# Coalpit Coalpit is a library for building [command-line program interfaces](https://defanor.uberspace.net/notes/command-line-program-interface.html): the goal is to get interfaces between programs quickly and easily, while keeping them language-agnostic and more user- and shell scripting-friendly than JSON and similar formats. Given a type, it derives instances to print and parse it as command-line arguments or DSVs, as well as to compose usage instructions. The resulting deserialization wouldn't be as nice as that of e.g. [optparse-generic](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/optparse-generic), but the aim here is to handle more or less arbitrary types. Warning: it is possible to run into ambiguity by defining a recursive structure with optional named elements while using default options. `omitNamedOptions` can be disabled to avoid that. Not production-ready yet, merely a prototype. ## Example An example is available in `Example.hs`. Given the following Haskell value: ```haskell Input { something = Nothing , fooBar = Just (Foo (FooArgs { arg1 = 1 , arg2 = "a string"})) , fooBar2 = Bar} ``` With the default options, its serialized version should look like this: ```haskell ["--foobar","foo","1","a string","bar"] ``` What would look like this in a shell: ```sh --foobar foo 1 'a string' bar ``` And its usage string -- like this: ``` [--something STRING] [--foobar (foo INT STRING | bar)] (foo INT STRING | bar) ``` More verbose versions can be produced and parsed with `alwaysUseSelName = True` and/or `omitNamedOptions = False`: ```sh --foobar foo --arg1 1 --arg2 'a string' --foobar2 bar nothing just foo 1 'a string' bar --something nothing --foobar just foo --arg1 1 --arg2 'a string' --foobar2 bar ``` And here is output of the `help` function from the same file, with all the (alwaysUseSelName, omitNamedOptions) combinations: ``` (True,True) --foo : 1 : 2 : 3 [] --bar "a string" --foo ([] | : INT ([] | :...)) [--bar STRING] (True,True) --foo : 1 : 2 : 3 [] --foo ([] | : INT ([] | :...)) [--bar STRING] (True,False) --foo : 1 : 2 : 3 [] --bar just "a string" --foo ([] | : INT ([] | :...)) --bar (nothing | just STRING) (True,False) --foo : 1 : 2 : 3 [] --bar nothing --foo ([] | : INT ([] | :...)) --bar (nothing | just STRING) (False,True) : 1 : 2 : 3 [] --bar "a string" ([] | : INT ([] | :...)) [--bar STRING] (False,True) : 1 : 2 : 3 [] ([] | : INT ([] | :...)) [--bar STRING] (False,False) : 1 : 2 : 3 [] just "a string" ([] | : INT ([] | :...)) (nothing | just STRING) (False,False) : 1 : 2 : 3 [] nothing ([] | : INT ([] | :...)) (nothing | just STRING) ```