path: root/Pancake.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Pancake.hs')
1 files changed, 578 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Pancake.hs b/Pancake.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c9f8c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pancake.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
+{- |
+Description : A CLI web\/gopher browser
+Maintainer : defanor <>
+Stability : unstable
+Portability : non-portable (uses GHC extensions)
+A CLI web\/gopher\/file browser inspired by
+< Line Mode Browser>.
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module Main where
+import qualified Text.Pandoc as P
+import System.FilePath
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
+import Data.Default
+import Network.URI
+import System.Process
+import Control.Monad.Writer hiding ((<>))
+import Control.Monad.State
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Either
+import Data.List
+import Data.String
+import Data.Monoid.Colorful
+import qualified System.Console.Terminfo as TI
+import System.Environment
+import Data.Yaml
+import GHC.Generics
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import System.Directory
+import System.Exit
+import GHC.IO.Handle
+import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSUTF8
+import Control.Exception
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Plain
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Gopher
+-- * Document reading
+-- | Retrieves a document. Prints an error message and returns an
+-- empty string on failure.
+retrieve :: String
+ -- ^ Shell command to use for retrieval.
+ -> URI
+ -- ^ Document URI.
+ -> IO BS.ByteString
+ -- ^ Document contents.
+retrieve cmd uri = do
+ putStrLn $ "Retrieving " ++ show uri
+ curEnv <- getEnvironment
+ let envAuthority = maybe [] (\x -> [ ("URI_USERINFO", uriUserInfo x)
+ , ("URI_REGNAME", uriRegName x)
+ , ("URI_PORT", uriPort x) ])
+ (uriAuthority uri)
+ environment = ("URI", uriToString id uri "")
+ : ("URI_SCHEME", uriScheme uri)
+ : ("URI_PATH", uriPath uri)
+ : ("URI_QUERY", uriQuery uri)
+ : ("URI_FRAGMENT", uriFragment uri)
+ : curEnv
+ ++ envAuthority
+ handle (\(e :: SomeException) ->
+ putStrLn (concat ["Failed to run `", cmd, "`: ", show e])
+ >> pure BS.empty) $
+ withCreateProcess ((shell cmd) { env = Just environment
+ , std_out = CreatePipe
+ , std_err = CreatePipe }) $
+ \_ stdout stderr ph -> case stdout of
+ Nothing -> putStrLn "No stdout" >> pure BS.empty
+ Just stdout' -> do
+ hSetBinaryMode stdout' True
+ out <- BS.hGetContents stdout'
+ ec <- waitForProcess ph
+ when (ec /= ExitSuccess) $ do
+ putStrLn $ concat ["An error occured. Exit code: ", show ec]
+ case stderr of
+ Nothing -> pure ()
+ Just stderr' -> do
+ err <- BS.hGetContents stderr'
+ BS.putStrLn $ BS.concat ["stderr: ", err]
+ pure out
+-- | Reads a document: retrieves it and parses into a Pandoc
+-- structure. The parser is chosen depending on the URI.
+readDoc :: String
+ -- ^ Shell command to use for retrieval.
+ -> URI
+ -- ^ Document URI.
+ -> IO (Maybe P.Pandoc)
+ -- ^ A parsed document.
