pancakeA CLI/Emacs web/gopher/file browserdefanor5 years
tlsdA TLS super-serverdefanor6 years
5x15-keyboardA keyboarddefanor3 years
coalpitCommand-line options parsing and printingdefanor3 months
redlandRedland RDF library Haskell bindingsdefanor6 years
homepageAuthoring tools for my homepagedefanor2 months
html-wysiwygA minor mode for partial WYSIWYG editing of HTMLdefanor6 years
defanor-dotfilesdefanor's dotfilesdefanor5 months
pgxhtmlXSLT-based PostgreSQL web interfacedefanor5 years
wwwliteA lightweight web browserdefanor4 years
rexmppA reusable XMPP librarydefanor3 months
dwproxyDiscworld MUD speedwalking and shopping proxydefanor7 months
3d.elAn Emacs Lisp 3D graphics playgrounddefanor7 months
rv.elA toy RISC-V emulator for Emacsdefanor4 months
stampSta{te,ck} machine programming languagedefanor3 months
bwchatbasic web chatdefanor13 days