{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass, RankNTypes #-} import GHC.Generics import Generic.Random import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC import Data.Proxy import Test.Tasty.Travis import Data.Word import Data.Int import Data.Complex import Data.Either import Coalpit data Basic = Basic Int String Double deriving (Generic, Eq, Show, Coalpit) instance Arbitrary Basic where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU data WithLists = WithLists [Int] [String] [Double] deriving (Generic, Eq, Show, Coalpit) instance Arbitrary WithLists where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU data Record = Record { maybeInt :: Maybe Int , maybeDouble :: Maybe Double , str :: String , listOfStrings :: [String] , maybeNonEmptyListOfNumbers :: Maybe [Integer] , otherString :: String } deriving (Generic, Eq, Show, Coalpit) instance Arbitrary Record where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU data Sum = Foo Int Bool | Bar | Baz (Int8, (Complex Float, Word16), Rational) deriving (Generic, Eq, Show, Coalpit) instance Arbitrary Sum where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU data Nested = Nested Record Basic WithLists Sum deriving (Generic, Eq, Show, Coalpit) instance Arbitrary Nested where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU data Polymorphic a b = Polymorphic (Maybe a) (Either a b) deriving (Generic, Eq, Show) instance (Coalpit a, Coalpit b) => Coalpit (Polymorphic a b) instance (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (Polymorphic a b) where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU data Recursive = RecursiveA | RecursiveB Recursive deriving (Generic, Eq, Show, Coalpit) instance Arbitrary Recursive where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU data NestedRecord = NestedRecord { record1 :: Maybe Record , record2 :: Maybe Record , record3 :: Maybe Record } deriving (Generic, Eq, Show, Coalpit) instance Arbitrary NestedRecord where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU data NestedSum = NestedFoo Record | NestedBar Sum Basic Nested | NestedBaz (Polymorphic Char Double) deriving (Generic, Eq, Show, Coalpit) instance Arbitrary NestedSum where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU data RecursiveRecordMaybe = RecursiveRecordMaybe { rrm :: Maybe RecursiveRecordMaybe , record :: Maybe Record , guard :: () } deriving (Generic, Eq, Show, Coalpit) instance Arbitrary RecursiveRecordMaybe where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU data RecursiveRecordMaybe2 = RecursiveRecordMaybe2 { record1' :: Maybe Record , rrm' :: Maybe (Maybe RecursiveRecordMaybe2) , record2' :: Maybe Record , guard' :: () } deriving (Generic, Eq, Show, Coalpit) instance Arbitrary RecursiveRecordMaybe2 where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU data RecordStrings = RecordStrings { s1 :: String , s2 :: String , s3 :: String } deriving (Generic, Eq, Show, Coalpit) instance Arbitrary RecordStrings where arbitrary = genericArbitraryU printAndParse :: (Coalpit a, Eq a) => Options -> Proxy a -> a -> Bool printAndParse opt _ r = Right r == fromArgs opt (toArgs opt r) printAndParseDSV :: (Coalpit a, Eq a) -- It would take a long time to test with [a], so -- just repeating it 0--2 times. => Options -> Proxy a -> (a, Int) -> Bool printAndParseDSV opt _ (x, n) = let xs = (replicate (n `mod` 3) x) in xs == rights (readDSV opt (showDSV opt xs)) variousTypes :: (forall a. (Coalpit a, Eq a, Show a, Arbitrary a) => Proxy a -> String -> TestTree) -> [TestTree] variousTypes f = [ f (Proxy :: Proxy Basic) "Basic" , f (Proxy :: Proxy WithLists) "WithLists" , f (Proxy :: Proxy Record) "Record" , f (Proxy :: Proxy Sum) "Sum" , f (Proxy :: Proxy Nested) "Nested" , f (Proxy :: Proxy (Polymorphic Int Double)) "Polymorphic Int Double" , f (Proxy :: Proxy (Polymorphic Basic Record)) "Polymorphic Basic Record" , f (Proxy :: Proxy (Polymorphic Nested (Polymorphic Basic Sum))) "Polymorphic Nested (Polymorphic Basic Sum)" , f (Proxy :: Proxy Recursive) "Recursive" , f (Proxy :: Proxy NestedRecord) "NestedRecord" , f (Proxy :: Proxy NestedSum) "NestedSum" , f (Proxy :: Proxy RecursiveRecordMaybe) "RecursiveRecordMaybe" , f (Proxy :: Proxy RecursiveRecordMaybe2) "RecursiveRecordMaybe2" , f (Proxy :: Proxy RecordStrings) "RecordStrings" ] variousOptions :: (Options -> [TestTree]) -> [TestTree] variousOptions tt = [ testGroup (concat [ "alwaysUseSelName = ", show ausn , ", omitNamedOptions = ", show ono]) (tt defOpt { alwaysUseSelName = ausn , omitNamedOptions = ono }) | ausn <- [True, False] , ono <- [True, False] ] qcProps :: TestTree qcProps = testGroup "Quickcheck properties" [ testGroup "Right == fromArgs opt . toArgs opt" (variousOptions $ \opt -> variousTypes $ \p n -> QC.testProperty n (printAndParse opt p)) , testGroup "xs == rights (readDSV opt (showDSV opt xs))" (variousOptions $ \opt -> variousTypes $ \p n -> QC.testProperty n (printAndParseDSV opt p)) ] main :: IO () main = travisTestReporter defaultConfig [] qcProps