diff options
authordefanor <>2017-11-01 10:56:17 +0300
committerdefanor <>2017-11-01 12:15:05 +0300
commit34bef4d7a95c4000028562adbb13dd92b9012cd2 (patch)
parent24dabb5a30aabbbb34b3e22208589c30c1bcc3e9 (diff)
Use terminfo instead of colorful-monoids
colorful-monoids don't use terminfo, simply guessing capabilities.
3 files changed, 127 insertions, 102 deletions
diff --git a/Pancake.hs b/Pancake.hs
index 1573d12..eb00faf 100644
--- a/Pancake.hs
+++ b/Pancake.hs
@@ -27,8 +27,7 @@ import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.String
-import Data.Monoid.Colorful
-import qualified System.Console.Terminfo as TI
+import System.Console.Terminfo
import System.Environment
import Data.Yaml
import GHC.Generics
@@ -111,7 +110,7 @@ readDoc :: String
-- ^ A parsed document.
readDoc cmd uri = do
out <- retrieve cmd uri
- term <- TI.setupTermFromEnv
+ term <- setupTermFromEnv
let reader = either (const plain) id $
case (uriScheme uri, map toLower $ takeExtension $ uriPath uri) of
-- some exceptions and special cases (might be better to make
@@ -130,7 +129,7 @@ readDoc cmd uri = do
-- unknown or unrecognized item type
_ -> byExtension ext <|> gopher
(_, ext) -> byExtension ext
- cols = maybe 80 id $ TI.getCapability term TI.termColumns
+ cols = maybe 80 id $ getCapability term termColumns
opts = def { P.readerColumns = cols }
P.runIO $ case reader of
(P.TextReader f, _) -> f opts $ case decodeUtf8' out of
@@ -162,9 +161,24 @@ data RS = RS { indentationLevel :: Int
, columns :: Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- | A styled string.
+data Styled = Plain String
+ | Underline Styled
+ | Bold Styled
+ | Emph Styled
+ | Fg Color Styled
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- | Just for convenience.
+instance IsString Styled where
+ fromString = Plain
+-- | A line of styled elements.
+type StyledLine = [Styled]
-- | This is what gets rendered.
data RendererOutput = RLink URI
- | RLine (Colored String)
+ | RLine StyledLine
| RIdentifier String Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
@@ -175,7 +189,7 @@ rLinks ((RLink l):xs) = l : rLinks xs
rLinks (_:xs) = rLinks xs
-- | Extracts text lines.
-rLines :: [RendererOutput] -> [Colored String]
+rLines :: [RendererOutput] -> [StyledLine]
rLines [] = []
rLines ((RLine l):xs) = l : rLines xs
rLines (_:xs) = rLines xs
@@ -214,7 +228,7 @@ storeLink u = do
pure $ linkCount st
-- | Stores text lines.
-storeLines :: [Colored String] -> Renderer ()
+storeLines :: [StyledLine] -> Renderer ()
storeLines l = do
modify (\s -> s { lineNumber = lineNumber s + length l })
tell $ map RLine l
@@ -236,26 +250,28 @@ withIndent x = do
pure r
-- | Renders indented (with the current indent level) lines.
-indented :: [Colored String] -> Renderer ()
+indented :: [StyledLine] -> Renderer ()
indented strings = do
st <- get
let indent = if bulleted st
then indentationLevel st + 2
else maybe (indentationLevel st)
((indentationLevel st + 2 +) . length . show) (ordered st)
- pad = map (fromString (replicate indent ' ') <>)
+ pad = map (fromString (replicate indent ' ') :)
case ( fitLines ((columns st) - indent) strings
, bulleted st
, ordered st) of
([], _, _) -> pure ()
(x:xs, True, _) -> storeLines $
- (fromString (replicate (indentationLevel st) ' ') <> Fg Yellow "* " <> x)
+ (fromString (replicate (indentationLevel st) ' ')
+ : Fg Yellow "* "
+ : x)
: pad xs
(x:xs, _, Just n) -> do
- storeLines $ (mconcat [ fromString (replicate (indentationLevel st) ' ')
- , Fg Yellow $ fromString (show n ++ ".")
