/** @file rexmpp.c @brief rexmpp, a reusable XMPP IM client library. @author defanor @date 2020 @copyright MIT license. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_GPGME #include #endif #include #include "rexmpp.h" #include "rexmpp_tcp.h" #include "rexmpp_socks.h" #include "rexmpp_roster.h" #include "rexmpp_dns.h" #include "rexmpp_jid.h" #include "rexmpp_openpgp.h" #include "rexmpp_console.h" const char *rexmpp_strerror (rexmpp_err_t error) { switch (error) { case REXMPP_SUCCESS: return "No error"; case REXMPP_E_AGAIN: return "An operation is in progress"; case REXMPP_E_SEND_QUEUE_FULL: return "A message can't be queued for sending, because the queue is full"; case REXMPP_E_STANZA_QUEUE_FULL: return "The library can't take responsibility for message delivery because " "XEP-0198 stanza queue is full"; case REXMPP_E_CANCELLED: return "Cancelled by a user"; case REXMPP_E_SEND_BUFFER_EMPTY: return "Attempted to send while send buffer is empty"; case REXMPP_E_SEND_BUFFER_NOT_EMPTY: return "Attempted to start sending while send buffer is not empty"; case REXMPP_E_SASL: return "SASL-related error"; case REXMPP_E_PGP: return "OpenPGP-related error"; case REXMPP_E_TLS: return "TLS-related error"; case REXMPP_E_TCP: return "TCP-related error"; case REXMPP_E_DNS: return "DNS-related error"; case REXMPP_E_XML: return "XML-related error"; case REXMPP_E_JID: return "JID-related error"; case REXMPP_E_MALLOC: return "Memory allocation failure"; case REXMPP_E_ROSTER: return "Roster-related error"; case REXMPP_E_ROSTER_ITEM_NOT_FOUND: return "Roster item is not found"; case REXMPP_E_PARAM: return "An erroneous parameter is supplied"; case REXMPP_E_STREAM: return "A stream error"; case REXMPP_E_OTHER: return "An unspecified error"; default: return "Unknown error"; } } void rexmpp_sax_start_elem_ns (rexmpp_t *s, const char *localname, const char *prefix, const char *URI, int nb_namespaces, const char **namespaces, int nb_attributes, int nb_defaulted, const char **attributes); void rexmpp_sax_end_elem_ns(rexmpp_t *s, const char *localname, const char *prefix, const char *URI); void rexmpp_sax_characters (rexmpp_t *s, const char * ch, int len); void rexmpp_log (rexmpp_t *s, int priority, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; if (s->log_function != NULL) { va_start(args, format); s->log_function (s, priority, format, args); va_end(args); } } char *rexmpp_capabilities_string (rexmpp_t *s, xmlNodePtr info) { /* Assuming the info is sorted already. Would be better to sort it here (todo). */ xmlNodePtr cur; int buf_len = 1024, str_len = 0; char *str = malloc(buf_len); for (cur = info; cur; cur = cur->next) { if (strcmp(cur->name, "identity") == 0) { int cur_len = 5; /* ///< for an empty identity */ /* Collect the properties we'll need. */ char *category = xmlGetProp(cur, "category"); char *type = xmlGetProp(cur, "type"); char *lang = xmlGetProp(cur, "xml:lang"); char *name = xmlGetProp(cur, "name"); /* Calculate the length needed. */ if (category != NULL) { cur_len += strlen(category); } if (type != NULL) { cur_len += strlen(type); } if (lang != NULL) { cur_len += strlen(lang); } if (name != NULL) { cur_len += strlen(name); } /* Reallocate the buffer if necessary. */ if (cur_len > buf_len - str_len) { while (cur_len > buf_len - str_len) { buf_len *= 2; } str = realloc(str, buf_len); } /* Fill the data. */ if (category != NULL) { strcpy(str + str_len, category); str_len += strlen(category); } str[str_len] = '/'; str_len++; if (type != NULL) { strcpy(str + str_len, type); str_len += strlen(type); } str[str_len] = '/'; str_len++; if (lang != NULL) { strcpy(str + str_len, lang); str_len += strlen(lang); } str[str_len] = '/'; str_len++; if (name != NULL) { strcpy(str + str_len, name); str_len += strlen(name); } str[str_len] = '<'; str_len++; /* Free the values. */ if (category != NULL) { free(category); } if (type != NULL) { free(type); } if (lang != NULL) { free(lang); } if (name != NULL) { free(name); } } else if (strcmp(cur->name, "feature") == 0) { char *var = xmlGetProp(cur, "var"); int cur_len = 2 + strlen(var); if (cur_len > buf_len - str_len) { while (cur_len > buf_len - str_len) { buf_len *= 2; } str = realloc(str, buf_len); } strcpy(str + str_len, var); str_len += strlen(var); str[str_len] = '<'; str_len++; free(var); } else { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Unsupported node type in disco info: %s", cur->name); } } str[str_len] = '\0'; return str; } char *rexmpp_capabilities_hash (rexmpp_t *s, xmlNodePtr info) { struct sha1_ctx ctx; sha1_init(&ctx); char hash[SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE]; char *str = rexmpp_capabilities_string(s, info); sha1_update(&ctx, strlen(str), str); sha1_digest(&ctx, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE, hash); char *out = NULL; size_t out_len = 0; gsasl_base64_to(hash, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE, &out, &out_len); return out; } xmlNodePtr rexmpp_find_event (rexmpp_t *s, const char *from, const char *node, xmlNodePtr *prev_event) { xmlNodePtr prev, cur; for (prev = NULL, cur = s->roster_events; cur != NULL; prev = cur, cur = xmlNextElementSibling(cur)) { char *cur_from = xmlGetProp(cur, "from"); if (cur_from == NULL) { continue; } xmlNodePtr cur_event = rexmpp_xml_find_child(cur, "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event", "event"); xmlNodePtr cur_items = rexmpp_xml_find_child(cur_event, "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event", "items"); if (cur_items == NULL) { free(cur_from); continue; } char *cur_node = xmlGetProp(cur_items, "node"); if (cur_node == NULL) { continue; } int match = (strcmp(cur_from, from) == 0 && strcmp(cur_node, node) == 0); free(cur_node); free(cur_from); if (match) { if (prev_event != NULL) { *prev_event = prev; } return cur; } } return NULL; } /* https://docs.modernxmpp.org/client/design/#names */ char *rexmpp_get_name (rexmpp_t *s, const char *jid_str) { struct rexmpp_jid jid; if (rexmpp_jid_parse(jid_str, &jid) != 0) { return NULL; } if (s->manage_roster) { xmlNodePtr roster_item = rexmpp_roster_find_item(s, jid.bare, NULL); if (roster_item) { char *name = xmlGetProp(roster_item, "name"); if (name != NULL) { return name; } } if (s->track_roster_events) { xmlNodePtr elem = rexmpp_find_event(s, jid.bare, "http://jabber.org/protocol/nick", NULL); if (elem != NULL) { xmlNodePtr event = rexmpp_xml_find_child(elem, "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event", "event"); xmlNodePtr items = rexmpp_xml_find_child(event, "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event", "items"); xmlNodePtr item = rexmpp_xml_find_child(items, "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event", "item"); if (item != NULL) { xmlNodePtr nick = rexmpp_xml_find_child(item, "http://jabber.org/protocol/nick", "nick"); if (nick != NULL) { return xmlNodeGetContent(nick); } } } } } if (jid.local[0] != '\0') { return strdup(jid.local); } return strdup(jid.bare); } xmlNodePtr rexmpp_xml_feature (const char *var) { xmlNodePtr feature = xmlNewNode(NULL, "feature"); xmlNewProp(feature, "var", var); return feature; } xmlNodePtr rexmpp_xml_error (const char *type, const char *condition) { xmlNodePtr error = xmlNewNode(NULL, "error"); xmlNewProp(error, "type", type); xmlNodePtr cond = xmlNewNode(NULL, condition); xmlNewNs(cond, "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas", NULL); xmlAddChild(error, cond); return error; } xmlNodePtr rexmpp_disco_info (rexmpp_t *s) { if (s->disco_info != NULL) { return s->disco_info; } xmlNodePtr prev = NULL, cur; /* There must be at least one identity, so filling in somewhat sensible defaults. A basic client may leave them be, while an advanced one would adjust and/or extend them. */ s->disco_info = xmlNewNode(NULL, "identity"); xmlNewProp(s->disco_info, "category", "client"); xmlNewProp(s->disco_info, "type", s->client_type); xmlNewProp(s->disco_info, "name", s->client_name); prev = s->disco_info; cur = rexmpp_xml_feature("http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info"); prev->next = cur; prev = cur; if (s->nick_notifications) { cur = rexmpp_xml_feature("http://jabber.org/protocol/nick+notify"); prev->next = cur; prev = cur; } if (s->autojoin_bookmarked_mucs) { cur = rexmpp_xml_feature("urn:xmpp:bookmarks:1+notify"); prev->next = cur; prev = cur; } if (s->retrieve_openpgp_keys) { cur = rexmpp_xml_feature("urn:xmpp:openpgp:0:public-keys+notify"); prev->next = cur; prev = cur; } cur = rexmpp_xml_feature("urn:xmpp:ping"); prev->next = cur; prev = cur; return s->disco_info; } int rexmpp_sasl_cb (Gsasl *ctx, Gsasl_session *sctx, Gsasl_property