#include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* A logger callback. This one just prints all the logs into stderr. */ void my_logger (rexmpp_t *s, int priority, const char *fmt, va_list args) { char *priority_str = "unknown"; switch (priority) { case LOG_EMERG: priority_str = "emerg"; break; case LOG_ALERT: priority_str = "alert"; break; case LOG_CRIT: priority_str = "crit"; break; case LOG_ERR: priority_str = "err"; break; case LOG_WARNING: priority_str = "warning"; break; case LOG_NOTICE: priority_str = "notice"; break; case LOG_INFO: priority_str = "info"; break; case LOG_DEBUG: priority_str = "debug"; break; } fprintf(stderr, "[%s] ", priority_str); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } /* A SASL property callback, used to retrieve credentials. This one just asks user for a password and provides AUTHID based on the initial JID. */ int my_sasl_property_cb (rexmpp_t *s, Gsasl_property prop) { if (prop == GSASL_PASSWORD) { char buf[4096]; printf("password: "); gets(buf); gsasl_property_set (s->sasl_session, GSASL_PASSWORD, buf); return GSASL_OK; } if (prop == GSASL_AUTHID) { gsasl_property_set (s->sasl_session, GSASL_AUTHID, s->initial_jid.local); return GSASL_OK; } printf("unhandled gsasl property: %d\n", prop); return GSASL_NO_CALLBACK; } /* An XML in callback, printing what was received. */ int my_xml_in_cb (rexmpp_t *s, xmlNodePtr node) { char *xml_buf = rexmpp_xml_serialize(node); printf("recv: %s\n", xml_buf); free(xml_buf); return 0; } /* An XML out callback, printing what is about to be sent. */ int my_xml_out_cb (rexmpp_t *s, xmlNodePtr node) { char *xml_buf = rexmpp_xml_serialize(node); printf("send: %s\n", xml_buf); free(xml_buf); return 0; } main (int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != 2) { printf("Usage: %s ", argv[0]); return -1; } /* The minimal initialisation: provide an allocated rexmpp_t structure and an initial jid. */ rexmpp_t s; rexmpp_err_t err; err = rexmpp_init(&s, argv[1]); if (err != REXMPP_SUCCESS) { puts("Failed to initialise rexmpp."); return -1; } /* Set the primary callback functions: for logging, SASL, XML in and out. */ s.log_function = my_logger; s.sasl_property_cb = my_sasl_property_cb; s.xml_in_cb = my_xml_in_cb; s.xml_out_cb = my_xml_out_cb; /* Could set a client certificate for SASL EXTERNAL authentication here. */ /* gnutls_certificate_set_x509_key_file(s.gnutls_cred, */ /* "cert.pem", */ /* "key.pem", */ /* GNUTLS_X509_FMT_PEM); */ /* Could also set various other things manually. */ /* s.socks_host = ""; */ /* s.socks_port = 4321; */ /* s.manual_host = "foo.custom"; */ /* gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust_file(s.gnutls_cred, */ /* "foo.custom.crt", */ /* GNUTLS_X509_FMT_PEM); */ s.roster_cache_file = "roster.xml"; /* Once the main structure is initialised and everything is sufficiently configured, we are ready to run the main loop and call rexmpp from it. */ fd_set read_fds, write_fds; int nfds; struct timeval tv; struct timeval *mtv; int n = 0; do { /* Check if we have some user input. */ if (n > 0 && FD_ISSET(STDIN_FILENO, &read_fds)) { char input[4097]; ssize_t input_len; input_len = read(STDIN_FILENO, input, 4096); if (input_len == -1) { puts("input error"); } else { input[input_len - 1] = '\0'; if (strlen(input) != 0) { if (input[0] == '<') { /* Raw XML input. */ xmlDocPtr doc = xmlReadMemory(input, input_len, "", "utf-8", 0); if (doc != NULL) { xmlNodePtr node = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if (node != NULL) { xmlUnlinkNode(node); rexmpp_send(&s, node); } else { puts("No root node"); } xmlFreeDoc(doc); } else { puts("Failed to read a document"); } } else if (strcmp(input, ".") == 0) { /* Exit. */ rexmpp_stop(&s); } else if (strlen(input) == 42 && input[0] == 'k' && input[1] == ' ') { rexmpp_openpgp_publish_key(&s, input + 2); } else { /* A test message for a fixed JID. */ xmlNodePtr msg = rexmpp_xml_add_id(&s, xmlNewNode(NULL, "message")); xmlNewProp(msg, "to", "test2@foo.custom"); xmlNewProp(msg, "type", "chat"); xmlNewTextChild(msg, NULL, "body", input); rexmpp_send(&s, msg); } } } } /* Run a single rexmpp iteration. */ err = rexmpp_run(&s, &read_fds, &write_fds); if (err == REXMPP_SUCCESS) { puts("done"); break; } if (err != REXMPP_E_AGAIN) { puts("error"); break; } /* Could inspect the state here. */ /* printf("res %d / conn %d / tls %d / sasl %d / stream %d / carbons %d\n", */ /* s.resolver_state, */ /* s.tcp_state, */ /* s.tls_state, */ /* s.sasl_state, */ /* s.stream_state, */ /* s.carbons_state); */ /* Ask rexmpp which file descriptors it is interested in, and what the timeouts should be. */ FD_ZERO(&read_fds); FD_ZERO(&write_fds); nfds = rexmpp_fds(&s, &read_fds, &write_fds); mtv = rexmpp_timeout(&s, NULL, (struct timeval*)&tv); /* Add other file descriptors we are interested in, particularly stdin for user input. */ FD_SET(STDIN_FILENO, &read_fds); /* Run select(2) with all those file descriptors and timeouts, waiting for either user input or some rexmpp event to occur. */ n = select(nfds, &read_fds, &write_fds, NULL, mtv); if (n == -1) { printf("select error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); break; } } while (1); /* Deinitialise the rexmpp structure in the end, freeing whatever it allocated. */ rexmpp_done(&s); }