path: root/Pancake.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Pancake.hs')
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/Pancake.hs b/Pancake.hs
index c59a6e1..38b6a7d 100644
--- a/Pancake.hs
+++ b/Pancake.hs
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ import Data.Version
import System.Console.GetOpt
import Text.Regex.TDFA
import qualified System.Console.Haskeline as HL
+import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
import Pancake.Common
import Pancake.Configuration
@@ -81,6 +82,7 @@ data LoopState = LS { history :: Sliding HistoryEntry
, interrupted :: Bool
, unclutterRegexps :: [(Regex, String)]
, columns :: Maybe Int
+ , rdfCache :: TVar (M.Map String String)
-- | Main event loop's type.
@@ -111,25 +113,20 @@ updateConfig mp = do
u <- prepareUnclutter c
modify $ \s -> s { conf = c, unclutterRegexps = u }
--- | A wrapper around 'retrieve' that adjusts the URI.
+-- | A wrapper around 'retrieve''.
loadRaw :: URI -> Pancake (URI, Maybe (BS.ByteString, Maybe URI, Maybe String))
loadRaw rawURI = do
st <- get
- let ddg = isInfixOf "/l/?kh=-1&uddg=" $ uriToString id rawURI ""
- adjustedURI = case (ddg, uriIsAbsolute rawURI, history st) of
+ let adjustedURI
-- fix DDG links (that's rather hacky, todo: improve)
- (True, _, _) -> fromMaybe rawURI $
+ | isInfixOf "/l/?kh=-1&uddg=" $ uriToString id rawURI "" =
+ fromMaybe rawURI $
parseAbsoluteURI (unEscapeString $ drop 12 (uriQuery rawURI))
- -- handle relative URIs
- (_, False, (h:_, _)) -> relativeTo rawURI (hURI h)
- _ -> rawURI
- uScheme = case uriScheme adjustedURI of
- [] -> "unknown"
- s -> init s
- cmd = fromMaybe (defaultCommand $ conf st) $
- M.lookup uScheme (commands $ conf st)
- doc <- liftIO $ retrieve cmd adjustedURI
- pure (adjustedURI, doc)
+ | otherwise = rawURI
+ currentURI = case history st of
+ (h:_, _) -> pure (hURI h)
+ _ -> mzero
+ retrieve' (conf st) False currentURI adjustedURI
-- | Decides what to do with a given URI; either returns a document or
-- runs an external viewer. Used by both 'GoTo' and 'Reload'.
@@ -153,7 +150,7 @@ loadDocument sType rawURI = do
case M.lookup ext (externalViewers $ conf st) of
Nothing -> do
uDoc <- tryUnclutter (unclutterRegexps st) effectiveURI rawDoc
- doc <- readDoc uDoc fType effectiveURI
+ doc <- readDoc (conf st) (rdfCache st) uDoc fType effectiveURI
case doc of
Left err -> do
putErrLn $ show err
@@ -246,7 +243,7 @@ command (Save (RURI uri') p) = do
remoteURIStr = uriToString id remoteURI ""
remoteFileName' = takeFileName $ uriPath remoteURI
remoteFileName = if remoteFileName' `elem` [".", "..", ""]
- then map escapeURI remoteURIStr
+ then escapeURI remoteURI
else remoteFileName'
targetFileName = fromMaybe remoteFileName mTargetName
targetPath = targetDir </> targetFileName
@@ -260,10 +257,6 @@ command (Save (RURI uri') p) = do
, encodeSexpStr $ uriToString id uri' ""
, encodeSexpStr targetPath]
putErrLn $ unwords ["Saved", remoteURIStr, "as", targetPath]
- where
- escapeURI c
- | isPathSeparator c = '-'
- | otherwise = c
command (Save (RNumber i) p) = do
st <- get
if length (rLinks $ rendered st) > i
@@ -347,10 +340,7 @@ command ShowCurrent = do
command (Shortcut u q) = command . GoTo Nothing . RURI . fromJust . parseURI $
u ++ escapeURIString isUnreserved q
command (LoadConfig p) = updateConfig p
-command Quit = liftIO $ do
- dir <- getXdgDirectory XdgCache "pancake"
- exists <- doesDirectoryExist dir
- when exists $ removeDirectoryRecursive dir
+command Quit = pure ()
command Interrupt =
putErrLn "Received SIGINT. Interrupt twice in a row to quit."
command (SetWidth w) = modify $ \s -> s { columns = w }
@@ -441,6 +431,7 @@ main = do
>>= \st -> command (parseCommand (conf st) (unwords cmd))
dir <- getXdgDirectory XdgConfig "pancake"
let hfn = dir </> "command_history"
+ rdfc <- newTVarIO M.empty
_ <- runStateT
(HL.setComplete complete HL.defaultSettings)
@@ -457,6 +448,7 @@ main = do
, interrupted = False
, unclutterRegexps = []
, columns = Nothing
+ , rdfCache = rdfc
pure ()