{- | Module : Redland.Util Maintainer : defanor Stability : unstable Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions are used) Utility functions based on mid-level bindings. -} module Redland.Util where import Foreign import Control.Monad import Control.DeepSeq import Redland.LowLevel import Redland.MidLevel -- * Hashes -- | Mostly a conversion function. withHash :: ForeignPtr RedlandWorld -> String -> [(String, String)] -> (ForeignPtr RedlandHash -> IO a) -> IO a withHash world factory l f = withNew (redlandHash world factory) $ \hash -> do mapM_ (uncurry (hashPutStrings hash)) l f hash -- * RDF Graph (librdf_model) -- | Wrapper around 'modelFindStatements'. withStatements :: ForeignPtr RedlandWorld -> ForeignPtr RedlandModel -> Triple -> ([Triple] -> IO a) -> IO a withStatements world model t f = withNew (tripleToStatement world t) $ \statement -> withNew (modelFindStatements model statement) $ streamToList >=> f -- * RDF term (librdf_node) data LiteralNodeType = XMLSchema String | LanguageTag String deriving (Ord, Eq, Show) instance NFData LiteralNodeType where rnf (XMLSchema s) = rnf s rnf (LanguageTag s) = rnf s -- | Haskell representation of 'RedlandNode'. data Node = BlankNode String | LiteralNode String (Maybe LiteralNodeType) | ResourceNode String deriving (Ord, Eq, Show) instance NFData Node where rnf (BlankNode s) = rnf s rnf (LiteralNode s t) = rnf s `seq` rnf t rnf (ResourceNode s) = rnf s -- | A conversion function. redlandNodeToNode :: ForeignPtr RedlandNode -> IO Node redlandNodeToNode rn = do isBlank <- nodeIsBlank rn isLiteral <- nodeIsLiteral rn isResource <- nodeIsResource rn case (isBlank, isLiteral, isResource) of (True, _, _) -> BlankNode <$> nodeGetBlankIdentifier rn (_, True, _) -> do litVal <- nodeGetLiteralValue rn litLang <- nodeGetLiteralValueLanguage rn litType <- nodeGetLiteralValueDatatypeURI rn let nType = case (litLang, litType) of (Just l, _) -> Just $ LanguageTag l (_, Just t) -> Just $ XMLSchema t _ -> Nothing pure $ LiteralNode litVal nType _ -> ResourceNode <$> (nodeGetURI rn >>= uriAsString) -- | A conversion function. nodeToRedlandNode :: ForeignPtr RedlandWorld -> Node -> Initializer RedlandNode nodeToRedlandNode world (BlankNode s) = nodeFromBlankIdentifier world (Just s) nodeToRedlandNode world (LiteralNode s (Just (LanguageTag l))) = nodeFromTypedLiteral world s (Just l) Nothing nodeToRedlandNode world (LiteralNode s (Just (XMLSchema uri))) = withNew (redlandURI world uri) $ \uri' -> nodeFromTypedLiteral world s Nothing (Just uri') nodeToRedlandNode world (LiteralNode s Nothing) = nodeFromTypedLiteral world s Nothing Nothing nodeToRedlandNode world (ResourceNode s) = withNew (redlandURI world s) $ nodeFromURI world -- * Parsers -- | Guesses a parser name, and applies it. guessingParseStringIntoModel :: ForeignPtr RedlandWorld -> ForeignPtr RedlandModel -> ForeignPtr RedlandURI -- ^ base URI -> String -- ^ string to parse -> IO () guessingParseStringIntoModel world model uri str = do parserName <- parserGuessName2 world Nothing (Just str) Nothing withNew (redlandParser world parserName Nothing Nothing) $ \p -> parseStringIntoModel p str uri model -- * Querying -- | Querying helper. withQuery :: ForeignPtr RedlandWorld -> ForeignPtr RedlandModel -> String -- ^ query language -> String -- ^ query string -> Maybe (ForeignPtr RedlandURI) -- ^ base URI -> (QueryResults -> IO a) -> IO a withQuery world model ql qs bURI f = withNew (redlandQuery world ql Nothing qs bURI) $ \query -> withNew (modelQueryExecute model query) $ queryResultsToList >=> f -- * Query results type QueryResults = [[(String, Node)]] -- | A conversion function. queryResultsToList :: ForeignPtr RedlandQueryResults -> IO QueryResults queryResultsToList qr = do done <- queryResultsFinished qr if done then pure [] else do bindingCnt <- queryResultsGetBindingsCount qr bindings <- mapM readBinding [0..bindingCnt - 1] next <- queryResultsNext qr rest <- if next then queryResultsToList qr else pure [] pure (bindings : rest) where readBinding :: Int -> IO (String, Node) readBinding n = do name <- queryResultsGetBindingName qr n val <- queryResultsGetBindingValue qr n >>= redlandNodeToNode pure (name, val) -- * RDF Triple (librdf_statement) -- | Haskell representation of 'RedlandStatement'. data Triple = Triple { subject :: Maybe Node , predicate :: Maybe Node , object :: Maybe Node } deriving (Ord, Eq, Show) instance NFData Triple where rnf (Triple s p o) = rnf s `seq` rnf p `seq` rnf o -- | A conversion function. statementToTriple :: ForeignPtr RedlandStatement -> IO Triple statementToTriple statement = do s <- componentToTriple statementGetSubject p <- componentToTriple statementGetPredicate o <- componentToTriple statementGetObject pure $ Triple s p o where componentToTriple :: (ForeignPtr RedlandStatement -> IO (Maybe (ForeignPtr RedlandNode))) -> IO (Maybe Node) componentToTriple f = do c <- f statement case c of Just c' -> Just <$> redlandNodeToNode c' Nothing -> pure Nothing -- | A conversion function. tripleToStatement :: ForeignPtr RedlandWorld -> Triple -> Initializer RedlandStatement tripleToStatement world (Triple s p o) = do statement <- redlandStatement world let maybeSet f mn = case mn of Just n -> withNew (nodeToRedlandNode world n) $ \n' -> f statement (Just n') Nothing -> pure () maybeSet statementSetSubject s maybeSet statementSetPredicate p maybeSet statementSetObject o pure statement -- * Stream of triples (librdf_statement) -- | A conversion function. streamToList :: ForeignPtr RedlandStream -> IO [Triple] streamToList stream = do done <- streamEnd stream if done then pure [] else do triple <- streamGetObject stream >>= statementToTriple next <- streamNext stream rest <- if next then streamToList stream else pure [] pure (triple : rest) -- * Other -- | Initializes world, storage, model, and base URI at once. withWSMU :: String -- ^ storage factory -> [(String, String)] -- ^ storage options -> String -- ^ storage identifier -> String -- ^ model options -> String -- ^ base URI -> (ForeignPtr RedlandWorld -> ForeignPtr RedlandStorage -> ForeignPtr RedlandModel -> ForeignPtr RedlandURI -> IO a) -> IO a withWSMU sFactory sOpt sIdent mOpt bURI f = withNew redlandWorld $ \world -> withHash world "memory" sOpt $ \sOpt' -> withNew (redlandStorageWithOptions world sFactory sIdent sOpt') $ \storage -> withNew (redlandModel world storage mOpt) $ \model -> withNew (redlandURI world bURI) $ \uri -> f world storage model uri