path: root/tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
2 files changed, 44 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/tools/Makefile b/tools/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ea8525
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+all: $(patsubst src/%,%,$(wildcard src/notes/*.xhtml src/*.xhtml)) \
+ notes/atom.xml
+# Index page
+index.xhtml: src/index.xhtml build/notes-by-modification-date.xml
+ xsltproc -o $@ tools/xml-to-html.xsl $<
+# Note index page
+notes/index.xhtml: src/notes/index.xhtml build/notes-by-publication-date.xml
+ xsltproc -o $@ tools/xml-to-html.xsl $<
+# Notes
+notes/%.xhtml: src/notes/%.xhtml
+ xsltproc -o $@ tools/xml-to-html.xsl $<
+# Other static pages
+%.xhtml: src/%.xhtml
+ xsltproc -o $@ tools/xml-to-html.xsl $<
+# A single-file dump of all notes
+build/notes-dump.xml: src/notes/*.xhtml
+ (echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' && \
+ echo '<notes>' && \
+ find src/notes -name '*.xhtml' | \
+ grep -v index.xhtml | \
+ sed -e "sS^src/\(.*\)S <note src=\"\\1\" />S" && \
+ echo '</notes>') | \
+ xsltproc -o $@ tools/xml-notes-dump.xsl -
+# Notes sorted by publication date
+build/notes-by-publication-date.xml: build/notes-dump.xml
+ xsltproc -o $@ tools/xml-notes-sort.xsl build/notes-dump.xml
+# Notes sorted by modification date
+build/notes-by-modification-date.xml: build/notes-dump.xml
+ xsltproc -o $@ --stringparam sortBy modified \
+ tools/xml-notes-sort.xsl build/notes-dump.xml
+# An Atom feed
+notes/atom.xml: build/notes-by-modification-date.xml
+ xsltproc --param number 10 tools/xml-notes-limit.xsl \
+ build/notes-by-modification-date.xml | \
+ xsltproc -o $@ tools/xml-notes-to-atom.xsl -
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 90ed8e2..987cf00 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -1,39 +1,6 @@
-# dump all the notes into a single file
-(echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' &&
- echo '<notes>' &&
- find "${NOTES}" -name '*.xhtml' |
- grep -v index.xhtml |
- sed -e "sS^${SOURCES}/\(.*\)S <note src=\"\\1\" />S" &&
- echo '</notes>') |
- xsltproc -o "${BUILD}/notes-dump.xml" "${TOOLS}/xml-notes-dump.xsl" -
-# sort by publication and modification dates
-xsltproc -o "${BUILD}/notes-by-publication-date.xml" \
- "${TOOLS}/xml-notes-sort.xsl" "${BUILD}/notes-dump.xml"
-xsltproc -o "${BUILD}/notes-by-modification-date.xml" \
- --stringparam sortBy modified \
- "${TOOLS}/xml-notes-sort.xsl" "${BUILD}/notes-dump.xml"
-# create an atom feed with the most recently modified 10 entries
-xsltproc --param number 10 "${TOOLS}/xml-notes-limit.xsl" \
- "${BUILD}/notes-by-modification-date.xml" |
- xsltproc -o "${ATOM}" "${TOOLS}/xml-notes-to-atom.xsl" -
-# convert sources into XHTML
-find "${SOURCES}" -name '*.xhtml' |
- sed -e "sS^${SOURCES}SS" |
- xargs -Ifile xsltproc -o "${BASEDIR}/file" \
- "${TOOLS}/xml-to-html.xsl" "${SOURCES}file"
+make -f tools/Makefile
# upload
rsync --exclude '.*' --exclude '*.org' --exclude 'src/' \