path: root/Coalpit.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Coalpit.hs')
1 files changed, 544 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/Coalpit.hs b/Coalpit.hs
index edbade0..0eec909 100644
--- a/Coalpit.hs
+++ b/Coalpit.hs
@@ -5,61 +5,554 @@ Stability : unstable
Portability : non-portable (uses GHC extensions)
Coalpit is a library for building command-line interfaces: the goal is
-to get interfaces quickly and easily, while keeping them
-language-agnostic and more user- and shell scripting-friendly than
-JSON and similar formats.
+to build interfaces quickly and easily (by deriving those), while
+keeping them language-agnostic and more user- and shell
+scripting-friendly than JSON and similar formats.
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-== Example
+module Coalpit ( fromDSV
+ , fromDSVList
+ , toDSV
+ , toDSVList
+ , dsvFromList
+ , Coalpit(..)
+ -- * Usage
+ , usage
+ , usageString
+ , Usage(..)
+ -- * Options
+ , SelNamePolicy(..)
+ , Options(..)
+ , defOpt
+ ) where
-\{\-\# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass \#\-\}
import GHC.Generics
-import Data.Proxy
-import System.Environment
-import Coalpit
-data Foo = Foo { bar :: Maybe Int
- , baz :: String
- } deriving (Show, Generic, 'Coalpit')
-main :: IO ()
-main = do
- args <- getArgs
- case 'fromArgs' 'defOpt' args of
- Left err -> do
- putStrLn err
- putStrLn $ "Usage: " ++ 'usageString' 'defOpt' (Proxy :: Proxy Foo)
- Right x -> do
- print (x :: Foo)
- print $ 'toArgs' 'defOpt' x
- putStrLn $ showDSV defOpt x
- print ('readDSV' 'defOpt' $ 'showDSV' 'defOpt' x :: Either String Foo)
-Then, in a shell:
-> $ ./Example 'a string'
-> Foo {bar = Nothing, baz = "a string"}
-> ["a string"]
-> "a string"
-> Right (Foo {bar = Nothing, baz = "a string"})
-> $ ./Example --bar 42 'a string'
-> Foo {bar = Just 42, baz = "a string"}
-> ["--bar","42","a string"]
-> --bar 42 "a string"
-> Right (Foo {bar = Just 42, baz = "a string"})
-> $ ./Example --bar foo
-> arguments:1:3:
-> Failed to read: foo
-> Usage: [--bar INT] STRING
+import Text.Parsec
+import Text.Parsec.String
+import Data.Char (toLower)
+import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
+import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
+import Data.List (intercalate)
+import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
+import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
+import Data.Int (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
+import Data.Time.Clock (DiffTime, NominalDiffTime, UniversalTime, UTCTime)
+import Data.Time.Format ( TimeLocale, formatTime
+ , iso8601DateFormat, defaultTimeLocale
+ , ParseTime, readSTime)
+import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
+import Data.Time.LocalTime (TimeOfDay, LocalTime, ZonedTime)
+import Data.Scientific (Scientific, FPFormat(..), formatScientific, scientificP)
+import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (readP_to_S)
+import Data.Complex (Complex)
+import Data.Version (Version, parseVersion, showVersion)
+import System.Exit (ExitCode)
+import Network.URI (URI, parseURIReference, uriToString)
+-- | Usage description: can be translated into help messages or
+-- documentation formats.
+data Usage = UConstructor String
+ -- ^ Data constructor.
+ | URecursive String
+ -- ^ Constructor of a recursive data structure (its second
+ -- appearance in the tree).
+ | USelector Bool String Usage
+ -- ^ Record selector.
+ | UOptional Usage
+ -- ^ Optional element.
+ | USum Usage Usage
+ -- ^ Sum.
+ | UProduct Usage Usage
+ -- ^ Product.
+ | UUnit
+ -- ^ Unit.
+ | UType String
+ -- ^ Type name (e.g., \"INT\").
+ deriving (Show)
-module Coalpit ( module Coalpit.Core
- , module Coalpit.DSV
- ) where
+-- | How to handle selector names.
+data SelNamePolicy = SNDisable
+ -- ^ Do not parse or print selector names
+ | SNAvoid
+ -- ^ Allow selector names on parsing, but do not
+ -- print them
+ | SNPrefer
+ -- ^ Allow selector names on parsing, print them
+ | SNRequire
+ -- ^ Require selector names on parsing, print them
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- | Printing and parsing options.
