULL; node->next = NULL; return node; } rexmpp_xml_attr_t *rexmpp_xml_attr_new (const char *name, const char *namespace, const char *value) { rexmpp_xml_attr_t *attr = malloc(sizeof(rexmpp_xml_attr_t)); attr->qname.name = strdup(name); if (namespace != NULL) { attr->qname.namespace = strdup(namespace); } else { attr->qname.namespace = NULL; } attr->value = strdup(value); attr->next = NULL; return attr; } int rexmpp_xml_add_attr_ns (rexmpp_xml_t *node, const char *name, const char *namespace, const char *value) { if (node == NULL || node->type != REXMPP_XML_ELEMENT) { return -1; } rexmpp_xml_attr_t *attr = rexmpp_xml_attr_new(name, namespace, value); attr->next = node->alt.elem.attributes; node->alt.elem.attributes = attr; return 0; } int rexmpp_xml_remove_attr_ns (rexmpp_xml_t *node, const char *name, const char *namespace) { if (node == NULL || node->type != REXMPP_XML_ELEMENT) { return -1; } rexmpp_xml_attr_t **attr, *next_attr; for (attr = &(node->alt.elem.attributes); *attr != NULL; attr = &((*attr)->next)) { if (rexmpp_xml_attr_match(*attr, namespace, name)) { next_attr = (*attr)->next; rexmpp_xml_attribute_free(*attr); *attr = next_attr; return 0; } } return 1; } int rexmpp_xml_add_attr (rexmpp_xml_t *node, const char *name, const char *value) { return rexmpp_xml_add_attr_ns(node, name, NULL, value); } int rexmpp_xml_remove_attr (rexmpp_xml_t *node, const char *name) { return rexmpp_xml_remove_attr_ns(node, name, NULL); } /* Adds a character, grows the string as needed. */ static inline char *rexmpp_str_putc (char *str, size_t *len, char c) { char *ret = str; if ((*len) % 1024 == 0) { ret = realloc(str, (*len) + 1024); if (ret == NULL) { /* A failure to realloc. */ if (str != NULL) { free(str); } return NULL; } } ret[*len] = c; *len = (*len) + 1; return ret; } static inline char *rexmpp_str_putc_escaped (char *str, size_t *len, char c) { char *ret = str; char buf[7]; char *esc = buf; size_t i = 0; size_t esc_len; if (c == '<') { esc = "<"; } else if (c == '>') { esc = ">"; } else if (c == '&') { esc = "&"; } else if (c == '\'') { esc = "'"; } else if (c == '"') { esc = """; } else { snprintf(esc, 7, "&#%u;", c); } esc_len = strlen(esc); while (i < esc_len) { ret = rexmpp_str_putc(ret, len, esc[i]); i++; } return ret; } char *rexmpp_xml_print_name (char *str, size_t *len, const char *name) { char *ret = str; size_t name_len = strlen(name); size_t i = 0; int32_t c = 0; /* matches ICU's UChar32 */ size_t prev_i = 0, j; do { REXMPP_U8_NEXT(name, i, name_len, c); if (c >= 0) { if (c == ':' || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c == '_' || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 0xC0 && c <= 0xD6) || (c >= 0xD8 && c <= 0xF6) || (c >= 0xF8 && c <= 0x2FF) || (c >= 0x370 && c <= 0x37D) || (c >= 0x37F && c <= 0x1FFF) || (c >= 0x200C && c <= 0x200D) || (c >= 0x2070 && c <= 0x218F) || (c >= 0x2C00 && c <= 0x2FEF) || (c >= 0x3001 && c <= 0xD7FF) || (c >= 0xF900 && c <= 0xFDCF) || (c >= 0xFDF0 && c <= 0xFFF0) || (c >= 0x10000 && c <= 0xEFFFF) || ((i > 0) && (c == '-' || c == '.' || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == 0xB7 || (c >= 0x0300 && c <= 0x036F) || (c >= 0x203F && c <= 0x2040)))) { /* Print the allowed characters. */ for (j = prev_i; j < i; j++) { ret = rexmpp_str_putc(ret, len, name[j]); } } } else { /* Skip invalid characters. */ i++; } prev_i = i; } while (i < name_len); return ret; } char *rexmpp_xml_print_text (char *str, size_t *len, const char *text) { char *ret = str; size_t i = 0; size_t text_len = strlen(text); while (i < text_len && ret != NULL) { char c = text[i]; if (strchr("<&>'\"", c)) { /* Escape the few special characters. */ ret = rexmpp_str_putc_escaped(ret, len, c); } else { /* Write others as is. */ ret = rexmpp_str_putc(ret, len, c); } i++; } return ret; } char *rexmpp_xml_print_raw (char *str, size_t *len, const char *text) { char *ret = str; size_t i = 0; size_t text_len = strlen(text); while (i < text_len && ret != NULL) { char c = text[i]; ret = rexmpp_str_putc(ret, len, c); i++; } return ret; } static inline char *rexmpp_xml_print_indent (char *str, size_t *len, int indent) { if (indent <= 0) { return str; } int i; char *ret = str; for (i = 0; i < indent * 2; i++) { ret = rexmpp_str_putc(ret, len, ' '); } return ret; } char *rexmpp_xml_print (char *str, size_t *len, const rexmpp_xml_t *node, int indent) { char *ret = str; if (node->type == REXMPP_XML_TEXT) { ret = rexmpp_xml_print_text(ret, len, node->alt.text); } else if (node->type == REXMPP_XML_ELEMENT) { if (indent > 0) { ret = rexmpp_str_putc(ret, len, '\n'); ret = rexmpp_xml_print_indent(ret, len, indent); } ret = rexmpp_str_putc(ret, len, '<'); ret = rexmpp_xml_print_name(ret, len, node->alt.elem.qname.name); if (node->alt.elem.qname.namespace != NULL) { ret = rexmpp_xml_print_raw(ret, len, " xmlns=\""); ret = rexmpp_xml_print_text(ret, len, node->alt.elem.qname.namespace); ret = rexmpp_str_putc(ret, len, '"'); } if (node->alt.elem.attributes != NULL) { rexmpp_xml_attr_t *attr; for (attr = node->alt.elem.attributes; attr != NULL; attr = attr->next) { ret = rexmpp_str_putc(ret, len, ' '); /* Ignoring namespaces here for now. */ ret = rexmpp_xml_print_name(ret, len, attr->qname.name); ret = rexmpp_xml_print_raw(ret, len, "=\""); ret = rexmpp_xml_print_text(ret, len, attr->value); ret = rexmpp_str_putc(ret, len, '"'); } } if (node->alt.elem.children == NULL) { ret = rexmpp_xml_print_raw(ret, len, "/>"); } else { ret = rexmpp_str_putc(ret, len, '>'); rexmpp_xml_t *child; int last_child_is_textual = 0; for (child = rexmpp_xml_children(node); child != NULL; child = child->next) { ret = rexmpp_xml_print(ret, len, child, indent > -1 ? indent + 1 : -1); last_child_is_textual = child->type == REXMPP_XML_TEXT; } if (indent >= 0 && ! last_child_is_textual) { ret = rexmpp_str_putc(ret, len, '\n'); ret = rexmpp_xml_print_indent(ret, len, indent); } ret = rexmpp_xml_print_raw(ret, len, "alt.elem.qname.name); ret = rexmpp_str_putc(ret, len, '>'); } } return ret; } char *rexmpp_xml_serialize (const rexmpp_xml_t *node, int pretty) { size_t s_len = 0; char *s = NULL; s = rexmpp_xml_print(s, &s_len, node, pretty ? 0 : -1); s = rexmpp_str_putc(s, &s_len, '\0'); return s; } rexmpp_xml_t * rexmpp_xml_add_id (rexmpp_xml_t *node) { char *buf = rexmpp_random_id(); if (buf == NULL) { return NULL; } rexmpp_xml_add_attr(node, "id", buf); free(buf); return node; } #endif /* These SAX handlers are similar to those from rexmpp.c, and perhaps can be reused. */ void rexmpp_xml_parse_sax_characters (struct rexmpp_xml_builder *builder, const char *ch, size_t len) { if (builder->current != NULL) { rexmpp_xml_t *last_node = builder->current->alt.elem.children; if (last_node != NULL && last_node->type == REXMPP_XML_TEXT) { /* The last child is textual as well, just extend it */ size_t last_len = strlen(last_node->alt.text); last_node->alt.text = realloc(last_node->alt.text, last_len + len + 1); strncpy(last_node->alt.text + last_len, ch, len); last_node->alt.text[last_len + len] = '\0'; } else { rexmpp_xml_t *text_node = rexmpp_xml_new_text_len(ch, len); if (text_node != NULL) { text_node->next = builder->current->alt.elem.children; builder->current->alt.elem.children = text_node; } } } } void rexmpp_xml_parse_sax_start_elem_ns (struct rexmpp_xml_builder *builder, const char *name, const char *namespace, rexmpp_xml_attr_t *attributes) { if (builder->current == NULL && builder->root == NULL) { /* Just started */ builder->current = rexmpp_xml_new_elem(name, namespace); builder->root = builder->current; } else if (builder->current != NULL) { /* Parsing is in progress */ rexmpp_xml_t *node = rexmpp_xml_new_elem(name, namespace); node->next = builder->current->alt.elem.children; builder->current->alt.elem.children = node; builder->current = node; } else { /* The parsind is over, but we are receiving these events still. Just free the attribute lists, ignore the rest. */ rexmpp_xml_attribute_free_list(attributes); } builder->current->alt.elem.attributes = attributes; } void rexmpp_xml_parse_sax_end_elem_ns (struct rexmpp_xml_builder *builder) { if (builder->current != builder->root) { /* Find the parent, set it as current element. */ rexmpp_xml_t *parent = builder->root; while (parent->alt.elem.children != builder->current) { parent = parent->alt.elem.children; } builder->current = parent; } else { /* Done parsing this element; reverse all the lists of children. */ builder->current = NULL; rexmpp_xml_reverse_children(builder->root); } } struct rexmpp_xml_parser_handlers builder_sax = { (rexmpp_xml_parser_element_start)rexmpp_xml_parse_sax_start_elem_ns, (rexmpp_xml_parser_element_end)rexmpp_xml_parse_sax_end_elem_ns, (rexmpp_xml_parser_characters)rexmpp_xml_parse_sax_characters }; rexmpp_xml_t *rexmpp_xml_parse (const char *str, int str_len) { struct rexmpp_xml_builder builder = { NULL, NULL }; rexmpp_xml_parser_ctx_t parser = rexmpp_xml_parser_new(&builder_sax, &builder); rexmpp_xml_parser_feed(parser, str, str_len, 1); rexmpp_xml_parser_free(parser); if (builder.current != NULL) { /* The parsing is not complete. */ rexmpp_xml_free(builder.root); return NULL; } return builder.root; } rexmpp_xml_t *rexmpp_xml_read_fd (int fd) { struct rexmpp_xml_builder builder = { NULL, NULL }; rexmpp_xml_parser_ctx_t parser = rexmpp_xml_parser_new(&builder_sax, &builder); if (parser == NULL) { return NULL; } char buf[4096]; ssize_t buf_len = 0; do { buf_len = read(fd, buf, 4096); if (buf_len > 0) { rexmpp_xml_parser_feed(parser, buf, buf_len, 0); } } while (buf_len > 0 && ! (builder.root != NULL && builder.current == NULL) ); rexmpp_xml_parser_free(parser); if (builder.current != NULL) { /* The parsing is not complete. */ rexmpp_xml_free(builder.root); return NULL; } return builder.root; } rexmpp_xml_t *rexmpp_xml_read_file (const char *path) { int fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { return NULL; } rexmpp_xml_t *node = rexmpp_xml_read_fd(fd); close(fd); return node; } #ifndef USE_RUST int rexmpp_xml_write_file (const char *path, rexmpp_xml_t* node) { FILE *fd = fopen(path, "w"); if (fd == NULL) { return -1; } char *serialized = rexmpp_xml_serialize(node, 1); fputs("\n", fd); fputs(serialized, fd); fclose(fd); return 0; } unsigned int rexmpp_xml_siblings_count (rexmpp_xml_t *node) { unsigned int i = 0; for (i = 0; node != NULL; i++) { node = node->next; } return i; } int rexmpp_xml_match (rexmpp_xml_t *node, const char *namespace, const char *name) { if (node == NULL) { return 0; } if (node->type != REXMPP_XML_ELEMENT) { return 0; } if (name != NULL) { if (strcmp(name, node->alt.elem.qname.name) != 0) { return 0; } } if (namespace != NULL) { if (node->alt.elem.qname.namespace == NULL && strcmp(namespace, "jabber:client") != 0) { return 0; } else if (node->alt.elem.qname.namespace != NULL) { if (strcmp(namespace, node->alt.elem.qname.namespace) != 0) { return 0; } } } return 1; } int rexmpp_xml_attr_match (rexmpp_xml_attr_t *attr, const char *namespace, const char *name) { if (attr == NULL) { return 0; } if (name != NULL) { if (strcmp(name, attr->qname.name) != 