{- Copyright (C) 2017 defanor This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . -} {- | Description : A CLI web\/gopher browser Maintainer : defanor Stability : unstable Portability : non-portable (uses GHC extensions) A CLI\/Emacs web\/gopher\/file browser inspired by LMB. -} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Main where import qualified Text.Pandoc as P import System.FilePath import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import Data.Default import Network.URI import System.Process import Control.Monad.Writer import Control.Monad.State import Data.Maybe import Data.List import System.Console.Terminfo import System.Environment import qualified Data.Map as M import System.Directory import System.Exit import Control.Exception import Data.Char import System.IO.Error import Control.Applicative import Data.Version import System.Console.GetOpt import System.Posix.Signals import Control.Concurrent import Text.Regex.TDFA import Pancake.Common import Pancake.Configuration import Pancake.Command import Pancake.Reading import Pancake.Rendering import Pancake.Printing import Pancake.Unclutter import Paths_pancake -- | A zipper kind of thing, for scrolling and history traversal. type Sliding a = ([a], [a]) -- | Main event loop's state. data LoopState = LS { history :: Sliding (URI, P.Pandoc) , position :: Int , rendered :: [RendererOutput] , conf :: Config , embedded :: Bool , interrupted :: Bool , unclutterRegexps :: [(Regex, String)] , columns :: Maybe Int } -- | Renders a parsed document. printDoc :: MonadIO m => URI -> P.Pandoc -> StateT LoopState m () printDoc uri doc = do term <- liftIO setupTermFromEnv st <- get let cols = fromMaybe 80 $ columns st <|> getCapability term termColumns l = renderDoc cols (conf st) doc textLines = rLines l modify (\s -> s { rendered = l }) if embedded st then showSexps uri l else do let rows = fromMaybe 25 (getCapability term termLines) - 1 showLines $ if paginate (conf st) then take rows textLines else textLines modify (\s -> s { position = rows }) -- | Updates 'LoopState' with user configuration. updateConfig :: MonadIO m => StateT LoopState m () updateConfig = do c <- loadConfig u <- prepareUnclutter c modify $ \s -> s { conf = c, unclutterRegexps = u } -- | A wrapper around 'retrieve' that adjusts the URI. loadRaw :: MonadIO m => URI -> StateT LoopState m (URI, Maybe (BS.ByteString, Maybe URI, Maybe String)) loadRaw rawURI = do st <- get let ddg = isPrefixOf "/l/?kh=-1&uddg=" $ uriToString id rawURI "" adjustedURI = case (ddg, uriIsAbsolute rawURI, history st) of -- fix DDG links (that's rather hacky, todo: improve) (True, _, _) -> fromMaybe rawURI $ parseAbsoluteURI (unEscapeString $ drop 12 (uriQuery rawURI)) -- handle relative URIs (_, False, ((cur, _):_, _)) -> relativeTo rawURI cur _ -> rawURI uScheme = case uriScheme adjustedURI of [] -> "unknown" s -> init s cmd = fromMaybe (defaultCommand $ conf st) $ M.lookup uScheme (commands $ conf st) doc <- liftIO $ retrieve cmd adjustedURI pure (adjustedURI, doc) -- | Decides what to do with a given URI; either returns a document or -- runs an external viewer. Used by both 'GoTo' and 'Reload'. loadDocument :: MonadIO m => Maybe String -- ^ Document type. -> URI -- ^ Document URI. -> StateT LoopState m (URI, Maybe P.Pandoc) loadDocument sType rawURI = do st <- get (adjustedURI, docData) <- loadRaw rawURI case docData of Nothing -> pure (adjustedURI, mzero) Just (rawDoc, mdURI, mdType) -> liftIO $ do let effectiveURI = fromMaybe adjustedURI mdURI fType = sType <|> mdType ext = case (fType, takeExtension $ uriPath effectiveURI) of (Just x, _) -> x (_, '.':xs) -> map toLower xs (_, other) -> other case M.lookup ext (externalViewers $ conf st) of Nothing -> do uDoc <- tryUnclutter (unclutterRegexps st) effectiveURI rawDoc doc <- readDoc uDoc fType effectiveURI case doc of Left err -> do putErrLn $ show err pure (effectiveURI, mzero) Right r -> pure (effectiveURI, pure r) Just ev -> do dir <- getXdgDirectory XdgCache "pancake" let tmpPath = dir takeFileName (uriPath effectiveURI) handle (\(e :: SomeException) -> putErrLn (concat ["Failed to open `", tmpPath, "` with `" , ev, "`: ", show e])) $ do createDirectoryIfMissing True dir BS.writeFile tmpPath rawDoc curEnv <- getEnvironment ec <- withCreateProcess ((shell ev) { env = Just (("FILE", tmpPath) : curEnv) }) $ \_ _ _ p -> waitForProcess p when (ec /= ExitSuccess) $ putErrLn $ "An error occured. Exit code: " ++ show ec pure (effectiveURI, mzero) -- | Visits an URI, updates history accordingly. goTo :: MonadIO m => Maybe String -> URI -> StateT LoopState m () goTo t u' = do (uri, d) <- loadDocument t u' case d of Nothing -> pure () Just doc -> do printDoc uri doc modify $ \s -> let (prev, _) = history s in s {history = (take (historyDepth $ conf s) $ (uri, doc) : prev, [])} -- | Evaluates user commands. command :: MonadIO m => Command -> StateT LoopState m () command (Save (RURI uri') p) = do (uri, mraw) <- loadRaw uri' st <- get case mraw of Nothing -> pure () Just (raw, euri, _) -> liftIO $ do (targetDir, mTargetName) <- case p of Nothing -> do cacheDir <- getXdgDirectory XdgCache "pancake" pure (cacheDir, Nothing) Just fp -> do exists <- doesDirectoryExist fp pure $ case (exists, takeFileName fp) of (True, _) -> (fp, Nothing) (_, "") -> (fp, Nothing) (False, fn) -> (takeDirectory fp, pure fn) createDirectoryIfMissing True targetDir let remoteURI = fromMaybe uri euri remoteURIStr = uriToString id remoteURI "" remoteFileName' = takeFileName $ uriPath remoteURI remoteFileName = if remoteFileName' `elem` [".", "..", ""] then map escapeURI remoteURIStr else remoteFileName' targetFileName = fromMaybe remoteFileName mTargetName targetPath = targetDir targetFileName e <- try $ BS.writeFile targetPath raw case e of Left (err :: SomeException) -> putErrLn $ unwords ["Failed to write", targetPath ++ ":", show err] Right () -> do when (embedded st) $ putSexpLn [ "saved" , encodeSexpStr $ uriToString id uri' "" , encodeSexpStr targetPath] putErrLn $ unwords ["Saved", remoteURIStr, "as", targetPath] where escapeURI c | isPathSeparator c = '-' | otherwise = c command (Save (RNumber i) p) = do st <- get if length (rLinks $ rendered st) > i then command $ Save (RURI $ rLinks (rendered st) !! i) p else putErrLn "No such link" command (Save RCurrent p) = do st <- get case history st of ((u, _):_, _) -> command $ Save (RURI u) p _ -> pure () command (GoTo t (RURI u@(URI _ _ _ _ ('#':xs)))) = do -- follow an URI first, if it's not just a fragment case u of (URI "" Nothing "" "" _) -> pure () _ -> goTo t u -- get to the fragment st <- get case (lookup xs (rIdentifiers $ rendered st), embedded st) of (Nothing, _) -> putErrLn $ "Unknown identifier: " ++ xs (Just x, False) -> do term <- liftIO setupTermFromEnv let lineCount = fromMaybe 25 (getCapability term termLines) when (x + lineCount - 2 > position st) $ do -- scroll to the given position without skipping anything showLines $ take (x - position st + lineCount - 2) $ drop (position st) (rLines $ rendered st) modify (\s -> s { position = x + lineCount - 2 }) (Just x, True) -> putSexpLn ["goto", show x] command (GoTo t (RURI u)) = goTo t u command (GoTo t (RNumber i)) = do