+data Options = Options { fieldSeparators :: NonEmpty Char
+ -- ^ Separators between fields
+ , recordSeparators :: NonEmpty Char
+ -- ^ Separators between records (which may
+ -- correspond to lines)
+ , conNameMod :: String -> String
+ -- ^ Constructor name modifier
+ , selNameMod :: String -> String
+ -- ^ Record selector name modifier
+ , selNamePolicy :: SelNamePolicy
+ , timeLocale :: TimeLocale
+ , dateFormat :: String
+ -- ^ See "Data.Time.Format".
+ , timeFormat :: String
+ , dateTimeFormat :: String
+ , scientificFormat :: FPFormat
+ , scientificDecimals :: Maybe Int
+ , uriUserInfo :: String -> String
+ -- ^ Used to map userinfo parts of URIs.
+ }
+-- | Default options.
+defOpt :: Options
+defOpt = Options (' ' :| ['\t']) ('\n' :| [])
+ (map toLower) (("--" ++) . map toLower) SNAvoid
+ defaultTimeLocale (iso8601DateFormat Nothing) "%H:%M:%S"
+ (iso8601DateFormat (Just "%H:%M:%S")) Generic Nothing id
+parseDSV :: Parser a -> String -> Either String a
+parseDSV p s = case parse p "DSV" s of
+ Left err -> Left $ show err
+ Right x -> Right x
+-- | Parse a single record from a string.
+fromDSV :: Coalpit a => Options -> String -> Either String a
+fromDSV opt str = parseDSV (coalpitParser opt) str
+-- | Parse multiple records from a string.
+fromDSVList :: Coalpit a => Options -> String -> Either String [a]
+fromDSVList opt str =
+ parseDSV (coalpitParser opt `sepEndBy` pRecordSep opt) str
+escape :: Options -> String -> String
+escape opt str
+ | not (null str) &&
+ all (\fs -> not (fs `elem` str))
+ ('\\'
+ : '\"'
+ : NE.toList (fieldSeparators opt)
+ ++ NE.toList (recordSeparators opt)) = str
+ | otherwise = '"' : escaped str ++ "\""
+ where
+ escaped :: String -> String
+ escaped [] = []
+ escaped (c:rest)
+ | c `elem` "\\\"" = '\\' : c : escaped rest
+ | otherwise = c : escaped rest
+-- | Build a record ("line") out of individual strings, escaping those
+-- if needed.
+dsvFromList :: Options -> [String] -> String
+dsvFromList opt l = intercalate [NE.head (fieldSeparators opt)]
+ (map (escape opt) l)
+-- | Serialize a value.
+toDSV :: Coalpit a => Options -> a -> String
+toDSV opt x = dsvFromList opt (coalpitPrint opt x)
+-- | Serialize multiple values.
+toDSVList :: Coalpit a => Options -> [a] -> String
+toDSVList opt l =
+ concatMap (\x -> toDSV opt x ++ [NE.head (recordSeparators opt)]) l
+-- | Compose 'Usage' description.
+usage :: Coalpit a => Options -> Proxy a -> Usage
+usage opt = coalpitDescription opt []
+-- | Compose a usage string.
+usageString :: Coalpit a => Options -> Proxy a -> String
+usageString opt = usageToString . usage opt
+-- | Translate 'Usage' into a string, used by 'usageString'.
+usageToString :: Usage -> String
+usageToString (UConstructor c) = c
+usageToString (URecursive c) = c ++ "..."
