# pg×html This is a tool to make custom web interfaces to PostgreSQL databases, using simple and standard technologies: - SQL for querying - XSLT for templating (translation of XML query results into XHTML) - HTML forms for user input - Optional HTTP basic authentication for PostgreSQL authentication URL query parameters are available for use from XSLTs. SQL query templates also can use those, as well as HTML form data submitted with the POST method. Request timeouts are enforced and do cancel DB queries, but otherwise it relies on PostgreSQL for access permissions and security policies, as well as for any business logic that may be needed. It is based on WAI, and can be used with CGI, socket activation, Unix domain sockets, or as a standalone HTTP server. ## Usage ### Invocation See [wai-cli](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/wai-cli) for CLI arguments. The used environment variables are: - `TIMEOUT`: request timeout in seconds, 10 by default. - `XSLT_DIR`: a directory to read XSLT files from, current working directory by default. Regular [libpq environment variables](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-envars.html) are used for database connections. ### Templating URL query parameters are made visible to XSLTs as `xsl:param` parameters. The documents they get applied to are either the results of SQL queries (which are expected to return a single XML document, using `query_to_xml` or similar functions), or error documents (which contain error details) in case of an SQL error. The XSLTs are taken from `XSLT_DIR`, using file name from the URL query, with its extension changed to `xsl`. ### Querying SQL queries provided in the `q` URL query parameter get executed, with some substitutions to handle HTML forms: - `f:` for POST parameters - `q:` for GET parameters - `:fields` for POST parameter names - `:values` for POST parameter values (in the same order as the names) `:fields` and `:values` are unnecessary, but are provided for convenience of insert/upsert operations. SQL queries get tokenized by splitting into words and reassembled afterwards, hence some whitespace separation is needed. ### Authentication Presence of `authorised` in the URL path requires HTTP basic authentication, and the provided credentials are used directly for PostgreSQL authentication. ### Web server This is intended to be used with an HTTP server, which would take care of encryption, compression, static files, redirects, and so on, while pgxhtml only focuses on providing a web interface to a database. ## See also [PostgREST](http://postgrest.org/), "a standalone web server that turns your PostgreSQL database directly into a RESTful API".