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authordefanor <>2024-02-17 23:47:20 +0300
committerdefanor <>2024-02-17 23:53:27 +0300
commitc8aa72570046cdce0b1deeb2e22a026acb1ba59c (patch)
Add the draftHEADmaster
The initial language description, its basic interpreter, and an example program are added.
4 files changed, 355 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a8d928
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+A state transition language, for state and stack machines.
+Made to play with, without practical applications in mind. Intended to
+be simple.
+The basic idea is to define transitions on sequences of bits. For
+instance, a 2-bit increment (with overflow) machine:
+0 0 . 0 1
+0 1 . 1 0
+1 0 . 1 1
+1 1 . 0 0
+For compactness, wildcards and references are supported:
+_ 0 . ^0 1
+0 _ . 1 0
+_ _ . 0 0
+Only the matched part of a state changes, so it is suitable for
+defining reusable subroutines. Left-hand side and right-hand side may
+be of the same length, making it a state machine, or they may vary in
+length, so that it behaves rather like a stack.
+Basic syntactic sugar allows to employ hexadecimal numbers, strings,
+wildcards of a given length, and range references.
+Memory reading, writing, and syscalls are implemented with built-in
+(or "external", "magic") "subroutines":
+# request to write the x2a byte into memory at a 64-bit address given
+# after "test"
+'test _x40 . 'mwr? ^x20+x3f x2a 'step2
+# call exit(42) afterwards
+'mwr. _x40 _x8 'step2 . 'req1 x000000000000003c x000000000000002a
+An interpreter is implemented here in Haskell, along with an example
+program. To run it:
+cabal run < hello.stm ; echo $?
diff --git a/Stamp.hs b/Stamp.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b19929d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Stamp.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import Data.List
+import Foreign.C.String
+import Foreign.Ptr
+import Foreign.Storable
+import Numeric
+import Data.Word
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.Char
+import Data.Proxy
+import Data.Maybe
+import Text.Parsec hiding (State)
+import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)
+-- import Text.Parsec.ByteString
+foreign import ccall "syscall" syscall0 :: Int -> IO Int
+foreign import ccall "syscall" syscall1 :: Int -> Int -> IO Int
+foreign import ccall "syscall" syscall2 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
+foreign import ccall "syscall" syscall3 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
+foreign import ccall "syscall" syscall4
+ :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
+foreign import ccall "syscall" syscall5
+ :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
+foreign import ccall "syscall" syscall6
+ :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
+data LHSToken = LWildcard | LBit Bool
+ deriving (Show)
+data RHSToken = RRef Int | RBit Bool
+ deriving (Show)
+data Transition = Transition [LHSToken] [RHSToken]
+ deriving (Show)
+type Program = [Transition]
+type State = [Bool]
+matchesState :: State -> [LHSToken] -> Bool
+matchesState s l = bitsMatch s l
+ where
+ bitsMatch [] [] = True
+ bitsMatch _ [] = True
+ bitsMatch [] _ = False
+ bitsMatch (_:st) (LWildcard:lhs) = bitsMatch st lhs
+ bitsMatch (b1:st) (LBit b2:lhs) = b1 == b2 && bitsMatch st lhs
+iter :: Program -> State -> Either String State
+iter p s = case find (matchesState s . (\(Transition l _) -> l)) p of
+ Nothing -> Left "No matching pattern found"
+ Just (Transition l r) -> do
+ transitioned <- mapM transition r
+ pure $ transitioned ++ drop (length l) s
+ where
+ transition (RBit b) = Right b
+ transition (RRef n)
+ | length s > n = Right $ s !! n
+ | otherwise =
+ Left $ "The referenced index " ++ show n
+ ++ " is out of state bounds for state of length " ++ show (length s)