prop) { (void)sctx; /* The session should already be in rexmpp_t. */ rexmpp_t *s = gsasl_callback_hook_get(ctx); if (s == NULL || s->sasl_property_cb == NULL) { return GSASL_NO_CALLBACK; } return s->sasl_property_cb(s, prop); } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_init (rexmpp_t *s, const char *jid, log_function_t log_func) { int err; xmlSAXHandler sax = { .initialized = XML_SAX2_MAGIC, .characters = (charactersSAXFunc)rexmpp_sax_characters, .startElementNs = (startElementNsSAX2Func)rexmpp_sax_start_elem_ns, .endElementNs = (endElementNsSAX2Func)rexmpp_sax_end_elem_ns, }; s->tcp_state = REXMPP_TCP_NONE; s->resolver_state = REXMPP_RESOLVER_NONE; s->stream_state = REXMPP_STREAM_NONE; s->tls_state = REXMPP_TLS_INACTIVE; s->sasl_state = REXMPP_SASL_INACTIVE; s->sm_state = REXMPP_SM_INACTIVE; s->carbons_state = REXMPP_CARBONS_INACTIVE; s->manual_host = NULL; s->manual_port = 5222; s->manual_direct_tls = 0; s->disco_node = "rexmpp"; s->socks_host = NULL; s->server_host = NULL; s->enable_carbons = 1; s->enable_service_discovery = 1; s->manage_roster = 1; s->roster_cache_file = NULL; s->track_roster_presence = 1; s->track_roster_events = 1; s->nick_notifications = 1; #ifdef HAVE_GPGME s->retrieve_openpgp_keys = 1; #else s->retrieve_openpgp_keys = 0; #endif s->autojoin_bookmarked_mucs = 1; s->tls_policy = REXMPP_TLS_REQUIRE; s->client_name = PACKAGE_NAME; s->client_type = "console"; s->client_version = PACKAGE_VERSION; s->send_buffer = NULL; s->send_queue = NULL; s->server_srv = NULL; s->server_srv_cur = -1; s->server_srv_tls = NULL; s->server_srv_tls_cur = -1; s->server_socket = -1; s->current_element_root = NULL; s->current_element = NULL; s->input_queue = NULL; s->input_queue_last = NULL; s->stream_features = NULL; s->roster_items = NULL; s->roster_ver = NULL; s->roster_presence = NULL; s->roster_events = NULL; s->stanza_queue = NULL; s->stream_id = NULL; s->active_iq = NULL; s->reconnect_number = 0; s->next_reconnect_time.tv_sec = 0; s->next_reconnect_time.tv_usec = 0; s->initial_jid.full[0] = '\0'; s->assigned_jid.full[0] = '\0'; s->stanza_queue_size = 1024; s->send_queue_size = 1024; s->iq_queue_size = 1024; s->log_function = log_func; s->sasl_property_cb = NULL; s->xml_in_cb = NULL; s->xml_out_cb = NULL; s->roster_modify_cb = NULL; s->console_print_cb = NULL; s->ping_delay = 600; s->ping_requested = 0; s->last_network_activity = 0; s->disco_info = NULL; if (jid == NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_CRIT, "No initial JID is provided."); return REXMPP_E_JID; } if (rexmpp_jid_parse(jid, &(s->initial_jid))) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_CRIT, "Failed to parse the initial JID."); return REXMPP_E_JID; } if (! rexmpp_jid_check(&s->initial_jid)) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_CRIT, "An invalid initial JID is provided."); return REXMPP_E_JID; } s->xml_parser = xmlCreatePushParserCtxt(&sax, s, "", 0, NULL); if (s->xml_parser == NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_CRIT, "Failed to create an XML parser context."); return REXMPP_E_XML; } if (rexmpp_dns_ctx_init(s)) { xmlFreeParserCtxt(s->xml_parser); return REXMPP_E_DNS; } if (rexmpp_tls_init(s)) { rexmpp_dns_ctx_deinit(s); xmlFreeParserCtxt(s->xml_parser); return REXMPP_E_TLS; } err = gsasl_init(&(s->sasl_ctx)); if (err) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_CRIT, "gsasl initialisation error: %s", gsasl_strerror(err)); rexmpp_tls_deinit(s); rexmpp_dns_ctx_deinit(s); xmlFreeParserCtxt(s->xml_parser); return REXMPP_E_SASL; } gsasl_callback_hook_set(s->sasl_ctx, s); gsasl_callback_set(s->sasl_ctx, rexmpp_sasl_cb); #ifdef HAVE_GPGME gpgme_check_version(NULL); err = gpgme_new(&(s->pgp_ctx)); if (gpg_err_code(err) != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_CRIT, "gpgme initialisation error: %s", gpgme_strerror(err)); gsasl_done(s->sasl_ctx); rexmpp_tls_deinit(s); rexmpp_dns_ctx_deinit(s); xmlFreeParserCtxt(s->xml_parser); return REXMPP_E_PGP; } #endif return REXMPP_SUCCESS; } /* Prepares for a reconnect: cleans up some things (e.g., SASL and TLS structures), but keeps others (e.g., stanza queue and stream ID, since we may resume the stream afterwards). */ void rexmpp_cleanup (rexmpp_t *s) { rexmpp_tls_cleanup(s); s->tls_state = REXMPP_TLS_INACTIVE; if (s->sasl_state != REXMPP_SASL_INACTIVE) { gsasl_finish(s->sasl_session); s->sasl_session = NULL; s->sasl_state = REXMPP_SASL_INACTIVE; } if (s->tcp_state == REXMPP_TCP_CONNECTING) { int sock = rexmpp_tcp_conn_finish(&s->server_connection); if (sock != -1) { close(sock); } s->tcp_state = REXMPP_TCP_NONE; } if (s->server_socket != -1) { close(s->server_socket); s->server_socket = -1; s->tcp_state = REXMPP_TCP_NONE; } if (s->send_buffer != NULL) { free(s->send_buffer); s->send_buffer = NULL; } if (s->stream_features != NULL) { xmlFreeNode(s->stream_features); s->stream_features = NULL; } if (s->send_queue != NULL) { xmlFreeNodeList(s->send_queue); s->send_queue = NULL; } if (s->current_element_root != NULL) { xmlFreeNode(s->current_element_root); s->current_element_root = NULL; s->current_element = NULL; } if (s->input_queue != NULL) { xmlFreeNodeList(s->input_queue); s->input_queue = NULL; s->input_queue_last = NULL; } if (s->server_srv != NULL) { rexmpp_dns_result_free(s->server_srv); s->server_srv = NULL; s->server_srv_cur = -1; } if (s->server_srv_tls != NULL) { rexmpp_dns_result_free(s->server_srv_tls); s->server_srv_tls = NULL; s->server_srv_tls_cur = -1; } s->sm_state = REXMPP_SM_INACTIVE; s->ping_requested = 0; } /* Frees the things that persist through reconnects. */ void rexmpp_done (rexmpp_t *s) { rexmpp_cleanup(s); #ifdef HAVE_GPGME gpgme_release(s->pgp_ctx); #endif gsasl_done(s->sasl_ctx); rexmpp_tls_deinit(s); rexmpp_dns_ctx_deinit(s); xmlFreeParserCtxt(s->xml_parser); if (s->stream_id != NULL) { free(s->stream_id); s->stream_id = NULL; } if (s->roster_items != NULL) { xmlFreeNodeList(s->roster_items); s->roster_items = NULL; } if (s->roster_presence != NULL) { xmlFreeNodeList(s->roster_presence); s->roster_presence = NULL; } if (s->roster_events != NULL) { xmlFreeNodeList(s->roster_events); s->roster_events = NULL; } if (s->roster_ver != NULL) { free(s->roster_ver); s->roster_ver = NULL; } if (s->disco_info != NULL) { xmlFreeNodeList(s->disco_info); s->disco_info = NULL; } if (s->stanza_queue != NULL) { xmlFreeNodeList(s->stanza_queue); s->stanza_queue = NULL; } while (s->active_iq != NULL) { rexmpp_iq_t *next = s->active_iq->next; xmlFreeNode(s->active_iq->request); free(s->active_iq); s->active_iq = next; } } void rexmpp_schedule_reconnect (rexmpp_t *s) { if (s->stream_state == REXMPP_STREAM_CLOSE_REQUESTED || s->stream_state == REXMPP_STREAM_CLOSING) { /* Don't schedule a reconnect if a reconnect-causing condition happened during closing. */ return; } if (s->reconnect_number == 0) { gsasl_nonce((char*)&s->reconnect_seconds, sizeof(time_t)); if (s->reconnect_seconds < 0) { s->reconnect_seconds = - s->reconnect_seconds; } s->reconnect_seconds %= 60; } time_t seconds = 3600; if (s->reconnect_number <= 12) { seconds = s->reconnect_seconds << s->reconnect_number; } if (seconds > 3600) { seconds = 3600; } gettimeofday(&(s->next_reconnect_time), NULL); s->next_reconnect_time.tv_sec += seconds; rexmpp_log(s, LOG_DEBUG, "Scheduled reconnect number %d, in %d seconds", s->reconnect_number, seconds); s->reconnect_number++; } const char *jid_bare_to_host (const char *jid_bare) { char *jid_host; jid_host = strchr(jid_bare, '@'); if (jid_host != NULL) { return jid_host + 1; } return NULL; } xmlNodePtr rexmpp_xml_add_id (rexmpp_t *s, xmlNodePtr node) { int sasl_err; char buf_raw[18], *buf_base64 = NULL; size_t buf_base64_len = 0; sasl_err = gsasl_nonce(buf_raw, 18); if (sasl_err != GSASL_OK) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Random generation failure: %s", gsasl_strerror(sasl_err)); return NULL; } sasl_err = gsasl_base64_to(buf_raw, 18, &buf_base64, &buf_base64_len); if (sasl_err != GSASL_OK) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Base-64 encoding failure: %s", gsasl_strerror(sasl_err)); return NULL; } xmlNewProp(node, "id", buf_base64); free(buf_base64); return node; } unsigned int rexmpp_xml_siblings_count (xmlNodePtr node) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; node != NULL; i++) { node = xmlNextElementSibling(node); } return i; } int rexmpp_xml_match (xmlNodePtr node, const char *namespace, const char *name) { if (node == NULL) { return 0; } if (name != NULL) { if (strcmp(name, node->name) != 0) { return 0; } } if (namespace != NULL) { if (node->ns == NULL) { if (strcmp(namespace, "jabber:client") != 0) { return 0; } } else { if (strcmp(namespace, node->ns->href) != 0) { return 0; } } } return 1; } xmlNodePtr rexmpp_xml_find_child (xmlNodePtr node, const char *namespace, const char *name) { if (node == NULL) { return NULL; } xmlNodePtr child; for (child = xmlFirstElementChild(node); child != NULL; child = xmlNextElementSibling(child)) { if (rexmpp_xml_match(child, namespace, name)) { return child; } } return NULL; } xmlNodePtr rexmpp_xml_set_delay (rexmpp_t *s, xmlNodePtr node) { if (rexmpp_xml_find_child (node, NULL, "delay")) { return node; } char buf[42]; time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm utc_time; gmtime_r(&t, &utc_time); strftime(buf, 42, "%FT%TZ", &utc_time); xmlNodePtr delay = xmlNewChild(node, NULL, "delay", NULL); xmlNewProp(delay, "stamp", buf); if (s != NULL && s->assigned_jid.full[0]) { xmlNewProp(delay, "from", s->assigned_jid.full); } return node; } xmlNodePtr rexmpp_xml_parse (const char *str, int str_len) { xmlNodePtr elem = NULL; xmlDocPtr doc = xmlReadMemory(str, str_len, "", "utf-8", XML_PARSE_NONET); if (doc != NULL) { elem = xmlCopyNode(xmlDocGetRootElement(doc), 1); xmlFreeDoc(doc); } return elem; } char *rexmpp_xml_serialize (xmlNodePtr node) { xmlBufferPtr buf = xmlBufferCreate(); xmlSaveCtxtPtr ctx = xmlSaveToBuffer(buf, "utf-8", 0); xmlSaveTree(ctx, node); xmlSaveFlush(ctx); xmlSaveClose(ctx); unsigned char *out = xmlBufferDetach(buf); xmlBufferFree(buf); return out; } int rexmpp_xml_is_stanza (xmlNodePtr node) { return rexmpp_xml_match(node, "jabber:client", "message") || rexmpp_xml_match(node, "jabber:client", "iq") || rexmpp_xml_match(node, "jabber:client", "presence"); } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_send_start (rexmpp_t *s, const void *data, size_t data_len) { int sasl_err; if (s->send_buffer != NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_CRIT, "send buffer is not empty: %s", s->send_buffer); return REXMPP_E_SEND_BUFFER_NOT_EMPTY; } if (s->sasl_state == REXMPP_SASL_ACTIVE) { sasl_err = gsasl_encode (s->sasl_session, data, data_len, &(s->send_buffer), &(s->send_buffer_len)); if (sasl_err != GSASL_OK) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "SASL encoding error: %s", gsasl_strerror(sasl_err)); s->sasl_state = REXMPP_SASL_ERROR; return REXMPP_E_SASL; } } else { s->send_buffer = malloc(data_len); if (s->send_buffer == NULL) { return REXMPP_E_MALLOC; } memcpy(s->send_buffer, data, data_len); s->send_buffer_len = data_len; } s->send_buffer_sent = 0; return REXMPP_SUCCESS; } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_send_continue (rexmpp_t *s) { if (s->send_buffer == NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "nothing to send"); return REXMPP_E_SEND_BUFFER_EMPTY; } ssize_t ret; rexmpp_tls_err_t err; int tls_was_active; while (1) { tls_was_active = (s->tls_state == REXMPP_TLS_ACTIVE); if (tls_was_active) { err = rexmpp_tls_send (s, s->send_buffer, s->send_buffer_len, &ret); } else { ret = send (s->server_socket, s->send_buffer + s->send_buffer_sent, s->send_buffer_len - s->send_buffer_sent, 0); } if (ret > 0) { s->last_network_activity = time(NULL); s->send_buffer_sent += ret; if (s->send_buffer_sent == s->send_buffer_len) { free(s->send_buffer); s->send_buffer = NULL; if (s->send_queue != NULL) { xmlNodePtr node = s->send_queue; unsigned char *buf = rexmpp_xml_serialize(node); ret = rexmpp_send_start(s, buf, strlen(buf)); free(buf); if (ret != REXMPP_SUCCESS) { return ret; } s->send_queue = xmlNextElementSibling(s->send_queue); xmlFreeNode(node); } else { return REXMPP_SUCCESS; } } } else { if (tls_was_active) { if (err != REXMPP_TLS_E_AGAIN) { s->tls_state = REXMPP_TLS_ERROR; /* Assume a TCP error for now as well. */ rexmpp_cleanup(s); s->tcp_state = REXMPP_TCP_ERROR; rexmpp_schedule_reconnect(s); return REXMPP_E_TLS; } } else { if (errno != EAGAIN) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "TCP send error: %s", strerror(errno)); rexmpp_cleanup(s); s->tcp_state = REXMPP_TCP_ERROR; rexmpp_schedule_reconnect(s); return REXMPP_E_TCP; } } return REXMPP_E_AGAIN; } } } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_send_raw (rexmpp_t *s, const void *data, size_t data_len) { int ret = rexmpp_send_start(s, data, data_len); if (ret == REXMPP_SUCCESS) { ret = rexmpp_send_continue(s); } return ret; } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_sm_send_req (rexmpp_t *s); rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_send (rexmpp_t *s, xmlNodePtr node) { int need_ack = 0; int ret; if (s->xml_out_cb != NULL && s->xml_out_cb(s, node) == 1) { xmlFreeNode(node); rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "Message sending was cancelled by xml_out_cb."); return REXMPP_E_CANCELLED; } if (rexmpp_xml_siblings_count(s->send_queue) >= s->send_queue_size) { xmlFreeNode(node); rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "The send queue is full, not sending."); return REXMPP_E_SEND_QUEUE_FULL; } rexmpp_console_on_send(s, node); if (rexmpp_xml_is_stanza(node)) { if (s->sm_state == REXMPP_SM_ACTIVE) { if (s->stanzas_out_count - s->stanzas_out_acknowledged >= s->stanza_queue_size) { xmlFreeNode(node); rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "The stanza queue is full, not sending."); return REXMPP_E_STANZA_QUEUE_FULL; } need_ack = 1; xmlNodePtr queued_stanza = rexmpp_xml_set_delay(s, xmlCopyNode(node, 1)); if (s->stanza_queue == NULL) { s->stanza_queue = queued_stanza; } else { xmlNodePtr last = s->stanza_queue; while (xmlNextElementSibling(last) != NULL) { last = xmlNextElementSibling(last); } xmlAddNextSibling(last, queued_stanza); } } if (s->sm_state != REXMPP_SM_INACTIVE) { s->stanzas_out_count++; } } if (s->send_buffer == NULL) { unsigned char *buf = rexmpp_xml_serialize(node); ret = rexmpp_send_raw(s, buf, strlen(buf)); free(buf); xmlFreeNode(node); if (ret != REXMPP_SUCCESS && ret != REXMPP_E_AGAIN) { return ret; } } else { if (s->send_queue == NULL) { s->send_queue = node; } else { xmlNodePtr last = s->send_queue; while (xmlNextElementSibling(last) != NULL) { last = xmlNextElementSibling(last); } xmlAddNextSibling(last, node); } ret = REXMPP_E_AGAIN; } if (need_ack) { return rexmpp_sm_send_req(s); } return ret; } void rexmpp_iq_reply (rexmpp_t *s, xmlNodePtr req, const char *type, xmlNodePtr payload) { xmlNodePtr iq_stanza = xmlNewNode(NULL, "iq"); xmlNewNs(iq_stanza, "jabber:client", NULL); xmlNewProp(iq_stanza, "type", type); char *id = xmlGetProp(req, "id"); if (id != NULL) { xmlNewProp(iq_stanza, "id", id); free(id); } char *to = xmlGetProp(req, "from"); if (to != NULL) { xmlNewProp(iq_stanza, "to", to); free(to); } if (s->assigned_jid.full[0]) { xmlNewProp(iq_stanza, "from", s->assigned_jid.full); } if (payload != NULL) { xmlAddChild(iq_stanza, payload); } rexmpp_send(s, iq_stanza); } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_iq_new (rexmpp_t *s, const char *type, const char *to, xmlNodePtr payload, rexmpp_iq_callback_t cb) { unsigned int i; rexmpp_iq_t *prev = NULL, *last = s->active_iq; for (i = 0; last != NULL && last->next != NULL; i++) { prev = last; last = last->next; } if (i >= s->iq_queue_size && s->iq_queue_size > 0) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "The IQ queue limit is reached, giving up on the oldest IQ."); prev->next = NULL; if (last->cb != NULL) { last->cb(s, last->request, NULL, 0); } xmlFreeNode(last->request); free(last); } xmlNodePtr iq_stanza = rexmpp_xml_add_id(s, xmlNewNode(NULL, "iq")); xmlNewNs(iq_stanza, "jabber:client", NULL); xmlNewProp(iq_stanza, "type", type); if (to != NULL) { xmlNewProp(iq_stanza, "to", to); } if (s->assigned_jid.full[0]) { xmlNewProp(iq_stanza, "from", s->assigned_jid.full); } xmlAddChild(iq_stanza, payload); rexmpp_iq_t *iq = malloc(sizeof(rexmpp_iq_t)); iq->request = xmlCopyNode(iq_stanza, 1); iq->cb = cb; iq->next = s->active_iq; s->active_iq = iq; return rexmpp_send(s, iq_stanza); } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_sm_ack (rexmpp_t *s) { char buf[11]; xmlNodePtr ack = xmlNewNode(NULL, "a"); xmlNewNs(ack, "urn:xmpp:sm:3", NULL); snprintf(buf, 11, "%u", s->stanzas_in_count); xmlNewProp(ack, "h", buf); return rexmpp_send(s, ack); } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_sm_send_req (rexmpp_t *s) { xmlNodePtr ack = xmlNewNode(NULL, "r"); xmlNewNs(ack, "urn:xmpp:sm:3", NULL); return rexmpp_send(s, ack); } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_process_element (rexmpp_t *s, xmlNodePtr elem); rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_recv (rexmpp_t *s) { char chunk_raw[4096], *chunk; ssize_t chunk_raw_len, chunk_len; int sasl_err; rexmpp_tls_err_t recv_err; rexmpp_err_t err = REXMPP_SUCCESS; int tls_was_active; /* Loop