st <- get if length (rLinks $ rendered st) > i then command (GoTo t $ RURI $ rLinks (rendered st) !! i) else putErrLn "No such link" command Back = do st <- get case history st of (cur:p@(uri, d):prev, next) -> do printDoc uri d modify $ \s -> s { history = (p:prev, take (historyDepth $ conf s) $ cur : next) } _ -> putErrLn "There's nothing back there" command Forward = do st <- get case history st of (prev, n@(uri, d):next) -> do printDoc uri d modify $ \s -> s { history = (take (historyDepth $ conf s) $ n : prev, next) } _ -> putErrLn "Nowhere to go" command More = do st <- get unless (embedded st) $ do term <- liftIO setupTermFromEnv let lineCount' = fromMaybe 25 (getCapability term termLines) lineCount = lineCount' - div lineCount' 3 showLines $ take lineCount $ drop (position st) (rLines $ rendered st) modify (\s -> s { position = position st + lineCount }) command (GoTo t RCurrent) = do st <- get case history st of ((u, _):prev, next) -> do (uri, d) <- loadDocument t u case d of Nothing -> pure () Just doc -> do printDoc uri doc modify $ \s -> s { history = ( (u, doc):prev, next ) } _ -> putErrLn "There's nothing to reload" command Help = do st <- get putErrLn $ intercalate "\n" [ "basic commands: [ and ] to go back or forward, ',' to reload" , " or [,] to open a document" ] when (paginate $ conf st) $ putErrLn "RET to scroll" command (Show n) = do st <- get putErrLn $ if length (rLinks $ rendered st) > n then show $ rLinks (rendered st) !! n else "No such link" command ShowCurrent = do st <- get case history st of ((u, _):_, _) -> putErrLn $ show u _ -> pure () command (Shortcut u q) = command . GoTo Nothing . RURI . fromJust . parseURI $ u ++ escapeURIString isUnreserved q command ReloadConfig = updateConfig command Quit = liftIO $ do dir <- getXdgDirectory XdgCache "pancake" exists <- doesDirectoryExist dir when exists $ removeDirectoryRecursive dir command Interrupt = putErrLn "Received SIGINT. Interrupt twice in a row to quit." command (SetWidth w) = modify $ \s -> s { columns = w } -- | Reads commands, runs them. eventLoop :: MonadIO m => StateT LoopState m () eventLoop = do st <- get c <- liftIO $ catches (parseCommand (conf st) <$> getLine) [Handler handleIO, Handler handleAsync] unless (c == Interrupt && interrupted st) $ do command c modify $ \s -> s { interrupted = c == Interrupt } when (c /= Quit) eventLoop where handleIO :: IOException -> IO Command handleIO e = unless (isEOFError e) (putErrLn ("Unexpected error: " ++ show e)) >> pure Quit handleAsync :: AsyncException -> IO Command handleAsync UserInterrupt = pure Interrupt handleAsync other = throw other -- | Command-line options. data Option = OVersion | OHelp | OEmbedded deriving (Show) -- | Command-line option descriptions for 'getOpt'. options :: [OptDescr Option] options = [ Option [] ["version"] (NoArg OVersion) "show version number and exit" , Option [] ["help"] (NoArg OHelp) "show help message and exit" , Option ['e'] ["embedded"] (NoArg OEmbedded) "run in the embedded mode" ] -- | Loads configuration and runs 'eventLoop'. main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs -- A hack to receive SIGINT reliably. tid <- myThreadId _ <- installHandler sigINT (Catch (throwTo tid UserInterrupt)) Nothing let run e = runStateT (updateConfig >> eventLoop) (LS ([],[]) 0 [] def e False [] Nothing) >> pure () case getOpt Permute options args of ([], [], []) -> run False ([OEmbedded], [], []) -> run True ([OVersion], [], []) -> putStrLn $ "pancake " ++ showVersion version _ -> do p <- getProgName putStrLn $ usageInfo ("Usage: " ++ p ++ " [option ...]") options