- , " "
- , x])
+ storeLines $
+ (fromString (replicate (indentationLevel st) ' ')
+ : Fg Yellow (fromString (show n ++ ". "))
+ : x)
: pad xs
modify (\s -> s { ordered = Just (n + 1) })
(xs, _, _) -> storeLines $ pad xs
@@ -263,27 +279,33 @@ indented strings = do
-- This may be unreliable, especially for resulting length estimation,
-- but usually works. Maybe improve someday.
-- | Returns a string as it would be shown on a dumb terminal.
-uncolored :: Colored String -> String
-uncolored s = showColoredS TermDumb s ""
+unstyled :: StyledLine -> String
+unstyled = concatMap unstyled'
+ where
+ unstyled' (Plain s) = s
+ unstyled' (Main.Underline s) = unstyled' s
+ unstyled' (Main.Bold s) = unstyled' s
+ unstyled' (Main.Emph s) = unstyled' s
+ unstyled' (Fg _ s) = unstyled' s
--- todo: deal with non-breaking spaces
-- | Fits words into terminal lines of a given width.
fitLines :: Int
-- ^ Line width.
- -> [Colored String]
+ -> [[Styled]]
-- ^ Strings: usually words and similar short elements.
- -> [Colored String]
+ -> [StyledLine]
-- ^ Fitted lines.
-fitLines maxLen inlineBits =
- map mconcat $ map reverse $ fitWords [] 0 inlineBits
+fitLines maxLen inlineBits = concatMap (map reverse . fitWords [] 0) inlineBits
+ fitWords :: [Styled] -> Int -> [Styled] -> [StyledLine]
+ -- fitWords curLine curLen (w:ws) = [[fromString $ show (w:ws)]]
fitWords curLine curLen (w:ws)
-- handle newline characters
- | uncolored w == "\n" = curLine : fitWords [] 0 ws
+ | unstyled [w] == "\n" = curLine : fitWords [] 0 ws
-- a new line
- | curLen == 0 = fitWords [w] (length $ uncolored w) ws
+ | curLen == 0 = fitWords [w] (length $ unstyled [w]) ws
-- add a word to a line
- | otherwise = let wLen = length (uncolored w)
+ | otherwise = let wLen = length (unstyled [w])
spaceAhead = case ws of
(" " : _) -> True
_ -> False
@@ -301,24 +323,26 @@ fitLines maxLen inlineBits =
-- | A helper function to put inline elements between two strings
-- (such as parens or quotes).
-wrappedInlines :: Colored String
+wrappedInlines :: Styled
-- ^ String on the left.
- -> Colored String
+ -> Styled
-- ^ String on the right.
-> [P.Inline]
-- ^ Inlines to wrap.
- -> Renderer [Colored String]
+ -> Renderer [Styled]
-- ^ Resulting inlines.
wrappedInlines s e r = do
r' <- concat <$> mapM readInline r
pure $ s : r' ++ [e]
--- | Reads an inline element, producing strings. Doesn't render them
--- (i.e., using 'Writer') on its own, but collects links.
-readInline :: P.Inline -> Renderer [Colored String]
-readInline (P.Str s) = pure $ intersperse " " $ map fromString $ words s
-readInline (P.Emph s) = concatMap (fmap $ Style Italic) <$> mapM readInline s
-readInline (P.Strong s) = concatMap (fmap $ Style Bold) <$> mapM readInline s
+-- | Reads an inline element, producing styled strings. Doesn't render
+-- them (i.e., using 'Writer') on its own, but collects links.