+usageToString (USelector False s u) = "[" ++ s ++ "] " ++ usageToString u
+usageToString (USelector True s u) = s ++ " " ++ usageToString u
+usageToString (UOptional u) = "[" ++ usageToString u ++ "]"
+usageToString (USum ul ur) = concat [ "("
+ , usageToString ul
+ , " | "
+ , usageToString ur
+ , ")"]
+usageToString (UProduct u1 UUnit) = usageToString u1
+usageToString (UProduct u1 u2) = usageToString u1 ++ " " ++ usageToString u2
+usageToString UUnit = ""
+usageToString (UType t) = t
+pFieldSep :: Options -> Parsec String m ()
+pFieldSep opt =
+ oneOf (NE.toList $ fieldSeparators opt) *> pure ()
+pRecordSep :: Options -> Parsec String m ()
+pRecordSep opt =
+ choice (eof
+ : map (\c -> char c *> pure ())
+ (NE.toList $ recordSeparators opt))
+pString :: Options -> Parsec String m String
+pString opt =
+ (try (quotedString <?> "quoted string"))
+ <|> (unquotedString <?> "unquoted string")
+ where
+ endChars = NE.toList (fieldSeparators opt)
+ ++ NE.toList (recordSeparators opt)
+ unquotedString = do
+ c <- escapedChar endChars
+ s <- manyTill (escapedChar endChars)
+ (lookAhead $ eof <|> oneOf endChars *> pure ())
+ pure (c:s)
+ escapedChar ecs = (char '\\' *> oneOf ('\\' : ecs)) <|> anyChar
+ quotedString = char '"'
+ *> manyTill (escapedChar "\"") (char '"')
+-- | Parses a time argument.
+pTime :: ParseTime a => Options -> String -> Parser a
+pTime opt tf = try $ do
+ x <- pString opt
+ case readSTime False (timeLocale opt) tf x of
+ [(t, "")] -> pure t
+ _ -> fail "Failed to parse time"
+-- | Read an argument using its 'Read' instance.
+pRead :: Read a => Options -> Parser a
+pRead opt = do
+ x <- pString opt
+ case reads x of
+ [(n, "")] -> pure n
+ _ -> fail $ "Failed to read: " ++ x
+-- | Coalpit class: parsing, printing, usage strings.
+class Coalpit a where
+ coalpitParser :: Options -> Parser a
+ default coalpitParser :: (Generic a, GCoalpit (Rep a)) => Options -> Parser a
+ coalpitParser opt = to <$> gCoalpitParser opt
+ coalpitPrint :: Options -> a -> [String]
+ default coalpitPrint :: (Generic a, GCoalpit (Rep a)) => Options -> a -> [String]
+ coalpitPrint opt a = gCoalpitPrint opt (from a)
+ coalpitDescription :: Options -> [String] -> Proxy a -> Usage
+ default coalpitDescription :: (GCoalpit (Rep a))
+ => Options -> [String] -> Proxy a -> Usage
+ coalpitDescription opt path Proxy =
+ gCoalpitDescription opt path (Proxy :: Proxy (Rep a p))
+class GCoalpit a where
+ gCoalpitParser :: Options -> Parser (a p)
+ gCoalpitPrint :: Options -> a p -> [String]
+ gCoalpitDescription :: Options -> [String] -> Proxy (a p) -> Usage
+-- Units
+instance GCoalpit U1 where
+ gCoalpitParser _ = pure U1
+ gCoalpitPrint _ U1 = []
+ gCoalpitDescription _ _ (Proxy :: Proxy (U1 f)) = UUnit
+-- Products
+instance (GCoalpit a, GCoalpit b) => GCoalpit (a :*: b) where
+ gCoalpitParser opt =
+ ((:*:) <$>
+ (gCoalpitParser opt <* pFieldSep opt) <*> gCoalpitParser opt)
+ <?> "product"
+ gCoalpitPrint opt (x :*: y) =
+ gCoalpitPrint opt x ++ gCoalpitPrint opt y
+ gCoalpitDescription opt path (Proxy :: Proxy ((a :*: b) p)) =