+readDoc cmd uri = do
+ out <- retrieve cmd uri
+ term <- TI.setupTermFromEnv
+ let reader = case (uriScheme uri, takeExtension $ uriPath uri) of
+ -- some exceptions and special cases (might be better to make
+ -- this configurable)
+ ("http:", ".php") -> P.getReader "html"
+ ("https:", ".php") -> P.getReader "html"
+ ("http:", "") -> P.getReader "html"
+ ("https:", "") -> P.getReader "html"
+ ("gopher:", "") -> pure . P.StringReader . const $ pure . readGopher
+ (_, "") -> pure . P.StringReader . const $ pure . readPlain
+ (_, ".txt") -> pure . P.StringReader . const $ pure . readPlain
+ (_, ".md") -> P.getReader "markdown"
+ ("gopher:", ext) -> case splitDirectories $ uriPath uri of
+ ("/":"0":_) -> pure . P.StringReader . const $ pure . readPlain
+ ("/":"1":_) -> pure . P.StringReader . const $ pure . readGopher
+ ("/":"h":_) -> P.getReader "html"
+ _ -> P.getReader $ tail ext
+ (_, ext) -> P.getReader $ tail ext
+ cols = maybe 80 id $ TI.getCapability term TI.termColumns
+ opts = def { P.readerColumns = cols }
+ case reader of
+ Left err -> putStrLn err >> pure Nothing
+ Right reader' ->
+ case reader' of
+ P.StringReader f -> do
+ r <- f opts $ BSUTF8.toString out
+ case r of
+ Left err -> putStrLn (show err) >> pure Nothing
+ Right doc -> pure $ pure doc
+ P.ByteStringReader f -> do
+ r <- f opts $ BL.fromStrict out
+ case r of
+ Left err -> putStrLn (show err) >> pure Nothing
+ Right (doc, _) -> pure $ pure doc
+-- * Rendering
+-- | Renderer state.
+data RS = RS { indentationLevel :: Int
+ , linkCount :: Int
+ , bulleted :: Bool
+ , ordered :: Maybe Int
+ , columns :: Int
+ } deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- | Used to render 'Pandoc' docs by writing text lines and collected
+-- links using 'Writer'.
+type Renderer a = WriterT [Either URI (Colored String)] (State RS) a
+-- | Runs a 'Renderer'.
+runRenderer :: Int
+ -- ^ Column count (line width).
+ -> Renderer a
+ -- ^ A renderer.
+ -> [Either URI (Colored String)]
+ -- ^ Collected links and text lines.
+runRenderer cols r = snd $ fst $ runState (runWriterT r) (RS 0 0 False Nothing cols)
+-- | Stores a link, increasing the counter
+storeLink :: URI -> Renderer Int
+storeLink u = do
+ tell [Left u]
+ st <- get
+ put (st { linkCount = linkCount st + 1 })
+ pure $ linkCount st
+-- | Increases indentation level, runs a renderer, decreases
+-- indentation level.
+withIndent :: Renderer a -> Renderer a
+withIndent x = do
+ modify (\s -> s { indentationLevel = indentationLevel s + 1 })
+ r <- x
+ modify (\s -> s { indentationLevel = indentationLevel s - 1 })
+ pure r
+-- | Renders indented (with the current indent level) lines.
+indented :: [Colored String] -> Renderer ()
+indented strings = do
+ st <- get
+ let indent = if bulleted st
+ then indentationLevel st + 2
+ else maybe (indentationLevel st)
+ ((indentationLevel st + 2 +) . length . show) (ordered st)
+ case ( fitLines ((columns st) - indent) strings
+ , bulleted st
+ , ordered st) of
+ ([], _, _) -> tell []
+ (x:xs, True, _) ->
+ tell $ Right (fromString (replicate (indentationLevel st) ' ') <> Fg Yellow "* " <> x)
+ : map (Right . (fromString (replicate indent ' ') <>)) xs
+ (x:xs, _, Just n) -> do
+ tell $ Right (mconcat [ fromString (replicate (indentationLevel st) ' ')
+ , Fg Yellow $ fromString (show n ++ ".")
+ , " "
+ , x])
+ : map (Right . (fromString (replicate indent ' ') <>)) xs
+ modify (\s -> s { ordered = Just (n + 1) })
+ (xs, _, _) -> tell $ map (Right . (fromString (replicate indent ' ') <>)) xs
+-- todo: deal with non-breaking spaces
+-- | Fits words into terminal lines of a given width.
+fitLines :: Int
+ -- ^ Line width.
+ -> [Colored String]
+ -- ^ Strings: usually words and similar short elements.
