path: root/Coalpit.hs
diff options
authordefanor <>2017-12-02 06:49:58 +0300
committerdefanor <>2017-12-02 06:49:58 +0300
commitc84dbc16bbf683661e8323c68326ee04c8daf2fc (patch)
tree04ab0517a2dbe465ad1f0a158eae9b707fd73655 /Coalpit.hs
parent4beea4536a36322e15665de74c96926f0cf5fe7b (diff)
Use GHC.Generics instead of TH
It's considerably cleaner and simpler with GHC.Generics. Megaparsec is also used now.
Diffstat (limited to 'Coalpit.hs')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/Coalpit.hs b/Coalpit.hs
index f36f581..c1d6380 100644
--- a/Coalpit.hs
+++ b/Coalpit.hs
@@ -1,88 +1,106 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Coalpit where
-import Language.Haskell.TH
-import Data.Char
import Data.List
+import GHC.Generics
+import Text.Megaparsec
+import Text.Megaparsec.Char
+type Parser = Parsec String String
-class Args a where
+args :: ToArgs a => a -> String
+args = intercalate " " . toArgs
+class ArgParser a where
+ argParser :: Parser a
+ default argParser :: (Generic a, GArgParser (Rep a)) => Parser a
+ argParser = to <$> gArgParser
+class GArgParser f where
+ gArgParser :: Parser (f a)
+class ToArgs a where
toArgs :: a -> [String]
- fromArgs :: [String] -> (a, [String])
-instance {-#OVERLAPPING#-} Args String where
- toArgs = pure . show
- fromArgs (x:xs) = (read x, xs)
-instance Args Int where
- toArgs = pure . show
- fromArgs (x:xs) = (read x, xs)
-instance Args Bool where
- toArgs True = ["t"]
- toArgs False = ["f"]
- fromArgs ("t":xs) = (True, xs)
- fromArgs ("f":xs) = (False, xs)
-instance Args a => Args (Maybe a) where
- toArgs Nothing = ["n"]
- toArgs (Just x) = "j" : toArgs x
- fromArgs ("n":xs) = (Nothing, xs)
- fromArgs ("j":xs) = let (y, ys) = fromArgs xs in (Just y, ys)
-instance Args a => Args [a] where
- toArgs = pure . intercalate "," . concatMap toArgs
- fromArgs (arg:args) = (map (fst . fromArgs . pure) $ splitOn ',' arg, args)
-splitOn :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]]
-splitOn sep l = case break (== sep) l of
- (x, []) -> [x]
- (x, _:xs) -> x : splitOn sep xs
-printCon :: Name -> String
-printCon = map toLower . reverse . takeWhile (/= '.') . reverse . show
-printClause :: Con -> Q Clause
-printClause (NormalC cn bts) = do
- let ts = map snd bts
- vars = (map (mkName . ("x_" ++) . show) [1..length ts])
- args = map (\v -> AppE (VarE 'toArgs) (VarE v)) vars
- pure $ Clause [ConP cn (map VarP vars)]
- (NormalB (AppE (VarE 'concat) $ ListE
- (ListE [LitE (StringL $ printCon cn)] : args)))
- []
-parseClause :: Con -> Q Clause
-parseClause (NormalC cn bts) = do
- let ts = map snd bts
- vars = map (mkName . ("x_" ++) . show) [1..length ts]
- vals = map (\x -> mkName (show x ++ "_val")) vars
- fin = (TupE [foldl AppE (ConE cn) (map VarE vals)
- , VarE (mkName $ (if length vars > 0
- then show (last vars)
- else "xs") ++ "_rest")
- ])
- pure $ Clause [InfixP (LitP (StringL $ printCon cn))
- (mkName ":")
- (VarP (mkName "xs_rest"))]
- (NormalB $ foldr parseArg fin (zip (mkName "xs" : vars) vars))
- []
- where
- parseArg :: (Name, Name) -> Exp -> Exp
- parseArg (np, nc) e = LetE
- [ValD (TupP [VarP (mkName (show nc ++ "_val")),
- VarP (mkName (show nc ++ "_rest"))])
- (NormalB $ AppE (VarE 'fromArgs) (VarE (mkName (show np ++ "_rest"))))
- []]
- e
-deriveArgs :: Name -> Q [Dec]
-deriveArgs ty = do
- let var = mkName "x"
- (TyConI d@(DataD _ nm tyVars mk cs _)) <- reify ty
- to <- mapM printClause cs
- from <- mapM parseClause cs
- pure [InstanceD Nothing [] (AppT (ConT ''Args) (ConT ty))
- [FunD 'toArgs to, FunD 'fromArgs from]]
+ default toArgs :: (Generic a, GToArgs (Rep a)) => a -> [String]
+ toArgs a = gToArgs (from a)
+class GToArgs f where
+ gToArgs :: f a -> [String]
+instance GArgParser U1 where
+ gArgParser = pure U1
+instance GToArgs U1 where
+ gToArgs U1 = []
+instance (GArgParser a, GArgParser b) => GArgParser (a :*: b) where
+ gArgParser = (:*:) <$> gArgParser <* space <*> gArgParser
+instance (GToArgs a, GToArgs b) => GToArgs (a :*: b) where
+ gToArgs (a :*: b) = gToArgs a ++ gToArgs b
+instance (GArgParser a, GArgParser b) => GArgParser (a :+: b) where
+ gArgParser = L1 <$> gArgParser <|> R1 <$> gArgParser
+instance (GToArgs a, GToArgs b) => GToArgs (a :+: b) where
+ gToArgs c@(L1 x) = gToArgs x
+ gToArgs c@(R1 x) = gToArgs x
+instance (GArgParser a, Selector c) => GArgParser (S1 c a) where
+ gArgParser = M1 <$> do
+ let sname = case selName (undefined :: S1 c a f) of
+ "" -> pure ()
+ name -> string ("--" ++ name) *> space
+ sname *> gArgParser
+-- record selectors
+instance (GToArgs a, Selector c) => GToArgs (S1 c a) where
+ gToArgs s@(M1 x) = case selName s of
+ "" -> gToArgs x
+ name -> ("--" ++ selName s) : gToArgs x
+instance (GArgParser a, Constructor c) => GArgParser (C1 c a) where
+ gArgParser = string (conName (undefined :: C1 c a f)) *> space *> (M1 <$> gArgParser)
+instance (GToArgs a, Constructor c) => GToArgs (C1 c a) where
+ gToArgs c@(M1 x) = conName c : gToArgs x
+instance (GArgParser a, Datatype c) => GArgParser (D1 c a) where
+ gArgParser = M1 <$> gArgParser
+instance (GToArgs a, Datatype c) => GToArgs (D1 c a) where
+ gToArgs d@(M1 x) = gToArgs x
+instance (ArgParser a) => GArgParser (K1 i a) where
+ gArgParser = K1 <$> argParser
+instance (ToArgs a) => GToArgs (K1 i a) where
+ gToArgs (K1 x) = toArgs x
+instance ArgParser Int where
+ argParser = read <$> some digitChar
+instance ToArgs Int where
+ toArgs i = [show i]
+instance ArgParser String where
+ argParser = char '"' *> manyTill anyChar (char '"')
+instance ToArgs String where
+ toArgs i = [show i]
+instance ArgParser Double where
+ argParser = read <$> some (digitChar <|> char '.')
+instance ToArgs Double where
+ toArgs i = [show i]