diff options
3 files changed, 314 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
index 710a3ab..80358dc 100644
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Copyright (c) 2018, defanor
+Copyright (c) 2018-2021, defanor
All rights reserved.
diff --git a/ b/
index 2644f55..fa7c665 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -20,3 +20,9 @@ Debian 11, after installing the compiler and dependencies from system
repositories (`ghc libghc-fgl-dev libghc-unordered-containers-dev
libghc-network-dev libghc-async-dev libghc-attoparsec-dev
libghc-aeson-dev libghc-hdbc-sqlite3-dev`).
+## Python version
+There's a Python version, It runs on Python 3, and doesn't
+have dependencies outside of the Python standard library.
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..99bd15d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+import telnetlib
+import socketserver
+import socket
+import selectors
+import json
+import re
+import sqlite3
+import heapq
+import sys
+import argparse
+import logging
+GMCP = bytes([201])
+sw_cmd = re.compile("^(?:speedwalk(?: +from +(?P<origin>.+?))? to|sw)" +
+ " +(?P<destination>.+?)\r\n$")
+shop_cmd = re.compile("^shop (?P<item>.+?)\r\n$")
+choice_cmd = re.compile("^(?P<choice>\d+?)\r\n$")
+map_names = [
+ "Ankh-Morpork", "AM Assassins", "AM Buildings", "AM Cruets", "AM Docks"
+ , "AM Guilds", "AM Isle of Gods", "Shades Maze", "Temple of Small Gods"
+ , "AM Temples", "AM Thieves", "Unseen University", "AM Warriors"
+ , "Pseudopolis Watch House", "Magpyr's Castle", "Bois", "Bes Pelargic"
+ , "BP Buildings", "BP Estates", "BP Wizards", "Brown Islands"
+ , "Death's Domain", "Djelibeybi", "IIL - DJB Wizards", "Ephebe"
+ , "Ephebe Underdocks", "Genua", "Genua Sewers", "GRFLX Caves"
+ , "Hashishim Caves", "Klatch Region", "Mano Rossa", "Monks of Cool"
+ , "Netherworld", "Pumpkin Town", "Ramtops Regions", "Sto Lat"
+ , "Academy of Artificers", "Cabbage Warehouse", "AoA Library"
+ , "Sto Lat Sewers", "Sprite Caves", "Sto Plains Region"
+ , "Uberwald Region", "UU Library", "Klatchian Farmsteads", "CFT Arena"
+ , "PK Arena", "AM Post Office", "Ninja Guild", "The Travelling Shop"
+ , "Slippery Hollow", "House of Magic - Creel", "Special Areas"
+ , "Skund Wolf Trail"
+rooms = dict()
+exits = dict()
+def map_name(map_id):
+ if map_id < len(map_names):
+ return map_names[map_id]
+ else:
+ return "Unknown"
+def composeGMCPCommand(cmd, data):
+ return telnetlib.IAC + telnetlib.SB + GMCP + \
+ bytes(cmd + ' ' + json.dumps(data), 'ascii') + \
+ telnetlib.IAC + telnetlib.SE
+class TelnetHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
+ def option_cb(self, sock, c, opt):
+ """Keeps track of GMCP data."""
+ if c == telnetlib.WILL and opt == GMCP:
+ logging.debug("Enabling GMCP")
+ sock.sendall(telnetlib.IAC + telnetlib.DO + GMCP +
+ composeGMCPCommand("core.hello",
+ { "client" : "pydwproxy",
+ "version" : "0" }) +
+ composeGMCPCommand("core.supports.set",
+ [ "" ]))
+ else:
+ if opt == telnetlib.NOOPT:
+ opt = b''
+ if c == telnetlib.SE:
+ sb_data =
+ if sb_data.startswith(GMCP):
+ gmcp_cmd, gmcp_sep, gmcp_json = \
+ sb_data.removeprefix(GMCP).partition(b' ')
+ self.gmcp_data[gmcp_cmd.decode('ascii')] = \
+ json.loads(gmcp_json)
+ logging.debug("GMCP command received: %s %s",
+ gmcp_cmd.decode('ascii'),
+ json.loads(gmcp_json))
+ self.request.sendall(sb_data)
+ self.request.sendall(telnetlib.IAC + c + opt)
+ def process_cmd(self, s):
+ """Processes client commands."""