+ -> [Colored String]
+ -- ^ Fitted lines.
+fitLines maxLen inlineBits = map mconcat $ map reverse $ fitWords [] 0 inlineBits
+ where
+ asString w = showColoredS TermDumb w ""
+ -- handle newline characters
+ fitWords curLine _ ("\n":ws) = curLine : fitWords [] 0 ws
+ -- a new line
+ fitWords _ 0 (w:ws) = fitWords [w] (length $ asString w) ws
+ -- add a word to a line
+ fitWords curLine curLen (w:ws) = let wLen = length (asString w) in
+ if curLen + wLen <= maxLen
+ then fitWords (w:curLine) (curLen + wLen) ws
+ else curLine : fitWords [] 0 (case w of
+ " " -> ws
+ _ -> (w:ws))
+ -- end, no words pending
+ fitWords _ 0 [] = []
+ -- end, with words pending
+ fitWords curLine _ [] = [curLine]
+-- | A helper function to put inline elements between two strings
+-- (such as parens or quotes).
+wrappedInlines :: Colored String
+ -- ^ String on the left.
+ -> Colored String
+ -- ^ String on the right.
+ -> [P.Inline]
+ -- ^ Inlines to wrap.
+ -> Renderer [Colored String]
+ -- ^ Resulting inlines.
+wrappedInlines s e r = do
+ r' <- concat <$> mapM readInline r
+ pure $ s : r' ++ [e]
+-- | Reads an inline element, producing strings. Doesn't render them
+-- (i.e., using 'Writer') on its own, but collects links.
+readInline :: P.Inline -> Renderer [Colored String]
+readInline (P.Str s) = pure $ intersperse " " $ map fromString $ words s
+readInline (P.Emph s) = concatMap (fmap $ Style Italic) <$> mapM readInline s
+readInline (P.Strong s) = concatMap (fmap $ Style Bold) <$> mapM readInline s
+readInline (P.Strikeout s) = wrappedInlines "-" "-" s
+readInline (P.Superscript s) = wrappedInlines "^{" "}" s
+readInline (P.Subscript s) = wrappedInlines "_{" "}" s
+readInline (P.SmallCaps s) = wrappedInlines "\\sc{" "}" s
+readInline (P.Quoted P.SingleQuote s) = wrappedInlines "‘" "’" s
+readInline (P.Quoted P.DoubleQuote s) = wrappedInlines "“" "”" s
+readInline (P.Cite _ s) = concat <$> mapM readInline s
+readInline (P.Code _ s) = pure $ map fromString $ intersperse "\n" $ lines s
+readInline P.Space = pure . pure $ fromString " "
+readInline P.SoftBreak = pure . pure $ fromString " "
+readInline P.LineBreak = pure . pure $ fromString "\n"
+readInline (P.Math _ s) = pure . pure $ fromString s
+readInline (P.RawInline _ s) = pure . pure $ fromString s
+readInline (P.Link _ alt (url, title)) =
+ case parseURIReference url of
+ Just uri -> do
+ cnt <- storeLink uri
+ a <- mapM readInline alt
+ let t = case (title, a) of
+ ("", []) -> [fromString url]
+ ("", alt') -> concat alt'
+ (title', []) -> [fromString title']
+ (_, alt') -> concat alt' -- [[fromString title'], [" ("], concat alt', [")"]]
+ case uri of
+ -- fragment links are mostly useless here, at least for now.
+ -- but still marking them as links, to avoid confusion.
+ (URI "" Nothing "" "" _) -> pure $ map (Fg DullCyan) t
+ _ -> pure $ map (Fg Cyan) t ++ [Fg Blue (mconcat ["[", fromString $ show cnt, "]"])]
+ Nothing -> pure . pure $ fromString title
+readInline (P.Image attr alt (url, title)) = do
+ asLink <- readInline (P.Link attr alt (url, title))
+ pure $ Fg Red "(image) " : asLink
+readInline (P.Note _) = pure $ pure "(note: todo)"
+readInline (P.Span _ i) = do
+ strings <- concat <$> mapM readInline i
+ pure strings
+-- | Renders a block element.