here in order to consume data from TLS buffers, which wouldn't show up on select(). */ do { tls_was_active = (s->tls_state == REXMPP_TLS_ACTIVE); if (tls_was_active) { recv_err = rexmpp_tls_recv(s, chunk_raw, 4096, &chunk_raw_len); } else { chunk_raw_len = recv(s->server_socket, chunk_raw, 4096, 0); } if (chunk_raw_len > 0) { s->last_network_activity = time(NULL); if (s->sasl_state == REXMPP_SASL_ACTIVE) { sasl_err = gsasl_decode(s->sasl_session, chunk_raw, chunk_raw_len, &chunk, &chunk_len); if (sasl_err != GSASL_OK) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "SASL decoding error: %s", gsasl_strerror(sasl_err)); s->sasl_state = REXMPP_SASL_ERROR; return REXMPP_E_SASL; } } else { chunk = chunk_raw; chunk_len = chunk_raw_len; } xmlParseChunk(s->xml_parser, chunk, chunk_len, 0); if (chunk != chunk_raw && chunk != NULL) { free(chunk); } chunk = NULL; xmlNodePtr elem; for (elem = s->input_queue; /* Skipping everything after an error. Might be better to process it anyway, but it could lead to more errors if the processing isn't done carefully. */ elem != NULL && (err == REXMPP_SUCCESS || err == REXMPP_E_AGAIN); elem = elem->next) { if (s->xml_in_cb != NULL && s->xml_in_cb(s, elem) != 0) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "Message processing was cancelled by xml_in_cb."); } else { err = rexmpp_process_element(s, elem); } } xmlFreeNodeList(s->input_queue); s->input_queue = NULL; s->input_queue_last = NULL; if (err != REXMPP_SUCCESS && err != REXMPP_E_AGAIN) { return err; } } else if (chunk_raw_len == 0) { if (tls_was_active) { s->tls_state = REXMPP_TLS_CLOSED; rexmpp_log(s, LOG_INFO, "TLS disconnected"); } rexmpp_log(s, LOG_INFO, "TCP disconnected"); rexmpp_cleanup(s); if (s->stream_state == REXMPP_STREAM_READY || s->stream_state == REXMPP_STREAM_ERROR_RECONNECT) { s->tcp_state = REXMPP_TCP_NONE; rexmpp_schedule_reconnect(s); } else { s->tcp_state = REXMPP_TCP_CLOSED; } } else { if (tls_was_active) { if (recv_err != REXMPP_TLS_E_AGAIN) { s->tls_state = REXMPP_TLS_ERROR; /* Assume a TCP error for now as well. */ rexmpp_cleanup(s); s->tcp_state = REXMPP_TCP_ERROR; rexmpp_schedule_reconnect(s); } } else if (errno != EAGAIN) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "TCP recv error: %s", strerror(errno)); rexmpp_cleanup(s); s->tcp_state = REXMPP_TCP_ERROR; rexmpp_schedule_reconnect(s); } } } while (chunk_raw_len > 0 && s->tcp_state == REXMPP_TCP_CONNECTED); return err; } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_stream_open (rexmpp_t *s) { char buf[2048]; snprintf(buf, 2048, "\n" "", s->initial_jid.domain); s->stream_state = REXMPP_STREAM_OPENING; return rexmpp_send_raw(s, buf, strlen(buf)); } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_process_conn_err (rexmpp_t *s, enum rexmpp_tcp_conn_error err); rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_start_connecting (rexmpp_t *s) { if (s->socks_host == NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_DEBUG, "Connecting to %s:%u", s->server_host, s->server_port); return rexmpp_process_conn_err(s, rexmpp_tcp_conn_init(s, &s->server_connection, s->server_host, s->server_port)); } else { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_DEBUG, "Connecting to %s:%u via %s:%u", s->server_host, s->server_port, s->socks_host, s->socks_port); return rexmpp_process_conn_err(s, rexmpp_tcp_conn_init(s, &s->server_connection, s->socks_host, s->socks_port)); } } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_try_next_host (rexmpp_t *s) { rexmpp_dns_result_t *cur_result; int cur_number; /* todo: check priorities and weights */ s->tls_state = REXMPP_TLS_INACTIVE; if (s->server_srv_tls != NULL && s->server_srv_tls_cur == -1) { /* We have xmpps-client records available, but haven't tried any of them yet. */ s->server_srv_tls_cur = 0; cur_result = s->server_srv_tls; cur_number = s->server_srv_tls_cur; s->tls_state = REXMPP_TLS_AWAITING_DIRECT; } else if (s->server_srv_tls_cur != -1 && s->server_srv_tls->data[s->server_srv_tls_cur + 1] != NULL) { /* We have tried some xmpps-client records, but there is more. */ s->server_srv_tls_cur++; cur_result = s->server_srv_tls; cur_number = s->server_srv_tls_cur; s->tls_state = REXMPP_TLS_AWAITING_DIRECT; } else if (s->server_srv != NULL && s->server_srv_cur == -1) { /* Starting with xmpp-client records. */ s->server_srv_cur = 0; cur_result = s->server_srv; cur_number = s->server_srv_cur; } else if (s->server_srv_cur != -1 && s->server_srv->data[s->server_srv_cur + 1] != NULL) { /* Advancing in xmpp-client records. */ s->server_srv_cur++; cur_result = s->server_srv; cur_number = s->server_srv_cur; } else { /* No candidate records left to try. Schedule a reconnect. */ rexmpp_log(s, LOG_DEBUG, "No candidate hosts left to try, scheduling a reconnect"); rexmpp_cleanup(s); rexmpp_schedule_reconnect(s); return REXMPP_E_AGAIN; } s->server_active_srv = (rexmpp_dns_srv_t *)cur_result->data[cur_number]; s->server_host = s->server_active_srv->target; s->server_port = s->server_active_srv->port; return rexmpp_start_connecting(s); } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_process_tls_conn_err (rexmpp_t *s, rexmpp_tls_err_t err) { if (err == REXMPP_TLS_E_OTHER) { s->tls_state = REXMPP_TLS_ERROR; rexmpp_cleanup(s); rexmpp_schedule_reconnect(s); return REXMPP_E_TLS; } else if (err == REXMPP_TLS_SUCCESS) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_DEBUG, "A TLS connection is established"); s->tls_state = REXMPP_TLS_ACTIVE; if (s->stream_state == REXMPP_STREAM_NONE) { /* It's a direct TLS connection, so open a stream after connecting. */ return rexmpp_stream_open(s); } else { /* A STARTTLS connection, restart the stream. */ xmlCtxtResetPush(s->xml_parser, "", 0, "", "utf-8"); return rexmpp_stream_open(s); } } else { s->tls_state = REXMPP_TLS_HANDSHAKE; return REXMPP_E_AGAIN; } } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_connected_to_server (rexmpp_t *s) { s->tcp_state = REXMPP_TCP_CONNECTED; rexmpp_log(s, LOG_INFO, "Connected to the server, the used address record was %s", s->server_socket_dns_secure ? "secure" : "not secure"); s->reconnect_number = 0; xmlCtxtResetPush(s->xml_parser, "", 0, "", "utf-8"); if (s->tls_state == REXMPP_TLS_AWAITING_DIRECT) { return rexmpp_process_tls_conn_err(s, rexmpp_tls_connect(s)); } else { return rexmpp_stream_open(s); } } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_process_socks_err (rexmpp_t *s, enum socks_err err) { if (err == REXMPP_SOCKS_CONNECTED) { return rexmpp_connected_to_server(s); } else if (err != REXMPP_SOCKS_E_AGAIN) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "SOCKS5 connection failed."); s->tcp_state = REXMPP_TCP_CONNECTION_FAILURE; close(s->server_socket); s->server_socket = -1; return rexmpp_try_next_host(s); } return REXMPP_E_AGAIN; } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_process_conn_err (rexmpp_t *s, enum rexmpp_tcp_conn_error err) { s->tcp_state = REXMPP_TCP_CONNECTING; if (err == REXMPP_CONN_DONE) { s->server_socket_dns_secure = s->server_connection.dns_secure; s->server_socket = rexmpp_tcp_conn_finish(&s->server_connection); if (s->socks_host == NULL) { return rexmpp_connected_to_server(s); } else { s->tcp_state = REXMPP_TCP_SOCKS; return rexmpp_process_socks_err(s, rexmpp_socks_init(&s->server_socks_conn, s->server_socket, s->server_host, s->server_port)); } } else if (err != REXMPP_CONN_IN_PROGRESS) { if (err == REXMPP_CONN_ERROR) { s->tcp_state = REXMPP_TCP_NONE; } else { s->tcp_state = REXMPP_TCP_CONNECTION_FAILURE; } rexmpp_tcp_conn_finish(&s->server_connection); return rexmpp_try_next_host(s); } return REXMPP_E_AGAIN; } void rexmpp_srv_cb (rexmpp_t *s, void *ptr, rexmpp_dns_result_t *result) { char *type = ptr; if (result != NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, result->secure ? LOG_DEBUG : LOG_WARNING, "Resolved a %s SRV record (%s)", type, result->secure ? "secure" : "not secure"); if (strncmp("xmpp", type, 5) == 0) { s->server_srv = result; } else { s->server_srv_tls = result; } } if (s->resolver_state == REXMPP_RESOLVER_SRV) { s->resolver_state = REXMPP_RESOLVER_SRV_2; } else if (s->resolver_state == REXMPP_RESOLVER_SRV_2) { s->resolver_state = REXMPP_RESOLVER_READY; } } /* Should be called after reconnect, and after rexmpp_sm_handle_ack in case of resumption. */ rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_resend_stanzas (rexmpp_t *s) { uint32_t i, count; rexmpp_err_t ret = REXMPP_SUCCESS; xmlNodePtr sq; count = s->stanzas_out_count - s->stanzas_out_acknowledged; for (i = 0; i < count && s->stanza_queue != NULL; i++) { sq = xmlNextElementSibling(s->stanza_queue); ret = rexmpp_send(s, s->stanza_queue); if (ret > REXMPP_E_AGAIN) { return ret; } s->stanza_queue = sq; } if (i != count) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "not enough stanzas in the queue: needed %u, had %u", count, i); } /* Don't count these stanzas twice. */ s->stanzas_out_count -= i; return ret; } void rexmpp_sm_handle_ack (rexmpp_t *s, xmlNodePtr elem) { char *h = xmlGetProp(elem, "h"); if (h != NULL) { uint32_t prev_ack = s->stanzas_out_acknowledged; s->stanzas_out_acknowledged = strtoul(h, NULL, 10); xmlFree(h); rexmpp_log(s, LOG_DEBUG, "server acknowledged %u out of %u sent stanzas", s->stanzas_out_acknowledged, s->stanzas_out_count); if (s->stanzas_out_count >= s->stanzas_out_acknowledged) { if (prev_ack <= s->stanzas_out_acknowledged) { uint32_t i; for (i = prev_ack; i < s->stanzas_out_acknowledged; i++) { xmlNodePtr sq = xmlNextElementSibling(s->stanza_queue); xmlFreeNode(s->stanza_queue); s->stanza_queue = sq; } } else { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "the server acknowledged %u stanzas previously, and %u now", prev_ack, s->stanzas_out_acknowledged); } } else { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "the server acknowledged more stanzas than we have sent"); } } else { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "no 'h' attribute in "); } } void rexmpp_carbons_enabled (rexmpp_t *s, xmlNodePtr req, xmlNodePtr response, int success) { (void)req; /* The request is always the same. */ (void)response; /* Only checking whether it's a success. */ if (success) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_INFO, "carbons enabled"); s->carbons_state = REXMPP_CARBONS_ACTIVE; } else { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "failed to enable carbons"); s->carbons_state = REXMPP_CARBONS_INACTIVE; } } void rexmpp_pong (rexmpp_t *s, xmlNodePtr req, xmlNodePtr response, int success) { (void)req; (void)response; (void)success; s->ping_requested = 0; } void rexmpp_iq_discovery_info (rexmpp_t *s, xmlNodePtr req, xmlNodePtr response, int success) { (void)req; if (! success) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Failed to discover features"); return; } xmlNodePtr query = xmlFirstElementChild(response); if (rexmpp_xml_match(query, "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info", "query")) { xmlNodePtr child; for (child = xmlFirstElementChild(query); child != NULL; child = xmlNextElementSibling(child)) { if (rexmpp_xml_match(child, "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info", "feature")) { char *var = xmlGetProp(child, "var"); if (s->enable_carbons && strcmp(var, "urn:xmpp:carbons:2") == 0) { xmlNodePtr carbons_enable = xmlNewNode(NULL, "enable"); xmlNewNs(carbons_enable, "urn:xmpp:carbons:2", NULL); s->carbons_state = REXMPP_CARBONS_NEGOTIATION; rexmpp_iq_new(s, "set", NULL, carbons_enable, rexmpp_carbons_enabled); } free(var); } } } } void rexmpp_stream_is_ready(rexmpp_t *s) { s->stream_state = REXMPP_STREAM_READY; rexmpp_resend_stanzas(s); if (s->enable_service_discovery) { xmlNodePtr disco_query = xmlNewNode(NULL, "query"); xmlNewNs(disco_query, "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info", NULL); rexmpp_iq_new(s, "get", s->initial_jid.domain, disco_query, rexmpp_iq_discovery_info); } if (s->manage_roster) { if (s->roster_cache_file != NULL) { rexmpp_roster_cache_read(s); } xmlNodePtr roster_query = xmlNewNode(NULL, "query"); xmlNewNs(roster_query, "jabber:iq:roster", NULL); if (s->roster_ver != NULL) { xmlNewProp(roster_query, "ver", s->roster_ver); } else { xmlNewProp(roster_query, "ver", ""); } rexmpp_iq_new(s, "get", NULL, roster_query, rexmpp_iq_roster_get); } xmlNodePtr presence = rexmpp_xml_add_id(s, xmlNewNode(NULL, "presence")); char *caps_hash = rexmpp_capabilities_hash(s, rexmpp_disco_info(s)); if (caps_hash != NULL) { xmlNodePtr c = xmlNewNode(NULL, "c"); xmlNewNs(c, "http://jabber.org/protocol/caps", NULL); xmlNewProp(c, "hash", "sha-1"); xmlNewProp(c, "node", s->disco_node); xmlNewProp(c, "ver", caps_hash); xmlAddChild(presence, c); free(caps_hash); } rexmpp_send(s, presence); } /* Resource binding, https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6120#section-7 */ void rexmpp_bound (rexmpp_t *s, xmlNodePtr req, xmlNodePtr response, int success) { (void)req; if (! success) { /* todo: reconnect here? */ rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Resource binding failed."); return; } /* todo: handle errors */ xmlNodePtr child = xmlFirstElementChild(response); if (rexmpp_xml_match(child, "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind", "bind")) { xmlNodePtr jid = xmlFirstElementChild(child); if (rexmpp_xml_match(jid, "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind", "jid")) { char *jid_str = xmlNodeGetContent(jid); rexmpp_log(s, LOG_INFO, "jid: %s", jid_str); rexmpp_jid_parse(jid_str, &(s->assigned_jid)); free(jid_str); } if (s->stream_id == NULL && (child = rexmpp_xml_find_child(s->stream_features, "urn:xmpp:sm:3", "sm"))) { /* Try to resume a stream. */ s->sm_state = REXMPP_SM_NEGOTIATION; s->stream_state = REXMPP_STREAM_SM_FULL; xmlNodePtr sm_enable = xmlNewNode(NULL, "enable"); xmlNewNs(sm_enable, "urn:xmpp:sm:3", NULL); xmlNewProp(sm_enable, "resume", "true"); rexmpp_send(s, sm_enable); s->stanzas_out_count = 0; s->stanzas_out_acknowledged = 0; s->stanzas_in_count = 0; } else { s->sm_state = REXMPP_SM_INACTIVE; rexmpp_stream_is_ready(s); } } } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_stream_bind (rexmpp_t *s) { /* Issue a bind request. */ s->stream_state = REXMPP_STREAM_BIND; xmlNodePtr bind_cmd = xmlNewNode(NULL, "bind"); xmlNewNs(bind_cmd, "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind", NULL); return rexmpp_iq_new(s, "set", NULL, bind_cmd, rexmpp_bound); } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_process_element (rexmpp_t *s, xmlNodePtr elem) { rexmpp_console_on_recv(s, elem); /* Stream negotiation, https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6120#section-4.3 */ if (s->stream_state == REXMPP_STREAM_NEGOTIATION) { if (rexmpp_xml_match(elem, "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams", "features")) { /* Remember features. */ if (s->stream_features != NULL) { xmlFreeNode(s->stream_features); } s->stream_features = xmlCopyNode(elem, 1); /* TODO: check for required features properly here. Currently assuming that STARTTLS, SASL, and BIND (with an exception for SM) are always required if they are present. */ xmlNodePtr starttls = rexmpp_xml_find_child(elem, "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls", "starttls"); xmlNodePtr sasl = rexmpp_xml_find_child(elem, "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl", "mechanisms"); xmlNodePtr bind = rexmpp_xml_find_child(elem, "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind", "bind"); xmlNodePtr sm = rexmpp_xml_find_child(elem, "urn:xmpp:sm:3", "sm"); if (starttls != NULL) { /* Go for TLS, unless we're both trying to avoid it, and have other options. */ if (! (s->tls_policy == REXMPP_TLS_AVOID && (sasl != NULL || bind != NULL || sm != NULL))) { s->stream_state = REXMPP_STREAM_STARTTLS; xmlNodePtr starttls_cmd = xmlNewNode(NULL, "starttls"); xmlNewNs(starttls_cmd, "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls", NULL); rexmpp_send(s, starttls_cmd); return REXMPP_SUCCESS; } } else if (s->tls_policy == REXMPP_TLS_REQUIRE && s->tls_state != REXMPP_TLS_ACTIVE) { /* TLS is required, not established, and there's no such feature available; fail here. */ rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "TLS is required, but the server doesn't advertise such a feature"); return REXMPP_E_TLS; } /* Nothing to negotiate. */ if (xmlFirstElementChild(elem) == NULL) { rexmpp_stream_is_ready(s); return REXMPP_SUCCESS; } if (sasl != NULL) { s->stream_state = REXMPP_STREAM_SASL; s->sasl_state = REXMPP_SASL_NEGOTIATION; char mech_list[2048]; /* todo: perhaps grow it dynamically */ mech_list[0] = '\0'; xmlNodePtr mechanism; for (mechanism = xmlFirstElementChild(sasl); mechanism != NULL; mechanism = xmlNextElementSibling(mechanism)) { if (rexmpp_xml_match(mechanism, "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl", "mechanism")) { char *mech_str = xmlNodeGetContent(mechanism); snprintf(mech_list + strlen(mech_list), 2048 - strlen(mech_list), "%s ", mech_str); free(mech_str); } } const char *mech = gsasl_client_suggest_mechanism(s->sasl_ctx, mech_list); rexmpp_log(s, LOG_INFO, "Selected SASL mechanism: %s", mech); int sasl_err; char *sasl_buf; sasl_err = gsasl_client_start(s->sasl_ctx, mech, &(s->sasl_session)); if (sasl_err != GSASL_OK) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_CRIT, "Failed to