path: root/redland.cabal
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-04-29Introduce InitializerMaybe, initializeMaybe, withNewMaybeHEADmasterdefanor
So that it's easier to use it safely: apparently the recently found segfault was caused by improper order of freeing the resources, while withNew/withNewMaybe help to ensure the correct order.
2018-04-22Fix an occasional segfaultdefanor
Not sure why it happens, but calls to raptor_free_uri via finalizers led to segfaults, and it helped to call a finalizer manually from statementToTriple.
2018-02-23Call streamGetObject with withNewdefanor
2018-02-23Increase version to
2018-02-23Add NFData instances for Node and Tripledefanor
2018-02-22Update redland.cabaldefanor
- Elaborate the description - Add bug-reports, source-repository, tested-with.
2018-02-21Initial commitdefanor
The bindings are incomplete, but usable at this point.