+renderBlock :: P.Block -> Renderer ()
+renderBlock (P.Plain i) = do
+ strings <- concat <$> mapM readInline i
+ indented strings
+renderBlock (P.Para i) = do
+ strings <- concat <$> mapM readInline i
+ indented strings
+ tell [Right ""]
+renderBlock (P.LineBlock i) = do
+ strings <- concatMap mconcat <$> mapM (mapM readInline) i
+ indented strings
+renderBlock (P.CodeBlock _ s) = indented $ map fromString $ intersperse "\n" $ lines s
+renderBlock (P.RawBlock _ s) = indented $ map fromString $ intersperse "\n" $ lines s
+renderBlock (P.BlockQuote bs) = renderBlocks bs
+renderBlock (P.OrderedList _ bs) = do
+ st <- get
+ let o = ordered st
+ put (st { ordered = Just 1 })
+ mapM_ renderBlocks bs
+ modify (\s -> s { ordered = o })
+renderBlock (P.BulletList bs) = do
+ st <- get
+ let b = bulleted st
+ put (st { bulleted = True })
+ mapM_ renderBlocks bs
+ modify (\s -> s { bulleted = b })
+renderBlock (P.DefinitionList dl) =
+ let renderDefinition (term, definition) = do
+ term' <- concat <$> mapM readInline term
+ indented term'
+ mapM_ renderBlocks definition
+ in mapM_ renderDefinition dl
+renderBlock (P.Header _ _ i) = do
+ strings <- concat <$> mapM readInline i
+ indented $ "\n" : map (Fg Green . Style Bold . Style Underline) strings
+renderBlock P.HorizontalRule = do
+ st <- get
+ indented [fromString $ replicate (columns st - indentationLevel st * 2) '-']
+renderBlock (P.Table _ _ _ headers rows) = do
+ -- that's a silly, yet a simple way to render a table. improve it
+ -- later (todo).
+ renderStairs headers
+ mapM_ renderStairs rows
+ where
+ renderStairs :: [[P.Block]] -> Renderer ()
+ renderStairs [] = pure ()
+ renderStairs (x:xs) = do
+ renderBlocks x
+ withIndent $ renderStairs xs
+renderBlock (P.Div _ b) = renderBlocks b
+renderBlock P.Null = pure ()
+-- | Renders multiple block elements.
+renderBlocks :: [P.Block] -> Renderer ()
+renderBlocks b = withIndent $ mapM_ renderBlock b
+-- * Configuration
+-- | Application configuration.
+data Config = Config { commands :: M.Map String String
+ -- ^ URI schemes and corresponding shell commands
+ -- for downloading.
+ , defaultCommand :: String
+ -- ^ A command to use if no other command
+ -- applies.
+ , externalViewers :: M.Map String String
+ -- ^ File extensions and corresponding external
+ -- applications.
+ , shortcuts :: M.Map String String
+ -- ^ Shortcuts to use (search engines,
+ -- dictionaries, etc).
+ , paginate :: Bool
+ -- ^ Enable pagination; print everything at once
+ -- otherwise.
+ } deriving (Generic, Show)
+-- | For configuration parsing
+instance FromJSON Config
+-- | For configuration writing, particularly that of default
+-- configuration if it is missing.
+instance ToJSON Config
+-- | The default configuration to use if user configuration is
+-- missing.
+instance Default Config where
+ def = Config { commands = M.fromList
+ [ ("ssh", "scp \"${URI_REGNAME}:${URI_PATH}\" /dev/stdout")
+ -- gopher://
+ , ("gopher", "torify curl \"${URI}\"")]
+ , defaultCommand = "curl -4 -L \"${URI}\""
+ , externalViewers = M.fromList $
+ map (flip (,) "emacsclient") ["hs", "cabal", "c", "h", "el", "scm", "idr"]
+ ++ map (flip (,) "xdg-open") ["svg", "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "pdf"]
+ , shortcuts = M.fromList
+ [ ("ddg", "")
+ , ("wp", "")
+ , ("wt", "")
+ , ("gp", "gopher://")
+ , ("vs", "gopher://")]
+ , paginate = True
+ }
+-- | Loads configuration from an XDG config directory.