+iterIO :: Program -> State -> IO (Either String State)
+iterIO p s
+ | take 24 s == strBits "req" =
+ case bitsToChar (take 8 $ drop 24 s) of
+ 'r' -> do
+ w8 <- peek (ptrAt 32) :: IO Word8
+ pure $ Right $ strBits "repr" ++ fbToBits w8 ++ drop (32 + 8) s
+ 'w' -> do
+ poke (ptrAt 32) (fbAt (Proxy :: Proxy Word8) (32 + intSz))
+ pure $ Right $ strBits "repw" ++ drop 32 s
+ c -> if c >= '0' && c <= '6'
+ then do
+ r <- case c of
+ '0' -> syscall0 (intAt 32)
+ '1' -> syscall1 (intAt 32) (intAt (32 + intSz))
+ '2' -> syscall2 (intAt 32) (intAt (32 + intSz)) (intAt (32 + intSz * 2))
+ '3' -> syscall3 (intAt 32) (intAt (32 + intSz)) (intAt (32 + intSz * 2))
+ (intAt (32 + intSz * 3))
+ '4' -> syscall4 (intAt 32) (intAt (32 + intSz)) (intAt (32 + intSz * 2))
+ (intAt (32 + intSz * 3)) (intAt (32 + intSz * 4))
+ '5' -> syscall5 (intAt 32) (intAt (32 + intSz)) (intAt (32 + intSz * 2))
+ (intAt (32 + intSz * 3)) (intAt (32 + intSz * 4))
+ (intAt (32 + intSz * 5))
+ '6' -> syscall6 (intAt 32) (intAt (32 + intSz)) (intAt (32 + intSz * 2))
+ (intAt (32 + intSz * 3)) (intAt (32 + intSz * 4))
+ (intAt (32 + intSz * 5)) (intAt (32 + intSz * 6))
+ pure $ Right $ strBits ("rep" ++ [c]) ++ fbToBits r ++ drop (32 + intSz) s
+ else pure $ Left $ "An unknown sys command: " ++ [c]
+ | otherwise = pure $ iter p s
+ where
+ intSz = finiteBitSize (0 :: Int)
+ fbAt :: FiniteBits a => Proxy a -> Int -> a
+ fbAt (Proxy :: Proxy a) offset =
+ bitsToFB (take (finiteBitSize (zeroBits :: a)) (drop offset s))
+ intAt :: Int -> Int
+ intAt = fbAt (Proxy :: Proxy Int)
+ ptrAt offset = wordPtrToPtr (WordPtr (fbAt (Proxy :: Proxy Word) offset))
+run :: Program -> State -> IO (Either String State)
+run p s = do
+ let asBinary True = '1'
+ asBinary False = '0'
+ -- putStrLn $ map asBinary s
+ -- putStrLn $ map bitsToChar $ chunksOf 8 s
+ r <- iterIO p s
+ case r of
+ Left err -> pure $ Left err
+ Right s' -> run p s'
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ c <- BS.getContents
+ case runParser pProgram () "input" c of
+ Right p -> do
+ -- print p
+ print =<< run p (strBits "start")
+ Left err -> print err
+fbToBits :: FiniteBits a => a -> [Bool]
+fbToBits bits = let sz = finiteBitSize bits in
+ [ testBit bits (sz - n) | n <- [] ]
+bitsToFB :: FiniteBits a => [Bool] -> a
+bitsToFB [] = zeroBits
+bitsToFB (True:xs) = setBit (bitsToFB xs) (length xs)
+bitsToFB (False:xs) = bitsToFB xs
+charToBits :: Char -> [Bool]
+charToBits c
+ | ord c < 128 = fbToBits (fromIntegral (ord c) :: Word8)
+bitsToChar :: [Bool] -> Char
+bitsToChar b = chr $ fromIntegral (bitsToFB b :: Word8)
+bsBits :: BS.ByteString -> [Bool]
+bsBits = concatMap fbToBits . BS.unpack
+strBits :: String -> [Bool]
+strBits = concatMap charToBits
+-- data ParserState = PS { lhsBits :: Int
+-- , rhsBits :: Int
+-- } deriving (Show, Eq)
+type Parser = Parsec BS.ByteString ()
+pHex :: Parser (Integer, Int)
+pHex = do
+ char 'x'
+ digits <- many1 hexDigit
+ let bitNum = length digits * 4
+ [(n, "")] = readHex digits
+ pure (n, bitNum)
+pBin :: Parser (Integer, Int)
+pBin = do
+ digits <- many1 (oneOf ['0', '1'])
+ let bitNum = length digits
+ [(n, "")] =
+ readInt 2 (`elem` ("01" :: String)) (\x -> ord x - 0x30) digits
+ pure (n, bitNum)
+pChars :: Parser [Bool]
+pChars = do
+ char '\''
+ c <- anyChar
+ cs <- many (noneOf " \n")
+ pure $ concatMap charToBits (c:cs)
+pNum :: Parser (Integer, Int)
+pNum = choice [pHex, pBin]
+pNum' :: Parser Integer
+pNum' = fst <$> pNum
+pNumBits :: Parser [Bool]
+pNumBits = do
+ (n, nBits) <- pNum
+ pure $ map (\pos -> testBit n (nBits - pos)) [1..nBits]
+pWildcard :: Parser [LHSToken]
+pWildcard = char '_' *>
+ (((\n -> replicate (fromIntegral n) LWildcard) <$> pNum')
+ <|> pure [LWildcard])
+pLHS :: Parser [LHSToken]
+pLHS = choice
+ [ map LBit <$> pNumBits
+ , map LBit <$> pChars
+ , pWildcard
+ ]
+pRef :: Parser [RHSToken]
+pRef = do
+ char '^'
+ from <- pNum'
