/** @file rexmpp_console.c @brief A console module @author defanor @date 2020 @copyright MIT license. The "console" is supposed to provide a few common and basic commands, and to be easily embeddable into programs, similarly to an XML console. */ #include #include "rexmpp.h" #include "rexmpp_openpgp.h" #include "rexmpp_console.h" void rexmpp_console_printf (rexmpp_t *s, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; if (s->console_print_cb != NULL) { va_start(args, format); s->console_print_cb (s, format, args); va_end(args); } } char *rexmpp_console_message_string (rexmpp_t *s, xmlNodePtr node) { char *ret = NULL; xmlNodePtr openpgp = rexmpp_xml_find_child(node, "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0", "openpgp"); if (openpgp != NULL) { int valid; xmlNodePtr elem = rexmpp_openpgp_decrypt_verify_message(s, node, &valid); if (! valid) { rexmpp_console_printf(s, "An invalid OpenPGP message!\n"); } if (elem != NULL) { xmlNodePtr payload = rexmpp_xml_find_child(elem, "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0", "payload"); if (payload != NULL) { xmlNodePtr pl_body = rexmpp_xml_find_child(payload, "jabber:client", "body"); if (pl_body != NULL) { ret = xmlNodeGetContent(pl_body); } } xmlFreeNode(elem); } } if (ret == NULL) { xmlNodePtr body = rexmpp_xml_find_child(node, "jabber:client", "body"); ret = xmlNodeGetContent(body); } return ret; } void rexmpp_console_on_send (rexmpp_t *s, xmlNodePtr node) { if (rexmpp_xml_match(node, "jabber:client", "message")) { char *to = xmlGetProp(node, "to"); if (to != NULL) { /* "from" should be set for verification. */ char *from = xmlGetProp(node, "from"); xmlAttrPtr fromProp = NULL; if (from == NULL) { fromProp = xmlNewProp(node, "from", to); } char *str = rexmpp_console_message_string(s, node); if (fromProp != NULL) { xmlRemoveProp(fromProp); } if (str != NULL) { rexmpp_console_printf(s, "You tell %s: %s\n", to, str); free(str); } free(to); } } if (rexmpp_xml_match(node, "jabber:client", "presence")) { char *presence_type = xmlGetProp(node, "type"); rexmpp_console_printf(s, "Becoming %s\n", (presence_type == NULL) ? "available" : presence_type); if (presence_type != NULL) { free(presence_type); } } } void rexmpp_console_on_recv (rexmpp_t *s, xmlNodePtr node) { if (rexmpp_xml_match(node, "jabber:client", "message")) { char *from = xmlGetProp(node, "from"); if (from != NULL) { char *str = rexmpp_console_message_string(s, node); if (str != NULL) { rexmpp_console_printf(s, "%s tells you: %s\n", from, str); free(str); } free(from); } } if (rexmpp_xml_match(node, "jabber:client", "presence")) { char *presence_type = xmlGetProp(node, "type"); char *from = xmlGetProp(node, "from"); rexmpp_console_printf(s, "%s is %s\n", from, (presence_type == NULL) ? "available" : presence_type); if (presence_type != NULL) { free(presence_type); } if (from != NULL) { free(from); } } } void rexmpp_console_feed (rexmpp_t *s, char *str, ssize_t str_len) { /* todo: buffering */ char *words_save_ptr; char *word, *jid_str, *msg_text; struct rexmpp_jid jid; word = strtok_r(str, " ", &words_save_ptr); if (word == NULL) { return; } const char *help = "Available commands:\n" "help\n" "quit\n" "tell \n" "signcrypt \n" "publish-key \n" "join [as] \n" ; if (! strcmp(word, "help")) { rexmpp_console_printf(s, help); } if (! strcmp(word, "quit")) { rexmpp_console_printf(s, "Quitting.\n"); rexmpp_stop(s); return; } if (! strcmp(word, "publish-key")) { char *fingerprint = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &words_save_ptr); rexmpp_openpgp_publish_key(s, fingerprint); } if (! strcmp(word, "tell")) { jid_str = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &words_save_ptr); if (jid_str == NULL || rexmpp_jid_parse(jid_str, &jid)) { return; } msg_text = jid_str + strlen(jid_str) + 1; xmlNodePtr msg = rexmpp_xml_add_id(s, xmlNewNode(NULL, "message")); xmlNewProp(msg, "to", jid.full); xmlNewProp(msg, "type", "chat"); xmlNewTextChild(msg, NULL, "body", msg_text); rexmpp_send(s, msg); } if (! strcmp(word, "signcrypt")) { jid_str = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &words_save_ptr); if (jid_str == NULL || rexmpp_jid_parse(jid_str, &jid)) { return; } msg_text = jid_str + strlen(jid_str) + 1; xmlNodePtr body = xmlNewNode(NULL, "body"); xmlNewNs(body, "jabber:client", NULL); xmlNodeAddContent(body, msg_text); const char *rcpt[2]; rcpt[0] = jid.full; rcpt[1] = NULL; char *b64 = rexmpp_openpgp_encrypt_sign(s, body, rcpt); xmlNodePtr openpgp = xmlNewNode(NULL, "openpgp"); openpgp->ns = xmlNewNs(openpgp, "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0", NULL); xmlNodeAddContent(openpgp, b64); free(b64); xmlNodePtr msg = rexmpp_xml_add_id(s, xmlNewNode(NULL, "message")); xmlNewProp(msg, "to", jid.full); xmlNewProp(msg, "type", "chat"); xmlAddChild(msg, openpgp); body = xmlNewNode(NULL, "body"); xmlNewNs(body, "jabber:client", NULL); xmlNodeAddContent(body, "This is a secret message."); xmlAddChild(msg, body); rexmpp_send(s, msg); } if (! strcmp(word, "join")) { jid_str = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &words_save_ptr); if (jid_str == NULL || rexmpp_jid_parse(jid_str, &jid)) { return; } word = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &words_save_ptr); if (! strcmp(word, "as")) { word = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &words_save_ptr); } if (word == NULL) { return; } char *full_jid = malloc(strlen(jid.bare) + strlen(word) + 2); snprintf(full_jid, strlen(jid_str) + strlen(word) + 2, "%s/%s", jid.bare, word); xmlNodePtr presence = rexmpp_xml_add_id(s, xmlNewNode(NULL, "presence")); xmlNewProp(presence, "from", s->assigned_jid.full); xmlNewProp(presence, "to", full_jid); xmlNodePtr x = xmlNewNode(NULL, "x"); xmlNewNs(x, "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc", NULL); xmlAddChild(presence, x); rexmpp_send(s, presence); } }