+loadConfig :: MonadIO m => StateT LoopState m ()
+loadConfig = do
+ c <- liftIO $ do
+ dir <- getXdgDirectory XdgConfig "pancake"
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
+ let configPath = dir </> "config.yaml"
+ exists <- doesFileExist configPath
+ if exists
+ then do
+ c <- decodeFile configPath
+ case c of
+ Just config -> pure config
+ Nothing -> putStrLn "Failed to read the configuration, using defaults" >> pure def
+ else encodeFile configPath (def :: Config) >> pure def
+ modify $ \s -> s {conf = c}
+-- * Control
+-- | Interactive user command.
+data Command = Quit
+ | Follow Int
+ | More
+ | GoTo URI
+ | Reload
+ | Back
+ | Forward
+ | Help
+ | Show Int
+ | ShowCurrent
+ | Shortcut String String
+ | ReloadConfig
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- | A zipper kind of thing, for scrolling and history traversal.
+type Sliding a = ([a], [a], [a])
+-- | Main event loop's state.
+data LoopState = LS { history :: Sliding (URI, P.Pandoc)
+ , display :: Sliding (Colored String)
+ , links :: [URI]
+ , conf :: Config
+ } deriving (Show)
+-- | Prints rendered lines.
+showLines :: MonadIO m => [Colored String] -> StateT LoopState m ()
+showLines ls = liftIO $ do
+ term <- getTerm
+ mapM_ (\s -> printColoredS term s >> putChar '\n') ls
+-- | Renders a parsed document.
+renderDoc :: MonadIO m => P.Pandoc -> StateT LoopState m ()
+renderDoc (P.Pandoc _ blocks) = do
+ term <- liftIO TI.setupTermFromEnv
+ st <- get
+ let cols = maybe 80 id $ TI.getCapability term TI.termColumns
+ rows = maybe 25 id (TI.getCapability term TI.termLines) - 1
+ textLines = rights l
+ (shownLines, nextLines) =
+ if paginate (conf st)
+ then splitAt rows textLines
+ else (textLines, [])
+ l = runRenderer cols $ renderBlocks blocks
+ showLines shownLines
+ modify (\s -> s { links = lefts l
+ , display = ([], shownLines, nextLines )})
+-- | Evaluates user commands.
+command :: MonadIO m => Command -> StateT LoopState m ()
+command (GoTo u') = do
+ st <- get
+ let ddg = isPrefixOf "/l/?kh=-1&uddg=" $ uriToString id u' ""
+ u = case (ddg, uriIsAbsolute u', history st) of
+ -- fix DDG links (that's rather hacky, todo: improve)
+ (True, _, _) -> maybe u' id $ parseAbsoluteURI (unEscapeString $ drop 12 (uriQuery u'))
+ -- handle relative URIs
+ (_, False, (_, [(cur, _)], _)) -> relativeTo u' cur
+ _ -> u'
+ cmd = maybe (defaultCommand $ conf st) id (M.lookup (init $ uriScheme u) (commands $ conf st))
+ d <- liftIO $ do
+ let ext = case takeExtension $ uriPath u of
+ "" -> "html"
+ x -> tail x
+ case M.lookup ext (externalViewers $ conf st) of
+ Nothing -> readDoc cmd u
+ Just ev -> do
+ d <- retrieve cmd u
+ dir <- getXdgDirectory XdgCache "pancake"
+ let tmpPath = dir </> (takeFileName $ uriPath u)
+ handle
+ (\(e :: SomeException) ->
+ putStrLn (concat ["Failed to open `", tmpPath, "` with `" , cmd, "`: ", show e])) $ do
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
