This is a CLI web/gopher/file browser inspired by [[][Line Mode Browser]]. It combines [[][pandoc]] with external downloaders such as [[][curl]], adding support for Gopher directories and plaintext files, and invoking external applications (e.g., image and PDF viewers) depending on its configuration. User interaction capabilities are rather basic, as it is intended to normally be combined with software that provides better user interfaces -- such as emacs, rlwrap, tmux, screen. * Commands - [q]uit, [b]ack, [f]orward, [h]elp, [re]load config - : follow a link (or open the referenced file) - ?: show link/image URI - ?: show current URI - RET (empty): show the next 2/3 of a page, if pagination is enabled - : follow an URI, possibly relative to the current one - : run a query using a shortcut defined in the configuration (e.g., search) * Sample configuration #+BEGIN_SRC yaml externalViewers: png: xdg-open hs: emacsclient commands: gopher: torify curl "${URI}" ssh: scp "${URI_REGNAME}:${URI_PATH}" /dev/stdout defaultCommand: curl -4 -L "${URI}" shortcuts: ddg: wt: wp: gp: gopher:// vs: gopher:// paginate: true #+END_SRC * Screenshots [[]] [[]] [[]]