+ len <- option 0 (char '+' *> pNum')
+ pure $ map (RRef . fromInteger) [from..from + len]
+pRHS :: Parser [RHSToken]
+pRHS = choice
+ [ map RBit <$> pNumBits
+ , map RBit <$> pChars
+ , pRef
+ ]
+pTransition :: Parser Transition
+pTransition = do
+ lhs <- concat <$> (pLHS `sepEndBy` char ' ') <?> "LHS"
+ string ". "
+ rhs <- concat <$> (pRHS `sepBy` char ' ') <?> "RHS"
+ pure $ Transition lhs rhs
+pComment :: Parser String
+pComment = char '#' *> many (noneOf "\n")
+pProgramLine :: Parser (Maybe Transition)
+pProgramLine = (pComment *> pure Nothing)
+ <|> (pure <$> pTransition)
+pProgram :: Parser Program
+pProgram =
+ catMaybes <$> (pProgramLine <?> "transition") `sepEndBy1` (many1 newline)
+ <* eof
diff --git a/hello.stm b/hello.stm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff1a5d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hello.stm
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# inc: increment a 64-bit number (incomplete)
+'inc? _x3f 0 . 'inc. ^x20+x3e 1
+'inc? _x3e 0 1 . 'inc. ^x20+x3d 10
+'inc? _x3d 0 11 . 'inc. ^x20+x3c 100
+'inc? _x3c 0 111 . 'inc. ^x20+x3b 1000
+'inc? _x3b 0 xf . 'inc. ^x20+x3a 1 x0
+'inc? _x3a 0 1 xf . 'inc. ^x20+x39 10 x0
+'inc? _x39 0 11 xf . 'inc. ^x20+x38 100 x0
+'inc? _x38 0 111 xf . 'inc. ^x20+x37 1000 x0
+'inc? _x37 0 xff . 'inc. ^x20+x36 1 x00
+'inc? _x36 0 1 xff . 'inc. ^x20+x35 10 x00
+'inc? _x35 0 11 xff . 'inc. ^x20+x34 100 x00
+'inc? _x34 0 111 xff . 'inc. ^x20+x33 1000 x00
+'inc? _x33 0 xfff . 'inc. ^x20+x32 1 x000
+'inc? _x32 0 1 xfff . 'inc. ^x20+x31 10 x000
+'inc? _x31 0 11 xfff . 'inc. ^x20+x30 100 x000
+'inc? _x30 0 111 xfff . 'inc. ^x20+x2f 1000 x000
+'inc? _x2f 0 xffff . 'inc. ^x20+x2e 1 x0000
+'inc? _x2e 0 1 xffff . 'inc. ^x20+x2d 10 x0000
+'inc? _x2d 0 11 xffff . 'inc. ^x20+x2c 100 x0000
+# mwr: write a byte into memory, increment the pointer
+'mwr? _x40 _x8 . 'reqw ^x20+x3f ^x60+x7 'mwr.
+'repw _x40 _x8 'mwr. . 'inc? ^x20+x3f ^x60+x7 'mwr.
+'inc. _x40 _x8 'mwr. . 'mwr. ^x20+x3f ^x60+x7
+# start: allocate memory with
+# mmap = 9
+# PROT_READ = 0x1, PROT_WRITE = 0x2
+'start . 'req6 x0000000000000009 x0000000000000000 x0000000000001000 x0000000000000003 x0000000000000022 x0000000000000000 x0000000000000000 'allocated
+# Prepare the "hello\n" message in the allocated memory
+'rep6 _x1c0 'allocated . 'mwr? ^x20+x3f 'h ^x20+x3f 'hello-1
+'mwr. _x40 _x8 _x40 'hello-1 . 'mwr? ^x20+x3f 'e ^x68+x3f 'hello-2
+'mwr. _x40 _x8 _x40 'hello-2 . 'mwr? ^x20+x3f 'l ^x68+x3f 'hello-3
+'mwr. _x40 _x8 _x40 'hello-3 . 'mwr? ^x20+x3f 'l ^x68+x3f 'hello-4
+'mwr. _x40 _x8 _x40 'hello-4 . 'mwr? ^x20+x3f 'o ^x68+x3f 'hello-5
+'mwr. _x40 _x8 _x40 'hello-5 . 'mwr? ^x20+x3f x0a ^x68+x3f 'hello-6
+# Call write(1, ptr, 6)
+'mwr. _x40 _x8 _x40 'hello-6 . 'req3 x0000000000000001 x0000000000000001 ^x68+x3f x0000000000000006 'wrote
+# Call exit(42)
+'rep3 _x40 _x40 _x40 _x40 'wrote . 'req1 x000000000000003c x000000000000002a
diff --git a/stamp.cabal b/stamp.cabal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba1150b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stamp.cabal
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+cabal-version: 2.4
+name: stamp
+-- A short (one-line) description of the package.
+-- synopsis:
+-- A longer description of the package.
+-- description:
+-- A URL where users can report bugs.
+-- bug-reports:
+-- The license under which the package is released.
+license: MIT
+author: defanor
+-- A copyright notice.
+-- copyright:
+-- category:
+-- extra-source-files:
+executable stamp
+ main-is: Stamp.hs
+ -- Modules included in this executable, other than Main.
+ -- other-modules:
+ -- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package.
+ -- other-extensions:
+ build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5
+ , bytestring >= 0.10
+ , parsec >= 3 && < 4
+ , split >= 0.2 && < 1
+ default-language: Haskell2010