+ BS.writeFile tmpPath d
+ callCommand $ concat [ev, " ", tmpPath]
+ pure Nothing
+ case d of
+ Nothing -> pure ()
+ Just doc@(P.Pandoc _ _) -> do
+ renderDoc doc
+ modify $ \s ->
+ let (prev, cur, _) = history s
+ in s { history = ( cur ++ prev, [(u, doc)], []) }
+command (Follow i) = do
+ st <- get
+ if length (links st) > i
+ then command (GoTo $ links st !! i)
+ else liftIO $ putStrLn "No such link"
+command Back = do
+ st <- get
+ case history st of
+ (p@(_, d):prev, cur, next) -> do
+ renderDoc d
+ modify $ \s -> s { history = (prev, [p], cur ++ next) }
+ _ -> liftIO $ putStrLn "There's nothing back there"
+command Forward = do
+ st <- get
+ case history st of
+ (prev, cur, n@(_, d):next) -> do
+ renderDoc d
+ modify $ \s -> s { history = (cur ++ prev, [n], next) }
+ _ -> liftIO $ putStrLn "Nowhere to go"
+command More = do
+ st <- get
+ case display st of
+ (_, _, []) -> pure ()
+ (prev, cur, next) -> do
+ term <- liftIO TI.setupTermFromEnv
+ let lineCount' = maybe 25 id (TI.getCapability term TI.termLines)
+ lineCount = lineCount' - div lineCount' 3
+ (newLines, next') = splitAt lineCount next
+ showLines newLines
+ modify (\s -> s { display = (reverse cur ++ prev, newLines, next') })
+ pure ()
+command Reload = liftIO $ putStrLn "Not implemented yet (TODO)"
+command Help = do
+ st <- get
+ liftIO $ do
+ putStrLn "[q]uit, [b]ack, [f]orward, [h]elp, [re]load config"
+ putStrLn "type a number to follow a link, \"<number>?\" to print its URI"
+ putStrLn "type an URI (absolute or relative) to open it"
+ when (paginate $ conf st) $ putStrLn "RET to scroll"
+command (Show n) = do
+ st <- get
+ liftIO . putStrLn $ if length (links st) > n
+ then show $ links st !! n
+ else "No such link"
+command ShowCurrent = do
+ st <- get
+ case history st of
+ (_, [(u, _)], _) -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ show u
+ _ -> pure ()
+command (Shortcut u q) = command . GoTo . fromJust . parseURI $
+ u ++ escapeURIString isReserved q
+command ReloadConfig = loadConfig
+command Quit = liftIO $ do
+ dir <- getXdgDirectory XdgCache "pancake"
+ exists <- doesDirectoryExist dir
+ when exists $ removeDirectoryRecursive dir
+-- | Reads commands, runs them.
+eventLoop :: MonadIO m => StateT LoopState m ()
+eventLoop = do
+ cmd <- liftIO $ getLine
+ st <- get
+ let c = case cmd of
+ "q" -> Quit
+ "b" -> Back
+ "f" -> Forward
+ "r" -> Reload
+ "re" -> ReloadConfig
+ "h" -> Help
+ "?" -> ShowCurrent
+ _ -> case reads cmd of
+ [(n, "")] -> Follow n
+ [(n, "?")] -> Show n
+ _ -> case words cmd of
+ [] -> More
+ (s:q) -> case M.lookup s (shortcuts (conf st)) of
+ Just u -> Shortcut u $ unwords q
+ Nothing -> case parseURIReference cmd of
+ Just uri -> GoTo uri
+ Nothing -> Help
+ command c
+ when (c /= Quit) eventLoop
+-- | Loads configuration and runs 'eventLoop'.
+main :: IO ()
+main = runStateT (loadConfig >> eventLoop) (LS ([],[],[]) ([],[],[]) [] def)
+ >> pure ()