diff options
authordefanor <>2017-12-27 07:17:03 +0300
committerdefanor <>2017-12-27 07:17:03 +0300
commitb2852cb5c6dcfd7b554be4a192387904debc7305 (patch)
parentf5802da979adddf7952cbbc1c6983639c88d6218 (diff)
Add URI-based input completion
Not shared with Emacs yet, just for CLI.
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/Pancake.hs b/Pancake.hs
index a29f921..a5b9418 100644
--- a/Pancake.hs
+++ b/Pancake.hs
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import Data.Default
import Network.URI
import System.Process
import Control.Monad.Writer
-import Control.Monad.State
+import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import System.Console.Terminfo
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ data LoopState = LS { history :: Sliding HistoryEntry
-- | Main event loop's type.
-type Pancake a = forall m. HL.MonadException m => StateT LoopState (HL.InputT m) a
+type Pancake a = forall m. HL.MonadException m => StateT LoopState m a
-- | Renders a parsed document.
printDoc :: URI -> P.Pandoc -> Pancake ()
@@ -371,17 +371,35 @@ command Redisplay = do
-- | Reads commands, runs them with 'command'.
-eventLoop :: Pancake ()
+eventLoop :: forall m. HL.MonadException m => HL.InputT (StateT LoopState m) ()
eventLoop = do
- st <- get
- c <- lift $ HL.handleInterrupt (pure Interrupt) $
+ st <- lift $ get
+ c <- HL.handleInterrupt (pure Interrupt) $
maybe Quit (parseCommand (conf st))
<$> HL.withInterrupt (HL.getInputLine "")
unless (c == Interrupt && interrupted st) $ do
- command c
- modify $ \s -> s { interrupted = c == Interrupt }
+ lift $ command c
+ lift $ modify $ \s -> s { interrupted = c == Interrupt }
when (c /= Quit) eventLoop
+-- | Extracts URI strings from history.
+historyURIs :: Pancake [String]
+historyURIs = do
+ hist <- history <$> get
+ pure $ map ((\u -> uriToString id u "") . hURI) $ fst hist ++ snd hist
+-- | An input completion function.
+complete :: HL.MonadException m => HL.CompletionFunc (StateT LoopState m)
+complete (l, r) = do
+ uriStrings <- historyURIs
+ pure $ complete' (reverse l) r uriStrings
+ where
+ complete' ('*':str) "" us =
+ ("", map (\s -> HL.Completion s s False) $ filter (isInfixOf str) us)
+ complete' str "" us =
+ ("", map (\s -> HL.Completion s s False) $ filter (isPrefixOf str) us)
+ complete' s _ _ = (s, [])
-- | Command-line options.
data Option = OVersion
| OHelp
@@ -423,9 +441,13 @@ main = do
>>= \st -> command (parseCommand (conf st) (unwords cmd))
dir <- getXdgDirectory XdgConfig "pancake"
let hfn = dir </> "command_history"
- _ <- HL.runInputT HL.defaultSettings {HL.historyFile = Just hfn} $
- runStateT
- (updateConfig (findConf opts) >> maybeCommand >> eventLoop)
+ _ <- runStateT
+ (HL.runInputT
+ (HL.setComplete complete HL.defaultSettings)
+ {HL.historyFile = Just hfn}
+ (lift (updateConfig (findConf opts))
+ >> lift maybeCommand
+ >> eventLoop))
LS { history = ([],[])
, position = 0
, rendered = []