pancakeA CLI/Emacs web/gopher/file browserdefanor5 years
tlsdA TLS super-serverdefanor6 years
5x15-keyboardA keyboarddefanor3 years
wwwliteA lightweight web browserdefanor4 years
html-wysiwygA minor mode for partial WYSIWYG editing of HTMLdefanor6 years
rexmppA reusable XMPP librarydefanor3 months
rv.elA toy RISC-V emulator for Emacsdefanor4 months
3d.elAn Emacs Lisp 3D graphics playgrounddefanor6 months
homepageAuthoring tools for my homepagedefanor8 weeks
coalpitCommand-line options parsing and printingdefanor3 months
dwproxyDiscworld MUD speedwalking and shopping proxydefanor6 months
redlandRedland RDF library Haskell bindingsdefanor6 years
stampSta{te,ck} machine programming languagedefanor2 months
pgxhtmlXSLT-based PostgreSQL web interfacedefanor5 years
bwchatbasic web chatdefanor3 days
defanor-dotfilesdefanor's dotfilesdefanor5 months