+ # Return at once if we don't have room information
+ if not self.gmcp_data['']['identifier']:
+ return False
+ cur = self.server.dbcur
+ cur_room_id = self.gmcp_data['']['identifier']
+ origin_room = cur_room_id
+ sw_match = sw_cmd.match(s)
+ shop_match = shop_cmd.match(s)
+ choice_match = choice_cmd.match(s)
+ if sw_match:
+ if'origin'):
+ origin_room ='origin')
+ dest_room ='destination')
+ from_rooms = \
+ cur.execute("select room_id from rooms where room_short like ? or room_id = ?",
+ ("%%%s%%" % origin_room, origin_room)).fetchall()
+ to_rooms = \
+ cur.execute("select room_id from rooms where room_short like ? or room_id = ?",
+ ("%%%s%%" % dest_room, dest_room)).fetchall()
+ # Prepare a list of (from, to, path) tuples, sorted by
+ # route length.
+ routes = list()
+ for from_room in from_rooms:
+ routes += \
+ map(lambda x: (from_room[0], x[0], x[1]),
+ find_paths(from_room[0],
+ set(map(lambda x: x[0], to_rooms))).items())
+ routes.sort(key=lambda x: len(x[2]))
+ if len(routes) == 0:
+ self.request.sendall("No routes found\r\n".encode())
+ elif len(routes) == 1:
+ route = routes[0][2]
+ self.request.sendall("One route found, {} steps.\r\n".
+ format(len(route)).encode())
+"alias _speedwalk {}\r\n_speedwalk\r\n".
+ format(";".join(route)).encode())
+ else:
+ self.route_choices = list(map(lambda x: x[2], routes))
+ self.request.sendall("Multiple routes found:\r\n".encode())
+ for i in range(len(routes)):
+ rfrom, rto, rpath = routes[i]
+ if rfrom != cur_room_id:
+ self.request.sendall("From {} ({})\r\n".
+ format(rooms[rfrom][3],
+ map_name(rooms[rfrom][0])).
+ encode())
+ self.request.sendall("[{}] {} ({}): {} steps\r\n".
+ format(i, rooms[rto][3],
+ map_name(rooms[rto][0]),
+ len(rpath)).
+ encode())
+ elif shop_match:
+ item_name ='item')
+ shops = \
+ cur.execute("select room_id, item_name, sale_price " +
+ "from shop_items " +
+ "natural inner join rooms where item_name like ?",
+ ("%%%s%%" % item_name,)).fetchall()
+ if len(shops) == 0:
+ self.request.sendall("No shops found\r\n".encode())
+ else:
+ routes = find_paths(cur_room_id,
+ set(map(lambda x: x[0], shops)))
+ self.route_choices = list()
+ for shop in shops:
+ room = rooms[shop[0]]
+ if shop[0] in routes:
+ choice_str = str(len(self.route_choices))
+ route_str = \
+ ", {} steps away".format(len(routes[shop[0]]))
+ self.route_choices.append(routes[shop[0]])
+ else:
+ choice_str = " "
+ route_str = ""
+ shop_str = "[{}] {} ({}{}): {} for {}\r\n".\
+ format(choice_str, room[3], map_name(room[0]),
+ route_str, shop[1], shop[2])
+ self.request.sendall(shop_str.encode())
+ elif choice_match:
+ choice = int('choice'))
+ if self.route_choices and len(self.route_choices) > choice:
+ route = self.route_choices[choice]
+"alias _speedwalk {}\r\n_speedwalk\r\n".
+ format(";".join(route)).encode())
+ else:
+ self.request.sendall("No such route option found\r\n".encode())
+ else:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def handle(self):
+ """Client connection handling."""