0) { return 0; } } if (namespace != NULL) { if (attr->qname.namespace == NULL && strcmp(namespace, "jabber:client") != 0) { return 0; } else if (strcmp(namespace, attr->qname.namespace) != 0) { return 0; } } return 1; } int rexmpp_xml_is_stanza (rexmpp_xml_t *node) { return rexmpp_xml_match(node, "jabber:client", "message") || rexmpp_xml_match(node, "jabber:client", "iq") || rexmpp_xml_match(node, "jabber:client", "presence"); } rexmpp_xml_t *rexmpp_xml_error (const char *type, const char *condition) { rexmpp_xml_t * error = rexmpp_xml_new_elem("error", NULL); rexmpp_xml_add_attr(error, "type", type); rexmpp_xml_t * cond = rexmpp_xml_new_elem(condition, "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"); rexmpp_xml_add_child(error, cond); return error; } rexmpp_xml_attr_t * rexmpp_xml_find_attr (rexmpp_xml_t *node, const char *name, const char *namespace) { if (node == NULL || node->type != REXMPP_XML_ELEMENT) { return NULL; } rexmpp_xml_attr_t *attr; for (attr = node->alt.elem.attributes; attr != NULL; attr = attr->next) { if (rexmpp_xml_attr_match(attr, namespace, name)) { return attr; } } return NULL; } const char *rexmpp_xml_find_attr_val_ns (rexmpp_xml_t *node, const char *name, const char *namespace) { rexmpp_xml_attr_t *attr = rexmpp_xml_find_attr(node, name, namespace); if (attr != NULL) { return attr->value; } return NULL; } const char *rexmpp_xml_find_attr_val (rexmpp_xml_t *node, const char *name) { return rexmpp_xml_find_attr_val_ns(node, name, NULL); } rexmpp_xml_t * rexmpp_xml_find_child (rexmpp_xml_t *node, const char *namespace, const char *name) { if (node == NULL || node->type != REXMPP_XML_ELEMENT) { return NULL; } rexmpp_xml_t *child; for (child = node->alt.elem.children; child != NULL; child = child->next) { if (rexmpp_xml_match(child, namespace, name)) { return child; } } return NULL; } int rexmpp_xml_eq (rexmpp_xml_t *n1, rexmpp_xml_t *n2) { /* Just serialize and compare strings for now: awkward, but simple. */ char *n1str = rexmpp_xml_serialize(n1, 0); char *n2str = rexmpp_xml_serialize(n2, 0); int eq = (strcmp(n1str, n2str) == 0); free(n1str); free(n2str); return eq; } rexmpp_xml_t *rexmpp_xml_children (const rexmpp_xml_t *node) { if (node != NULL && node->type == REXMPP_XML_ELEMENT) { return node->alt.elem.children; } return NULL; } rexmpp_xml_t *rexmpp_xml_first_elem_child (rexmpp_xml_t *node) { rexmpp_xml_t *child; for (child = rexmpp_xml_children(node); child != NULL; child = child->next) { if (child->type == REXMPP_XML_ELEMENT) { return child; } } return NULL; } rexmpp_xml_t *rexmpp_xml_next_elem_sibling (rexmpp_xml_t *node) { if (node == NULL) { return NULL; } rexmpp_xml_t *sibling; for (sibling = node->next; sibling != NULL; sibling = sibling->next) { if (sibling->type == REXMPP_XML_ELEMENT) { return sibling; } } return NULL; } char *rexmpp_xml_text (rexmpp_xml_t *node) { if (node != NULL && node->type == REXMPP_XML_TEXT) { return node->alt.text; } return NULL; } char *rexmpp_xml_text_child (rexmpp_xml_t *node) { return rexmpp_xml_text(rexmpp_xml_children(node)); } rexmpp_xml_t *rexmpp_xml_reverse_list (rexmpp_xml_t *node) { rexmpp_xml_t *next, *prev = NULL; while (node != NULL) { next = node->next; node->next = prev; prev = node; node = next; } return prev; } void rexmpp_xml_reverse_children (rexmpp_xml_t *node) { if (node == NULL || node->type != REXMPP_XML_ELEMENT) { return; } node->alt.elem.children = rexmpp_xml_reverse_list(node->alt.elem.children); rexmpp_xml_t *cur; for (cur = node->alt.elem.children; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) { if (cur->type == REXMPP_XML_ELEMENT && cur->alt.elem.children != NULL) { rexmpp_xml_reverse_children(cur); } } } #endif