+ UProduct (gCoalpitDescription opt path (Proxy :: Proxy (a p)))
+ (gCoalpitDescription opt path (Proxy :: Proxy (b p)))
+-- Sums
+ (GCoalpit a, GCoalpit b) => GCoalpit (a :+: b) where
+ gCoalpitParser opt =
+ (try (L1 <$> gCoalpitParser opt))
+ <|>
+ (R1 <$> gCoalpitParser opt)
+ gCoalpitPrint opt (L1 x) = gCoalpitPrint opt x
+ gCoalpitPrint opt (R1 x) = gCoalpitPrint opt x
+ gCoalpitDescription opt path (Proxy :: Proxy ((a :+: b) p)) =
+ USum (gCoalpitDescription opt path (Proxy :: Proxy (a p)))
+ (gCoalpitDescription opt path (Proxy :: Proxy (b p)))
+-- Record Selectors
+parseS1 :: (GCoalpit a) => String -> Options -> Parser (S1 selA a p)
+parseS1 nameA opt =
+ let sName = case (nameA, selNamePolicy opt) of
+ ("", _) -> pure ()
+ (_, SNDisable) -> pure ()
+ (_, SNRequire) -> string (selNameMod opt nameA) *> pFieldSep opt
+ (_, _) -> optional
+ (try $ (string (selNameMod opt nameA)) *> pFieldSep opt)
+ in M1 <$> (sName *> gCoalpitParser opt)
+printS1 :: (GCoalpit a, Selector selA) => Options -> S1 selA a p -> [String]
+printS1 opt sel@(M1 x) = case (selName sel, selNamePolicy opt) of
+ ("", _) -> gCoalpitPrint opt x
+ (_, SNDisable) -> gCoalpitPrint opt x
+ (_, SNAvoid) -> gCoalpitPrint opt x
+ (name, _) -> selNameMod opt name : gCoalpitPrint opt x
+helpS1 :: (GCoalpit a)
+ => String -> Options -> [String] -> Proxy (S1 selA a p) -> Usage
+helpS1 nameA opt path (Proxy :: Proxy (S1 selA a p)) =
+ case (nameA, selNamePolicy opt) of
+ ("", _) -> gCoalpitDescription opt path (Proxy :: Proxy (a p))
+ (_, SNDisable) -> gCoalpitDescription opt path (Proxy :: Proxy (a p))
+ (_, snpol) -> USelector (snpol == SNRequire) (selNameMod opt nameA)
+ (gCoalpitDescription opt path (Proxy :: Proxy (a p)))
+instance (GCoalpit a, Selector selA) => GCoalpit (S1 selA a) where
+ gCoalpitParser = parseS1 (selName (undefined :: S1 selA a p))
+ gCoalpitPrint = printS1
+ gCoalpitDescription = helpS1 (selName (undefined :: S1 selA a p))
+-- Constructors
+-- | Handles recursive constructors.
+handleRecCon :: GCoalpit a
+ => String
+ -- ^ Constructor name
+ -> Options
+ -> [String]
+ -> Proxy (a p)
+ -> Usage
+handleRecCon nameA opt path (Proxy :: Proxy (a p)) =
+ let n = conNameMod opt nameA
+ in if nameA `elem` path
+ then URecursive n
+ else UProduct (UConstructor n)
+ (gCoalpitDescription opt (nameA : path) (Proxy :: Proxy (a p)))
+-- A constructor wrapping just a unit: no field separator is required
+-- after such a constructor.
+instance {-#OVERLAPPING#-} (Constructor conA) => GCoalpit (C1 conA U1) where
+ gCoalpitParser opt =
+ ((string
+ (conNameMod opt $ conName (undefined :: C1 conA U1 w))
+ <?> "constructor name"))
+ *> (fmap M1 (gCoalpitParser opt))
+ gCoalpitPrint opt (M1 x) = conNameMod opt (conName (undefined :: C1 conA U1 w))
+ : gCoalpitPrint opt x
+ gCoalpitDescription opt path (Proxy :: Proxy (C1 conA U1 p)) =
+ (handleRecCon (conName (undefined :: C1 conA U1 w)) opt path
+ (Proxy :: Proxy (U1 p)))
+-- A constructor with non-unit children, with a field separator
+-- between constructor name and its children.