+"A new connection from %s", self.client_address)
+ self.gmcp_data = {"": {"identifier": None}}
+ try:
+ with telnetlib.Telnet(,
+ self.server.args.port) as tn:
+ = tn
+ tn.set_option_negotiation_callback(self.option_cb)
+ with selectors.DefaultSelector() as sel:
+ sel.register(self.request, selectors.EVENT_READ)
+ sel.register(tn, selectors.EVENT_READ)
+ connected = True
+ while connected:
+ events =
+ for key, mask in events:
+ if key.fileobj is self.request:
+ data = self.request.recv(4096)
+ if data == b'':
+ tn.close()
+ connected = False
+ break
+ else:
+ try:
+ input_line = data.decode("utf-8")
+ if not self.process_cmd(input_line):
+ tn.get_socket().sendall(data)
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ tn.get_socket().sendall(data)
+ elif key.fileobj is tn:
+ try:
+ data = tn.read_very_eager()
+ self.request.sendall(data)
+ except EOFError:
+ connected = False
+ break
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Unknown fileobj in an event")
+ finally:
+"Shutting down the %s connection", self.client_address)
+ self.request.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
+ self.request.close()
+def find_paths(source, destinations):
+ """Dijkstra's algorithm with heap queue and multiple destinations"""
+ queue = list()
+ heapq.heapify(queue)
+ found = set()
+ queue_entries = dict()
+ dist = dict()
+ prev = dict()
+ for k in exits:
+ dist[k] = sys.maxsize
+ prev[k] = None
+ entry = [dist[k], k]
+ if k == source:
+ entry = [0, k]
+ queue_entries[k] = entry
+ heapq.heappush(queue, entry)
+ dist[source] = 0
+ while queue:
+ cur = 'removed'
+ while cur == 'removed' and queue:
+ priority, cur = heapq.heappop(queue)
+ if cur in queue_entries:
+ del queue_entries[cur]
+ if not queue:
+ break
+ if cur in destinations:
+ found.add(cur)
+ if found == destinations:
+ break
+ for (exit_to, exit_name) in exits[cur]:
+ if exit_to in queue_entries:
+ if dist[cur] + 1 < dist[exit_to]:
+ dist[exit_to] = dist[cur] + 1
+ prev[exit_to] = (cur, exit_name)
+ # Replace the entry: remove it, then add again
+ entry = queue_entries.pop(exit_to)
+ entry[-1] = 'removed'
+ entry = [dist[exit_to], exit_to]
+ queue_entries[exit_to] = entry
+ heapq.heappush(queue, entry)
+ results = dict()
+ for d in destinations:
+ if prev[d]:
+ results[d] = list()
+ p = prev[d]
+ while p:
+ results[d].append(p[1])
+ p = prev[p[0]]
+ results[d].reverse()
+ return results
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ con = None
+ try:
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run the DW MUD proxy.')
+ parser.add_argument('dbfile', metavar='DB_FILE', type=str, nargs='?',
+ help="a path to the Quow's map database",
+ default="_quowmap_database.db")
+ parser.add_argument('host', metavar='HOST', type=str, nargs='?',
+ help="remote host",
+ default="")
+ parser.add_argument('port', metavar='PORT', type=int, nargs='?',
+ help="remote port", default=23)
+ parser.add_argument('--local-host', metavar='HOST', type=str,
+ help="local host", default="localhost")
+ parser.add_argument('--local-port', metavar='PORT', type=int,
+ help="local port", default=2000)
+ parser.add_argument('--log-level', metavar='LEVEL', type=int,
+ help="log level", default=logging.INFO)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ logging.basicConfig(level=args.log_level)
+ con = sqlite3.connect(args.dbfile)
+ cur = con.cursor()
+ for row in cur.execute("select room_id, map_id, xpos, ypos, room_short, room_type from rooms"):
+ rooms[row[0]] = row[1:]
+ exits[row[0]] = []
+ for row in cur.execute("select room_id, connect_id, exit from room_exits"):
+ exits[row[0]].append((row[1], row[2]))
+ with socketserver.TCPServer((args.local_host, args.local_port),
+ TelnetHandler) as server:
+ server.args = args
+ server.dbcur = cur
+'Listening on %s:%d', args.local_host, args.local_port)
+ server.serve_forever()
+ finally:
+ if con:
+ con.close()