path: root/Pancake
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1 files changed, 49 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/Pancake/Reading.hs b/Pancake/Reading.hs
index 686e3cf..bd70ad4 100644
--- a/Pancake/Reading.hs
+++ b/Pancake/Reading.hs
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ pMeta = do
t <- option Nothing $ do
_ <- string "type: "
optional $ try $ manyTill alphaNum (char '/')
- t <- optionMaybe $ many1 alphaNum
+ t <- optionMaybe $ many1 $ choice [alphaNum, char '-']
_ <- manyTill anyToken newline
pure t
@@ -109,6 +109,25 @@ retrieve cmd uri = do
Left _ -> pure $ Just (out, Nothing, Nothing)
Right (bs, (u, t)) -> pure $ Just (bs, u, t)
+-- | An Emacs file variable parser. Extracts a mode if it's set.
+pEmacsMode :: Parser String
+pEmacsMode = do
+ _ <- manyTill (noneOf "\r\n") (string "-*-")
+ spaces
+ vs <- try fileVariable `sepEndBy` (char ';' >> spaces)
+ spaces
+ _ <- string "-*-"
+ maybe (fail "no mode variable found") pure (lookup "mode" vs)
+ where
+ fileVariable :: Parser (String, String)
+ fileVariable = do
+ -- this is restrictive, but should suffice for idiomatic names
+ name <- many1 (choice [alphaNum, char '-'])
+ char ':' >> spaces
+ val <- reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse <$> manyTill anyChar
+ (choice $ map (try . lookAhead . string) [";", "\n", "-*-"])
+ pure (name, val)
-- | Parses a document into a Pandoc structure. The parser is chosen
-- depending on the document type (if one is provided) or its URI.
readDoc :: BS.ByteString
@@ -122,24 +141,26 @@ readDoc :: BS.ByteString
readDoc out dt uri = do
term <- setupTermFromEnv
let (reader, exts) = either (const plain) id $
- maybe (Left "no type suggestions") (byExtension . ('.':)) dt
- <|> case (uriScheme uri, map toLower $ takeExtension $ uriPath uri) of
- -- some exceptions and special cases (might be better to make
- -- this configurable)
- ("http:", ext) -> http ext
- ("https:", ext) -> http ext
- ("gopher:", ext) -> case uriPath uri of
- ('/':'1':_) -> gopher
- ('/':'h':_) -> html
- -- "0" should indicate plain text, but it's also the most
- -- suitable option for non-html markup. Not sure about this
- -- approach, but it's similar to ignoring HTTP content-type,
- -- and will do for now: better to render documents nicely
- -- when possible.
- ('/':'0':_) -> byExtension ext
- -- unknown or unrecognized item type
- _ -> byExtension ext <|> gopher
- (_, ext) -> byExtension ext
+ maybe (Left "no type suggestions") byExtension dt
+ <|> case (uriScheme uri, map toLower $ takeExtension $ uriPath uri) of
+ -- some exceptions and special cases (might be better to make
+ -- this configurable)
+ ("http:", ext) -> http ext
+ ("https:", ext) -> http ext
+ ("gopher:", ext) -> case uriPath uri of
+ ('/':'1':_) -> gopher
+ ('/':'h':_) -> html
+ -- "0" should indicate plain text, but it's also the most
+ -- suitable option for non-html markup. Not sure about this
+ -- approach, but it's similar to ignoring HTTP content-type,
+ -- and will do for now: better to render documents nicely
+ -- when possible.
+ ('/':'0':_) -> byExtension' ext
+ -- unknown or unrecognized item type
+ _ -> byExtension' ext <|> gopher
+ (_, ext) -> byExtension' ext
+ <|> either (Left . show) byExtension
+ (parse pEmacsMode (uriToString id uri "") out)
cols = fromMaybe 80 $ getCapability term termColumns
opts = def { P.readerColumns = cols, P.readerExtensions = exts }
case reader of
@@ -150,15 +171,15 @@ readDoc out dt uri = do
Right r -> P.runIO $ f opts r
P.ByteStringReader f -> P.runIO $ f opts $ BL.fromStrict out
- http ext = byExtension ext <|> html
+ http ext = byExtension' ext <|> html
html = P.getReader "html"
plain = (P.TextReader . const $ readPlain, P.emptyExtensions)
gopher = pure (P.TextReader . const $ readGopher, P.emptyExtensions)
- byExtension "" = Left "No extension"
- byExtension ".md" = P.getReader "markdown"
- byExtension ".htm" = html
- byExtension ".ltx" = P.getReader "latex"
- byExtension ".tex" = P.getReader "latex"
- byExtension ".txt" = pure plain
- byExtension ".plain" = pure plain
- byExtension ext = P.getReader $ tail ext
+ byExtension' ext = byExtension $ dropWhile (== '.') ext
+ byExtension "md" = P.getReader "markdown"
+ byExtension "htm" = html
+ byExtension "ltx" = P.getReader "latex"
+ byExtension "tex" = P.getReader "latex"
+ byExtension "txt" = pure plain
+ byExtension "plain" = pure plain
+ byExtension ext = P.getReader ext