+instance (GCoalpit a, Constructor conA) => GCoalpit (C1 conA a) where
+ gCoalpitParser opt =
+ ((string
+ (conNameMod opt $ conName (undefined :: C1 conA a w))
+ <?> "constructor name"))
+ *> (pFieldSep opt)
+ *> (fmap M1 (gCoalpitParser opt))
+ gCoalpitPrint opt (M1 x) = conNameMod opt (conName (undefined :: C1 conA a w))
+ : gCoalpitPrint opt x
+ gCoalpitDescription opt path (Proxy :: Proxy (C1 conA a p)) =
+ (handleRecCon (conName (undefined :: C1 conA a w)) opt path
+ (Proxy :: Proxy (a p)))
+-- Data types
+instance (GCoalpit a) => GCoalpit (D1 conA a) where
+ gCoalpitParser = fmap M1 . gCoalpitParser
+ gCoalpitPrint opt (M1 x) = gCoalpitPrint opt x
+ gCoalpitDescription opt path (Proxy :: Proxy (D1 conA a p)) =
+ gCoalpitDescription opt path (Proxy :: Proxy (a p))
+-- Constraints and such
+instance (Coalpit a) => GCoalpit (K1 i a) where
+ gCoalpitParser = fmap K1 . coalpitParser
+ gCoalpitPrint opt (K1 x) = coalpitPrint opt x
+ gCoalpitDescription opt path (Proxy :: Proxy (K1 x a p)) =
+ coalpitDescription opt path (Proxy :: Proxy a)
+-- Common types
+instance Coalpit Int where
+ coalpitParser opt = pRead opt
+ coalpitPrint _ i = [show i]
+ coalpitDescription _ _ _ = UType "INT"
+instance Coalpit Integer where
+ coalpitParser opt = pRead opt
+ coalpitPrint _ i = [show i]
+ coalpitDescription _ _ _ = UType "INTEGER"
+instance Coalpit Word8 where
+ coalpitParser opt = pRead opt
+ coalpitPrint _ i = [show i]
+ coalpitDescription _ _ _ = UType "WORD8"
+instance Coalpit Word16 where
+ coalpitParser opt = pRead opt
+ coalpitPrint _ i = [show i]
+ coalpitDescription _ _ _ = UType "WORD16"
+instance Coalpit Word32 where
+ coalpitParser opt = pRead opt
+ coalpitPrint _ i = [show i]
+ coalpitDescription _ _ _ = UType "WORD32"
+instance Coalpit Word64 where
+ coalpitParser opt = pRead opt
+ coalpitPrint _ i = [show i]
+ coalpitDescription _ _ _ = UType "WORD64"
+instance Coalpit Int8 where
+ coalpitParser opt = pRead opt
+ coalpitPrint _ i = [show i]
+ coalpitDescription _ _ _ = UType "INT8"
+instance Coalpit Int16 where
+ coalpitParser opt = pRead opt
+ coalpitPrint _ i = [show i]
+ coalpitDescription _ _ _ = UType "INT16"
+instance Coalpit Int32 where
+ coalpitParser opt = pRead opt
+ coalpitPrint _ i = [show i]
+ coalpitDescription _ _ _ = UType "INT32"
+instance Coalpit Int64 where
+ coalpitParser opt = pRead opt
+ coalpitPrint _ i = [show i]
+ coalpitDescription _ _ _ = UType "INT64"
+instance Coalpit Natural where
+ coalpitParser opt = pRead opt
+ coalpitPrint _ i = [show i]
+ coalpitDescription _ _ _ = UType "NATURAL"
+instance Coalpit Rational where
+ coalpitParser opt = pRead opt
+ coalpitPrint _ i = [show i]
+ coalpitDescription _ _ _ = UType "RATIONAL"
+instance Coalpit Double where
+ coalpitParser opt = pRead opt
+ coalpitPrint _ i = [show i]
+ coalpitDescription _ _ _ = UType "DOUBLE"
+instance Coalpit Float where
+ coalpitParser opt = pRead opt
+ coalpitPrint _ i = [show i]
+ coalpitDescription _ _ _ = UType "FLOAT"
+instance Coalpit Char where
+ coalpitParser opt = pRead opt
+ coalpitPrint _ c = [show c]
+ coalpitDescription _ _ _ = UType "CHAR"
+instance {-#OVERLAPPING#-} Coalpit String where
+ coalpitParser opt = pString opt
+ coalpitPrint _ i = [i]
+ coalpitDescription _ _ _ = UType "STRING"
+instance Coalpit Scientific where
+ coalpitParser opt = try $ do
+ x <- pString opt
+ case reverse $ readP_to_S scientificP x of
+ (n, ""):_ -> pure n
+ _ -> fail $ "Failed to read a scientific number: " ++ x
+ coalpitPrint opt n = [formatScientific
+ (scientificFormat opt) (scientificDecimals opt) n]
+ coalpitDescription _ _ _ = UType "SCIENTIFIC"
+instance Coalpit Version where
+ coalpitParser opt = try $ do
+ x <- pString opt
+ case reverse $ readP_to_S parseVersion x of
+ (v, ""):_ -> pure v
+ _ -> fail $ "Failed to read a version: " ++ x
+ coalpitPrint _ v = [showVersion v]
+ coalpitDescription _ _ _ = UType "VERSION"
+-- | An URI reference (absolute or relative).
