path: root/Pancake/Reading.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Pancake/Reading.hs')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/Pancake/Reading.hs b/Pancake/Reading.hs
index 52b7c28..7d86219 100644
--- a/Pancake/Reading.hs
+++ b/Pancake/Reading.hs
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Document retrieval and parsing.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Pancake.Reading ( retrieve
+ , retrieve'
, readDoc
) where
@@ -49,9 +50,15 @@ import Text.Parsec hiding ((<|>))
import Text.Parsec.ByteString
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Version
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class
+import System.Directory
+import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Plain
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Gopher
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers.RDF
+import Pancake.Configuration
import Pancake.Common
import Paths_pancake
@@ -80,6 +87,46 @@ pWithMeta :: Parser (BS.ByteString, (Maybe URI, Maybe String))
pWithMeta = (,) . BS.pack <$> manyTill anyToken (try $ lookAhead pMeta)
<*> pMeta
+-- | A wrapper around 'retrieve' that adjusts the URI.
+retrieve' :: MonadIO m
+ => Config
+ -- ^ Configuration.
+ -> Bool
+ -- ^ Cache.
+ -> Maybe URI
+ -- ^ Current URI.
+ -> URI
+ -- ^ Target URI.
+ -> m (URI, Maybe (BS.ByteString, Maybe URI, Maybe String))
+retrieve' c cache cu tu' = do
+ let tu = tu' { uriFragment = "" }
+ adjustedURI = case (cu, uriIsAbsolute tu) of
+ (Just cu', False) -> relativeTo tu cu'
+ _ -> tu
+ uScheme = case uriScheme adjustedURI of
+ [] -> "unknown"
+ s -> init s
+ cmd = fromMaybe (defaultCommand c) $ M.lookup uScheme (commands c)
+ doc <- liftIO $ if cache
+ then do
+ cacheDir <- getXdgDirectory XdgCache "pancake"
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True cacheDir
+ let fp = cacheDir </> escapeURI tu
+ exists <- doesFileExist fp
+ if exists
+ then do
+ fc <- BS.readFile fp
+ pure $ Just (fc, Nothing, Nothing)
+ else do
+ d <- retrieve cmd adjustedURI
+ case d of
+ (Just (fc, _, _)) -> BS.writeFile fp fc
+ _ -> pure ()
+ pure d
+ else retrieve cmd adjustedURI
+ pure (adjustedURI, doc)
-- | Retrieves a document. Prints an error message and returns an
-- empty string on failure.
retrieve :: String
@@ -152,16 +199,21 @@ pEmacsMode = do
-- | Parses a document into a Pandoc structure. The parser is chosen
-- depending on the document type (if one is provided) or its URI.
-readDoc :: BS.ByteString
+readDoc :: MonadIO m
+ => Config
+ -- ^ Configuration.
+ -> TVar (M.Map String String)
+ -- ^ RDF cache
+ -> BS.ByteString
-- ^ Raw document data.
-> Maybe String
-- ^ Document type.
-> URI
-- ^ Document URI.
- -> IO (Either P.PandocError P.Pandoc)
+ -> m (Either P.PandocError P.Pandoc)
-- ^ A parsed document.
-readDoc out dt uri = do
- term <- setupTermFromEnv
+readDoc c rdfc out dt uri = do
+ term <- liftIO setupTermFromEnv
let (reader, exts) = either (const plain) id $
maybe (Left "no type suggestions") byExtension dt
<|> case (uriScheme uri, map toLower $ takeExtension $ uriPath uri) of
@@ -185,7 +237,7 @@ readDoc out dt uri = do
(parse pEmacsMode (uriToString id uri "") out)
cols = fromMaybe 80 $ getCapability term termColumns
opts = def { P.readerColumns = cols, P.readerExtensions = exts }
- case reader of
+ liftIO $ case reader of
P.TextReader f -> case decodeUtf8' out of
Left err -> do
putErrLn $ show err
@@ -197,6 +249,8 @@ readDoc out dt uri = do
html = P.getReader "html"
plain = (P.TextReader . const $ readPlain, P.emptyExtensions)
gopher = pure (P.TextReader . const $ readGopher, P.emptyExtensions)
+ rdf = ( P.TextReader . const $ readRDF rdfc uri retrieveRelative
+ , P.emptyExtensions)
byExtension' ext = byExtension $ dropWhile (== '.') ext
byExtension "md" = P.getReader "markdown"
byExtension "htm" = html
@@ -204,4 +258,13 @@ readDoc out dt uri = do
byExtension "tex" = P.getReader "latex"
byExtension "txt" = pure plain
byExtension "plain" = pure plain
+ byExtension "rdf" = pure rdf
+ byExtension "turtle" = pure rdf
byExtension ext = P.getReader ext
+ retrieveRelative u = do
+ x <- retrieve' c True (Just uri) u
+ case x of
+ (_, Just (bs, _, _)) -> case decodeUtf8' bs of
+ Right t -> pure t
+ _ -> fail "Failed to decode as UTF-8"
+ _ -> fail "Failed to retrieve a document"