initialise SASL session: %s", gsasl_strerror(sasl_err)); s->sasl_state = REXMPP_SASL_ERROR; return REXMPP_E_SASL; } sasl_err = gsasl_step64 (s->sasl_session, "", (char**)&sasl_buf); if (sasl_err != GSASL_OK) { if (sasl_err == GSASL_NEEDS_MORE) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_DEBUG, "SASL needs more data"); } else { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "SASL error: %s", gsasl_strerror(sasl_err)); s->sasl_state = REXMPP_SASL_ERROR; return REXMPP_E_SASL; } } xmlNodePtr auth_cmd = xmlNewNode(NULL, "auth"); xmlNewProp(auth_cmd, "mechanism", mech); xmlNewNs(auth_cmd, "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl", NULL); xmlNodeAddContent(auth_cmd, sasl_buf); free(sasl_buf); rexmpp_send(s, auth_cmd); return REXMPP_SUCCESS; } if (s->stream_id != NULL && sm != NULL) { s->stream_state = REXMPP_STREAM_SM_RESUME; char buf[11]; snprintf(buf, 11, "%u", s->stanzas_in_count); xmlNodePtr sm_resume = xmlNewNode(NULL, "resume"); xmlNewNs(sm_resume, "urn:xmpp:sm:3", NULL); xmlNewProp(sm_resume, "previd", s->stream_id); xmlNewProp(sm_resume, "h", buf); rexmpp_send(s, sm_resume); return REXMPP_SUCCESS; } if (bind != NULL) { return rexmpp_stream_bind(s); } } else { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Expected stream features, received %s", elem->name); return REXMPP_E_STREAM; } } /* IQs. These are the ones that should be processed by the library; if a user-facing application wants to handle them on its own, it should cancel further processing by the library (so we can send errors for unhandled IQs here). */ if (rexmpp_xml_match(elem, "jabber:client", "iq")) { char *type = xmlGetProp(elem, "type"); /* IQ responses. */ if (strcmp(type, "result") == 0 || strcmp(type, "error") == 0) { char *id = xmlGetProp(elem, "id"); rexmpp_iq_t *req = s->active_iq; int found = 0; while (req != NULL && found == 0) { char *req_id = xmlGetProp(req->request, "id"); char *req_to = xmlGetProp(req->request, "to"); char *rep_from = xmlGetProp(elem, "from"); int id_matches = (strcmp(id, req_id) == 0); int jid_matches = 0; if (rep_from == NULL) { jid_matches = 1; } else if (req_to != NULL && rep_from != NULL) { jid_matches = (strcmp(req_to, rep_from) == 0); } if (id_matches && jid_matches) { found = 1; if (req->cb != NULL) { char *iq_type = xmlGetProp(elem, "type"); int success = 0; if (strcmp(type, "result") == 0) { success = 1; } free(iq_type); req->cb(s, req->request, elem, success); } /* Remove the callback from the list, but keep in mind that it could have added more entries. */ if (s->active_iq == req) { s->active_iq = req->next; } else { rexmpp_iq_t *prev_req = s->active_iq; for (prev_req = s->active_iq; prev_req != NULL; prev_req = prev_req->next) { if (prev_req->next == req) { prev_req->next = req->next; break; } } } xmlFreeNode(req->request); free(req); } if (req_to != NULL) { free(req_to); } if (rep_from != NULL) { free(rep_from); } free(req_id); req = req->next; } free(id); } /* IQ "set" requests. */ if (strcmp(type, "set") == 0) { xmlNodePtr query = xmlFirstElementChild(elem); int from_server = 0; char *from = xmlGetProp(elem, "from"); if (from == NULL) { from_server = 1; } else { if (strcmp(from, s->initial_jid.domain) == 0) { from_server = 1; } free(from); } if (from_server && s->manage_roster && rexmpp_xml_match(query, "jabber:iq:roster", "query")) { /* Roster push. */ if (s->roster_ver != NULL) { free(s->roster_ver); } s->roster_ver = xmlGetProp(query, "ver"); rexmpp_modify_roster(s, xmlFirstElementChild(query)); /* todo: check for errors */ rexmpp_iq_reply(s, elem, "result", NULL); if (s->roster_cache_file != NULL) { rexmpp_roster_cache_write(s); } } else { /* An unknown request. */ rexmpp_iq_reply(s, elem, "error", rexmpp_xml_error("cancel", "service-unavailable")); } } /* IQ "get" requests. */ if (strcmp(type, "get") == 0) { xmlNodePtr query = xmlFirstElementChild(elem); if (rexmpp_xml_match(query, "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info", "query")) { char *node = xmlGetProp(query, "node"); char *caps_hash = rexmpp_capabilities_hash(s, rexmpp_disco_info(s)); if (node == NULL || (caps_hash != NULL && s->disco_node != NULL && strlen(node) == strlen(s->disco_node) + 1 + strlen(caps_hash) && strncmp(node, s->disco_node, strlen(s->disco_node)) == 0 && node[strlen(s->disco_node)] == '#' && strcmp(node + strlen(s->disco_node) + 1, caps_hash) == 0)) { xmlNodePtr result = xmlNewNode(NULL, "query"); xmlNewNs(result, "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info", NULL); if (node != NULL) { xmlNewProp(result, "node", node); } xmlAddChild(result, xmlCopyNodeList(rexmpp_disco_info(s))); rexmpp_iq_reply(s, elem, "result", result); } else { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "Service discovery request for an unknown node: %s", node); rexmpp_iq_reply(s, elem, "error", rexmpp_xml_error("cancel", "item-not-found")); } if (caps_hash != NULL) { free(caps_hash); } if (node != NULL) { free(node); } } else if (rexmpp_xml_match(query, "urn:xmpp:ping", "ping")) { rexmpp_iq_reply(s, elem, "result", NULL); } else if (rexmpp_xml_match(query, "jabber:iq:version", "query")) { xmlNodePtr reply = xmlNewNode(NULL, "query"); xmlNewNs(reply, "jabber:iq:version", NULL); xmlNodePtr name = xmlNewNode(NULL, "name"); xmlNodeAddContent(name, s->client_name); xmlAddChild(reply, name); xmlNodePtr version = xmlNewNode(NULL, "version"); xmlNodeAddContent(version, s->client_version); xmlAddChild(reply, version); rexmpp_iq_reply(s, elem, "result", reply); } else { /* An unknown request. */ rexmpp_iq_reply(s, elem, "error", rexmpp_xml_error("cancel", "service-unavailable")); } } free(type); } /* Incoming presence information. */ if (rexmpp_xml_match(elem, "jabber:client", "presence") && s->manage_roster && s->track_roster_presence) { char *from = xmlGetProp(elem, "from"); if (from != NULL) { struct rexmpp_jid from_jid; rexmpp_jid_parse(from, &from_jid); xmlFree(from); if (rexmpp_roster_find_item(s, from_jid.bare, NULL) != NULL) { /* The bare JID is in the roster. */ char *type = xmlGetProp(elem, "type"); xmlNodePtr cur, prev; if (type == NULL || strcmp(type, "unavailable") == 0) { /* Either a new "available" presence or an "unavailable" one: remove the previously stored presence for this JID. */ for (prev = NULL, cur = s->roster_presence; cur != NULL; prev = cur, cur = xmlNextElementSibling(cur)) { char *cur_from = xmlGetProp(cur, "from"); if (strcmp(cur_from, from_jid.full) == 0) { if (prev == NULL) { s->roster_presence = cur->next; } else { prev->next = cur->next; } xmlFreeNode(cur); cur = NULL; } free(cur_from); } } if (type == NULL) { /* An "available" presence: add it. */ xmlNodePtr presence = xmlCopyNode(elem, 1); presence->next = s->roster_presence; s->roster_presence = presence; } else { free(type); } } } } /* Incoming messages. */ if (rexmpp_xml_match(elem, "jabber:client", "message")) { char *from = xmlGetProp(elem, "from"); if (from != NULL) { struct rexmpp_jid from_jid; rexmpp_jid_parse(from, &from_jid); xmlFree(from); if (rexmpp_roster_find_item(s, from_jid.bare, NULL) != NULL || strcmp(from_jid.bare, s->assigned_jid.bare) == 0) { xmlNodePtr event = rexmpp_xml_find_child(elem, "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event", "event"); if (event != NULL && s->manage_roster && s->track_roster_events) { xmlNodePtr items = rexmpp_xml_find_child(event, "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event", "items"); if (items != NULL) { char *node = xmlGetProp(items, "node"); if (node != NULL) { /* Remove the previously stored items for the same sender and node, if any. */ xmlNodePtr prev, cur; cur = rexmpp_find_event(s, from_jid.bare, node, &prev); if (cur) { if (prev == NULL) { s->roster_events = cur->next; } else { prev->next = cur->next; } xmlFreeNode(cur); cur = NULL; } /* Add the new message. */ xmlNodePtr message = xmlCopyNode(elem, 1); message->next = s->roster_events; s->roster_events = message; /* Process the node at once. */ if (s->retrieve_openpgp_keys && strcmp(node, "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0:public-keys") == 0) { rexmpp_openpgp_check_keys(s, from_jid.bare, items); } if (s->autojoin_bookmarked_mucs && strcmp(node, "urn:xmpp:bookmarks:1") == 0 && strcmp(from_jid.bare, s->assigned_jid.bare) == 0) { xmlNodePtr item; for (item = xmlFirstElementChild(items); item != NULL; item = xmlNextElementSibling(item)) { xmlNodePtr conference = rexmpp_xml_find_child(item, "urn:xmpp:bookmarks:1", "conference"); if (conference == NULL) { continue; } char *item_id = xmlGetProp(item, "id"); if (item_id == NULL) { continue; } char *autojoin = xmlGetProp(conference, "autojoin"); if (autojoin == NULL) { free(item_id); continue; } if (strcmp(autojoin, "true") == 0 || strcmp(autojoin, "1") == 0) { xmlNodePtr presence = rexmpp_xml_add_id(s, xmlNewNode(NULL, "presence")); xmlNewProp(presence, "from", s->assigned_jid.full); xmlNodePtr nick = rexmpp_xml_find_child(conference, "urn:xmpp:bookmarks:1", "nick"); char *nick_str; if (nick != NULL) { nick_str = xmlNodeGetContent(nick); } else { nick_str = strdup(s->initial_jid.local); } char *jid = malloc(strlen(item_id) + strlen(nick_str) + 2); sprintf(jid, "%s/%s", item_id, nick_str); free(nick_str); xmlNewProp(presence, "to", jid); free(jid); xmlNodePtr x = xmlNewNode(NULL, "x"); xmlNewNs(x, "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc", NULL); xmlAddChild(presence, x); rexmpp_send(s, presence); } free(item_id); free(autojoin); } } free(node); } } } } } } /* Stream errors, https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6120#section-4.9 */ if (rexmpp_xml_match(elem, "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams", "error")) { if (rexmpp_xml_find_child(elem, "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams", "reset") != NULL || rexmpp_xml_find_child(elem, "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams", "system-shutdown") != NULL) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "Server reset or shutdown."); s->stream_state = REXMPP_STREAM_ERROR_RECONNECT; return REXMPP_E_AGAIN; } else { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Stream error"); s->stream_state = REXMPP_STREAM_ERROR; return REXMPP_E_STREAM; } } /* STARTTLS negotiation, https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6120#section-5 */ if (s->stream_state == REXMPP_STREAM_STARTTLS) { if (rexmpp_xml_match(elem, "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls", "proceed")) { return rexmpp_process_tls_conn_err(s, rexmpp_tls_connect(s)); } else if (rexmpp_xml_match(elem, "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls", "failure")) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "STARTTLS failure"); return REXMPP_E_TLS; } } /* SASL negotiation, https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6120#section-6 */ if (s->stream_state == REXMPP_STREAM_SASL) { char *sasl_buf; int sasl_err; if (rexmpp_xml_match(elem, "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl", "challenge")) { char *challenge = xmlNodeGetContent(elem); sasl_err = gsasl_step64 (s->sasl_session, challenge, (char**)&sasl_buf); free(challenge); if (sasl_err != GSASL_OK) { if (sasl_err == GSASL_NEEDS_MORE) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_DEBUG, "SASL needs more data"); } else { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "SASL error: %s", gsasl_strerror(sasl_err)); s->sasl_state = REXMPP_SASL_ERROR; return REXMPP_E_SASL; } } xmlNodePtr response = xmlNewNode(NULL, "response"); xmlNewNs(response, "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl", NULL); xmlNodeAddContent(response, sasl_buf); free(sasl_buf); return rexmpp_send(s, response); } else if (rexmpp_xml_match(elem, "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl", "success")) { char *success = xmlNodeGetContent(elem); sasl_err = gsasl_step64 (s->sasl_session, success, (char**)&sasl_buf); free(success); free(sasl_buf); if (sasl_err == GSASL_OK) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_DEBUG, "SASL success"); } else { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "SASL error: %s", gsasl_strerror(sasl_err)); s->sasl_state = REXMPP_SASL_ERROR; return REXMPP_E_SASL; } s->sasl_state = REXMPP_SASL_ACTIVE; xmlCtxtResetPush(s->xml_parser, "", 0, "", "utf-8"); return rexmpp_stream_open(s); } else if (rexmpp_xml_match(elem, "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl", "failure")) { /* todo: would be nice to retry here, but just giving up for now */ rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "SASL failure"); return rexmpp_stop(s); } } /* Stream management, https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0198.html */ if (s->stream_state == REXMPP_STREAM_SM_FULL) { if (rexmpp_xml_match(elem, "urn:xmpp:sm:3", "enabled")) { s->sm_state = REXMPP_SM_ACTIVE; char *resume = xmlGetProp(elem, "resume"); if (resume != NULL) { if (s->stream_id != NULL) { free(s->stream_id); } s->stream_id = xmlGetProp(elem, "id"); xmlFree(resume); } rexmpp_stream_is_ready(s); } else if (rexmpp_xml_match(elem, "urn:xmpp:sm:3", "failed")) { s->stream_state = REXMPP_STREAM_SM_ACKS; s->sm_state = REXMPP_SM_NEGOTIATION; xmlNodePtr sm_enable = xmlNewNode(NULL, "enable"); xmlNewNs(sm_enable, "urn:xmpp:sm:3", NULL); rexmpp_send(s, sm_enable); } } else if (s->stream_state == REXMPP_STREAM_SM_ACKS) { if (rexmpp_xml_match(elem, "urn:xmpp:sm:3", "enabled")) { s->sm_state = REXMPP_SM_ACTIVE; if (s->stream_id != NULL) { free(s->stream_id); s->stream_id = NULL; } } else if (rexmpp_xml_match(elem, "urn:xmpp:sm:3", "failed")) { s->sm_state = REXMPP_SM_INACTIVE; xmlNodePtr sm_enable = xmlNewNode(NULL, "enable"); xmlNewNs(sm_enable, "urn:xmpp:sm:3", NULL); rexmpp_send(s, sm_enable); } rexmpp_stream_is_ready(s); } else if (s->stream_state == REXMPP_STREAM_SM_RESUME) { if (rexmpp_xml_match(elem, "urn:xmpp:sm:3", "resumed")) { s->sm_state = REXMPP_SM_ACTIVE; s->stream_state = REXMPP_STREAM_READY; rexmpp_sm_handle_ack(s, elem); rexmpp_resend_stanzas(s); } else if (rexmpp_xml_match(elem, "urn:xmpp:sm:3", "failed")) { /* Back to binding, but cleanup stream state first. */ free(s->stream_id); s->stream_id = NULL; while (s->active_iq != NULL) { /* todo: check that those are not queued for resending? */ rexmpp_iq_t *next = s->active_iq->next; xmlFreeNode(s->active_iq->request); free(s->active_iq); s->active_iq = next; } xmlNodePtr child = rexmpp_xml_find_child(s->stream_features, "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind", "bind"); if (child != NULL) { return rexmpp_stream_bind(s); } } } if (s->sm_state == REXMPP_SM_ACTIVE && rexmpp_xml_is_stanza(elem)) { s->stanzas_in_count++; } if (rexmpp_xml_match(elem, "urn:xmpp:sm:3", "r")) { return rexmpp_sm_ack(s); } else if (rexmpp_xml_match(elem, "urn:xmpp:sm:3", "a")) { rexmpp_sm_handle_ack(s, elem); } return REXMPP_SUCCESS; } void rexmpp_sax_characters (rexmpp_t *s, const char *ch, int len) { if (s->current_element != NULL) { xmlNodeAddContentLen(s->current_element, ch, len); } } void rexmpp_sax_start_elem_ns (rexmpp_t *s, const char *localname, const char *prefix, const char *URI, int nb_namespaces, const char **namespaces, int nb_attributes, int nb_defaulted, const char **attributes) { /* Not checking namespaces beyond URI. */ (void)nb_namespaces; (void)namespaces; (void)nb_defaulted; int i; if (s->stream_state == REXMPP_STREAM_OPENING && strcmp(localname, "stream") == 0 && strcmp(URI, "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams") == 0) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_DEBUG, "stream start"); s->stream_state = REXMPP_STREAM_NEGOTIATION; return; } if (s->stream_state != REXMPP_STREAM_OPENING) { if (s->current_element == NULL) { s->current_element = xmlNewNode(NULL, localname); s->current_element_root = s->current_element; } else { xmlNodePtr node = xmlNewNode(NULL, localname); xmlAddChild(s->current_element, node); s->current_element = node; } xmlNsPtr ns = xmlNewNs(s->current_element, URI, prefix); s->current_element->ns = ns; for (i = 0; i < nb_attributes; i++) { size_t attr_len = attributes[i * 5 + 4] - attributes[i * 5 + 3]; char *attr_val = malloc(attr_len + 1); attr_val[attr_len] = '\0'; strncpy(attr_val, attributes[i * 5 + 3], attr_len); xmlNewProp(s->current_element, attributes[i * 5], attr_val); free(attr_val); } } } void rexmpp_sax_end_elem_ns (rexmpp_t *s, const char *localname, const char *prefix, const char *URI) { (void)prefix; /* Not interested in prefix here. */ if ((s->stream_state == REXMPP_STREAM_CLOSING || s->stream_state == REXMPP_STREAM_ERROR) && strcmp(localname, "stream") == 0 && strcmp(URI, "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams") == 0) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_DEBUG, "stream end"); if (s->sasl_state == REXMPP_SASL_ACTIVE) { gsasl_finish(s->sasl_session); s->sasl_session = NULL; s->sasl_state = REXMPP_SASL_INACTIVE; } s->stream_state = REXMPP_STREAM_CLOSED; if (s->tls_state == REXMPP_TLS_ACTIVE) { s->tls_state = REXMPP_TLS_CLOSING; } else { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_DEBUG, "closing the socket"); close(s->server_socket); s->server_socket = -1; rexmpp_cleanup(s); s->tcp_state = REXMPP_TCP_CLOSED; } return; } if (s->current_element != s->current_element_root) { s->current_element = s->current_element->parent; } else { if (s->input_queue == NULL) { s->input_queue = s->current_element; s->input_queue_last = s->current_element; } else { s->input_queue_last->next = s->current_element; s->input_queue_last = s->current_element; } s->current_element = NULL; s->current_element_root = NULL; } } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_close (rexmpp_t *s) { s->stream_state = REXMPP_STREAM_CLOSING; char *close_stream = ""; return rexmpp_send_raw(s, close_stream, strlen(close_stream)); } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_stop (rexmpp_t *s) { s->stream_state = REXMPP_STREAM_CLOSE_REQUESTED; if (s->stream_state == REXMPP_STREAM_READY) { xmlNodePtr presence = rexmpp_xml_add_id(s, xmlNewNode(NULL, "presence")); xmlNewProp(presence, "type", "unavailable"); rexmpp_send(s, presence); } if (s->sm_state == REXMPP_SM_ACTIVE) { int ret = rexmpp_sm_ack(s); if (ret > REXMPP_E_AGAIN) { return ret; } } if (s->send_buffer == NULL) { return rexmpp_close(s); } else { return REXMPP_E_AGAIN; } } rexmpp_err_t rexmpp_run (rexmpp_t *s, fd_set *read_fds, fd_set *write_fds) { struct timeval now; if (gettimeofday(&now, NULL) != 0) { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_ERR, "Failed to get time: %s", strerror(errno)); return REXMPP_E_OTHER; } /* Inactive: start or reconnect. */ if ((s->resolver_state == REXMPP_RESOLVER_NONE || s->resolver_state == REXMPP_RESOLVER_READY) && (s->tcp_state == REXMPP_TCP_NONE || ((s->tcp_state == REXMPP_TCP_ERROR || s->tcp_state == REXMPP_TCP_CONNECTION_FAILURE) && s->reconnect_number > 0 && s->next_reconnect_time.tv_sec <= now.tv_sec))) { if (s->manual_host == NULL) { /* Start by querying SRV records. */ rexmpp_log(s, LOG_DEBUG, "start (or reconnect)"); size_t srv_query_buf_len = strlen(s->initial_jid.domain) + strlen("_xmpps-client._tcp..") + 1; char *srv_query = malloc(srv_query_buf_len); if (srv_query == NULL) { return REXMPP_E_MALLOC; } s->resolver_state = REXMPP_RESOLVER_SRV; snprintf(srv_query, srv_query_buf_len, "_xmpps-client._tcp.%s.", s->initial_jid.domain); rexmpp_dns_resolve(s, srv_query, 33, 1, "xmpps", rexmpp_srv_cb); snprintf(srv_query, srv_query_buf_len, "_xmpp-client._tcp.%s.", s->initial_jid.domain); rexmpp_dns_resolve(s, srv_query, 33, 1, "xmpp", rexmpp_srv_cb); free(srv_query); } else { /* A host is configured manually, connect there. */ s->server_host = s->manual_host; s->server_port = s->manual_port; if (s->manual_direct_tls) { s->tls_state = REXMPP_TLS_AWAITING_DIRECT; } else { s->tls_state = REXMPP_TLS_INACTIVE; } rexmpp_err_t err = rexmpp_start_connecting(s); if (err > REXMPP_E_AGAIN) { return err; } } } /* Don't try to reconnect if a stream is requested to be closed. */ if (s->tcp_state == REXMPP_TCP_ERROR && (s->stream_state == REXMPP_STREAM_CLOSE_REQUESTED || s->stream_state == REXMPP_STREAM_CLOSING)) { return REXMPP_E_TCP; } /* Resolving SRV records. This continues in rexmpp_srv_tls_cb, rexmpp_srv_cb. */ if (s->resolver_state != REXMPP_RESOLVER_NONE && s->resolver_state != REXMPP_RESOLVER_READY) { if (rexmpp_dns_process(s, read_fds, write_fds)) { return REXMPP_E_DNS; } } /* Initiating a connection after SRV resolution. */ if (s->resolver_state == REXMPP_RESOLVER_READY) { s->resolver_state = REXMPP_RESOLVER_NONE; /* todo: sort the records */ if (s->server_srv == NULL && s->server_srv_tls == NULL) { /* Failed to resolve anything: a fallback. */ s->server_host = s->initial_jid.domain; s->server_port = 5222; rexmpp_start_connecting(s); } else { rexmpp_try_next_host(s); } } /* Connecting. Continues in rexmpp_process_conn_err, possibly leading to stream opening. */ if (s->tcp_state == REXMPP_TCP_CONNECTING) { rexmpp_err_t err = rexmpp_process_conn_err(s, rexmpp_tcp_conn_proceed(s, &s->server_connection, read_fds, write_fds)); if (err > REXMPP_E_AGAIN) { return err; } } /* SOCKS5 connection. */ if (s->tcp_state == REXMPP_TCP_SOCKS) { rexmpp_err_t err = rexmpp_process_socks_err(s, rexmpp_socks_proceed(&s->server_socks_conn)); if (err > REXMPP_E_AGAIN) { return err; } } /* The things we do while connected. */ /* Sending queued data. */ if (s->tcp_state == REXMPP_TCP_CONNECTED && FD_ISSET(s->server_socket, write_fds) && (s->tls_state == REXMPP_TLS_ACTIVE || s->tls_state == REXMPP_TLS_INACTIVE) && (s->stream_state != REXMPP_STREAM_NONE && s->stream_state != REXMPP_STREAM_CLOSED && s->stream_state != REXMPP_STREAM_ERROR) && s->sasl_state != REXMPP_SASL_ERROR && s->send_buffer != NULL) { rexmpp_err_t err = rexmpp_send_continue(s); if (err > REXMPP_E_AGAIN) { return err; } } /* Pinging the server. */ if (s->tcp_state == REXMPP_TCP_CONNECTED && s->last_network_activity + s->ping_delay <= time(NULL)) { if (s->ping_requested == 0) { s->ping_requested = 1; xmlNodePtr ping_cmd = xmlNewNode(NULL, "ping"); xmlNewNs(ping_cmd, "urn:xmpp:ping", NULL); rexmpp_iq_new(s, "get", s->initial_jid.domain, ping_cmd, rexmpp_pong); } else { rexmpp_log(s, LOG_WARNING, "Ping timeout, reconnecting."); rexmpp_cleanup(s); rexmpp_schedule_reconnect(s); } } /* Receiving data. Leads to all kinds of things. */ if (s->tcp_state == REXMPP_TCP_CONNECTED && FD_ISSET(s->server_socket, read_fds) && (s->tls_state == REXMPP_TLS_ACTIVE || s->tls_state == REXMPP_TLS_INACTIVE) && (s->stream_state != REXMPP_STREAM_NONE && s->stream_state != REXMPP_STREAM_CLOSED && s->stream_state != REXMPP_STREAM_ERROR) && s->sasl_state != REXMPP_SASL_ERROR) { rexmpp_err_t err = rexmpp_recv(s); if (err > REXMPP_E_AGAIN) { return err; } } /* Performing a TLS handshake. A stream restart happens after this, if everything goes well. */ if (s->tcp_state == REXMPP_TCP_CONNECTED && s->tls_state == REXMPP_TLS_HANDSHAKE) { rexmpp_err_t err = rexmpp_process_tls_conn_err(s, rexmpp_tls_connect(s)); if (err > REXMPP_E_AGAIN) { return err; } } /* Closing the stream once everything is sent. */ if (s->tcp_state == REXMPP_TCP_CONNECTED && s->stream_state == REXMPP_STREAM_CLOSE_REQUESTED && s->send_buffer == NULL) { rexmpp_err_t err = rexmpp_close(s); if (err > REXMPP_E_AGAIN) { return err; } } /* Closing TLS and TCP connections once stream is closed. If there's no TLS, the TCP connection is closed at once elsewhere. */ if (s->tcp_state == REXMPP_TCP_CONNECTED && s->stream_state == REXMPP_STREAM_CLOSED && s->tls_state == REXMPP_TLS_CLOSING) { rexmpp_tls_err_t err = rexmpp_tls_disconnect(s); if (err == REXMPP_TLS_SUCCESS) { s->tls_state = REXMPP_TLS_INACTIVE; rexmpp_cleanup(s); s->tcp_state = REXMPP_TCP_CLOSED; } else { s->tls_state = REXMPP_TLS_ERROR; return REXMPP_E_TLS; } } if (s->tcp_state == REXMPP_TCP_CLOSED && s->stream_state != REXMPP_STREAM_ERROR_RECONNECT) { rexmpp_console_on_run(s, REXMPP_SUCCESS); return REXMPP_SUCCESS; } else { rexmpp_console_on_run(s, REXMPP_E_AGAIN); return REXMPP_E_AGAIN; } } int rexmpp_fds(rexmpp_t *s, fd_set *read_fds, fd_set *write_fds) { int conn_fd, tls_fd, max_fd = 0; if (s->resolver_state != REXMPP_RESOLVER_NONE && s->resolver_state != REXMPP_RESOLVER_READY) { max_fd = rexmpp_dns_fds(s, read_fds, write_fds); } if (s->tcp_state == REXMPP_TCP_CONNECTING) { conn_fd = rexmpp_tcp_conn_fds(s, &s->server_connection, read_fds, write_fds); if (conn_fd > max_fd) { max_fd = conn_fd; } } if (s->tcp_state == REXMPP_TCP_SOCKS) { if (s->server_socks_conn.io_state == REXMPP_SOCKS_WRITING) { FD_SET(s->server_socket, write_fds); } else { FD_SET(s->server_socket, read_fds); } if (s->server_socket + 1 > max_fd) { max_fd = s->server_socket + 1; } } if (s->tls_state == REXMPP_TLS_HANDSHAKE) { tls_fd = rexmpp_tls_fds(s, read_fds, write_fds); if (tls_fd > max_fd) { max_fd = tls_fd; } } if (s->tcp_state == REXMPP_TCP_CONNECTED) { FD_SET(s->server_socket, read_fds); if (s->send_buffer != NULL) { FD_SET(s->server_socket, write_fds); } if (s->server_socket + 1 > max_fd) { max_fd = s->server_socket + 1; } } return max_fd; } struct timeval *rexmpp_timeout (rexmpp_t *s, struct timeval *max_tv, struct timeval *tv) { struct timeval *ret = max_tv; if (s->resolver_state != REXMPP_RESOLVER_NONE && s->resolver_state != REXMPP_RESOLVER_READY) { } else if (s->tcp_state == REXMPP_TCP_CONNECTING) { ret = rexmpp_tcp_conn_timeout(s, &s->server_connection, max_tv, tv); } struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); if (s->reconnect_number > 0 && s->next_reconnect_time.tv_sec > now.tv_sec && (ret == NULL || s->next_reconnect_time.tv_sec - now.tv_sec < ret->tv_sec)) { tv->tv_sec = s->next_reconnect_time.tv_sec - now.tv_sec; tv->tv_usec = 0; ret = tv; } if (s->tcp_state == REXMPP_TCP_CONNECTED && s->last_network_activity + s->ping_delay > now.tv_sec) { time_t next_ping = s->last_network_activity + s->ping_delay - now.tv_sec; if (ret == NULL || next_ping < ret->tv_sec) { tv->tv_sec = next_ping; tv->tv_usec = 0; ret = tv; } } return ret; }