+instance Coalpit URI where
+ coalpitParser opt = try $ do
+ x <- pString opt
+ maybe (fail $ "Failed to parse URI: " ++ x) pure (parseURIReference x)
+ coalpitPrint opt u = [uriToString (uriUserInfo opt) u ""]
+ coalpitDescription _ _ _ = UType "URI"
+-- | Uses 'dateTimeFormat'.
+instance Coalpit UTCTime where
+ coalpitParser opt = pTime opt (dateTimeFormat opt)
+ coalpitPrint opt t = [formatTime (timeLocale opt) (dateTimeFormat opt) t]
+ coalpitDescription _ _ _ = UType "UTC_TIME"
+-- | Uses 'dateTimeFormat'.
+instance Coalpit ZonedTime where
+ coalpitParser opt = pTime opt (dateTimeFormat opt)
+ coalpitPrint opt t = [formatTime (timeLocale opt) (dateTimeFormat opt) t]
+ coalpitDescription _ _ _ = UType "ZONED_TIME"
+-- | Uses 'dateTimeFormat'.
+instance Coalpit LocalTime where
+ coalpitParser opt = pTime opt (dateTimeFormat opt)
+ coalpitPrint opt t = [formatTime (timeLocale opt) (dateTimeFormat opt) t]
+ coalpitDescription _ _ _ = UType "LOCAL_TIME"
+-- | Uses 'dateTimeFormat'.
+instance Coalpit UniversalTime where
+ coalpitParser opt = pTime opt (dateTimeFormat opt)
+ coalpitPrint opt t = [formatTime (timeLocale opt) (dateTimeFormat opt) t]
+ coalpitDescription _ _ _ = UType "UNIVERSAL_TIME"
+-- | Uses 'timeFormat'.
+instance Coalpit TimeOfDay where
+ coalpitParser opt = pTime opt (timeFormat opt)
+ coalpitPrint opt t = [formatTime (timeLocale opt) (timeFormat opt) t]
+ coalpitDescription _ _ _ = UType "TIME_OF_DAY"
+-- | Uses 'dateFormat'.
+instance Coalpit Day where
+ coalpitParser opt = pTime opt (dateFormat opt)
+ coalpitPrint opt t = [formatTime (timeLocale opt) (dateFormat opt) t]
+ coalpitDescription _ _ _ = UType "DAY"
+-- | Converts to/from 'Scientific'.
+instance Coalpit NominalDiffTime where
+ coalpitParser opt = fromRational . toRational
+ <$> (coalpitParser opt :: Parser Scientific)
+ coalpitPrint opt = coalpitPrint opt .
+ (fromRational . toRational :: NominalDiffTime -> Scientific)
+ coalpitDescription _ _ _ = UType "NOMINAL_DIFF_TIME"
+-- | Converts to/from 'Scientific'.
+instance Coalpit DiffTime where
+ coalpitParser opt = fromRational . toRational
+ <$> (coalpitParser opt :: Parser Scientific)
+ coalpitPrint opt = coalpitPrint opt .
+ (fromRational . toRational :: DiffTime -> Scientific)
+ coalpitDescription _ _ _ = UType "DIFF_TIME"
-import Coalpit.Core
-import Coalpit.DSV
+instance Coalpit ()
+instance Coalpit Bool
+instance Coalpit Ordering
+instance Coalpit ExitCode
+instance Coalpit a => Coalpit (Complex a)
+instance Coalpit a => Coalpit (Maybe a)
+instance Coalpit a => Coalpit [a]
+instance Coalpit a => Coalpit (NonEmpty a)
+instance (Coalpit a, Coalpit b) => Coalpit (Either a b)
+instance (Coalpit a, Coalpit b) => Coalpit (a, b)
+instance (Coalpit a, Coalpit b, Coalpit c) => Coalpit (a, b, c)
+instance (Coalpit a, Coalpit b, Coalpit c, Coalpit d) => Coalpit (a, b, c, d)