+readInline :: P.Inline -> Renderer [Styled]
+readInline (P.Str s)
+ | all isSpace s = pure []
+ | otherwise = pure [fromString s]
+readInline (P.Emph s) = concatMap (map Main.Emph) <$> mapM readInline s
+readInline (P.Strong s) = concatMap (map Main.Bold) <$> mapM readInline s
readInline (P.Strikeout s) = wrappedInlines "-" "-" s
readInline (P.Superscript s) = wrappedInlines "^{" "}" s
readInline (P.Subscript s) = wrappedInlines "_{" "}" s
@@ -328,49 +352,50 @@ readInline (P.Quoted P.DoubleQuote s) = wrappedInlines "“" "”" s
readInline (P.Cite _ s) = concat <$> mapM readInline s
readInline (P.Code attr s) = do
storeAttr attr
- pure $ map fromString $ intersperse "\n" $ lines s
-readInline P.Space = pure . pure $ fromString " "
-readInline P.SoftBreak = pure . pure $ fromString " "
-readInline P.LineBreak = pure . pure $ fromString "\n"
-readInline (P.Math _ s) = pure . pure $ fromString s
-readInline (P.RawInline _ s) = pure . pure $ fromString s
+ pure . map fromString $ intersperse "\n" $ lines s
+readInline P.Space = pure [" "]
+readInline P.SoftBreak = pure [" "]
+readInline P.LineBreak = pure ["\n"]
+readInline (P.Math _ s) = pure [fromString s]
+readInline (P.RawInline _ s) = pure [fromString s]
readInline (P.Link attr alt (url, title)) = do
storeAttr attr
case parseURIReference url of
Just uri -> do
a <- mapM readInline alt
- let t = case (title, a) of
+ let t = case (title, concat a) of
("", []) -> [fromString url]
- ("", alt') -> concat alt'
+ ("", alt') -> alt'
(title', []) -> [fromString title']
- (_, alt') -> concat alt'
+ (_, alt') -> alt'
cnt <- storeLink uri
let color = case uri of
(URI "" Nothing "" "" ('#':_)) -> Magenta
_ -> Cyan
- pure $ map (Fg color) t ++
- [Fg Blue (mconcat ["[", fromString $ show cnt, "]"])]
- Nothing -> pure . pure $ fromString title
+ pure $ (map $ Fg color) t ++
+ [Fg Blue $ fromString (concat ["[", show cnt, "]"])]
+ Nothing -> pure [fromString title]
readInline (P.Image attr alt (url, title)) =
(Fg Red "(image) " :) <$> readInline (P.Link attr alt (url, title))
-readInline (P.Note _) = pure $ pure "(note: todo)"
+readInline (P.Note _) = pure . pure $ "(note: todo)"
readInline (P.Span attr i) = do
storeAttr attr
concat <$> mapM readInline i
+readInlines :: [P.Inline] -> Renderer [StyledLine]
+readInlines i = pure . concat <$> mapM readInline i
-- | Renders a block element.
renderBlock :: P.Block -> Renderer ()
-renderBlock (P.Plain i) = indented =<< concat <$> mapM readInline i
-renderBlock (P.Para i) = do
- indented =<< concat <$> mapM readInline i
- storeLines [""]
+renderBlock (P.Plain i) = indented =<< readInlines i
+renderBlock (P.Para i) = (indented =<< readInlines i) >> storeLines [[""]]
renderBlock (P.LineBlock i) =
- indented =<< concatMap mconcat <$> mapM (mapM readInline) i
+ indented =<< concat <$> mapM (mapM readInline) i
renderBlock (P.CodeBlock attr s) = do
storeAttr attr
- indented $ map fromString $ intersperse "\n" $ lines s
+ indented $ map (pure . fromString) $ lines s
renderBlock (P.RawBlock _ s) =
- indented $ map fromString $ intersperse "\n" $ lines s
+ indented $ map (pure . fromString) $ lines s
renderBlock (P.BlockQuote bs) = renderBlocks bs
renderBlock (P.OrderedList _ bs) = do
st <- get
@@ -386,32 +411,33 @@ renderBlock (P.BulletList bs) = do
modify (\s -> s { bulleted = b })
renderBlock (P.DefinitionList dl) =
let renderDefinition (term, definition) = do
- term' <- concat <$> mapM readInline term
- indented term'
+ indented =<< readInlines term
mapM_ renderBlocks definition
in mapM_ renderDefinition dl
renderBlock (P.Header _ attr i) = do
storeAttr attr
- strings <- concat <$> mapM readInline i
- indented $ "\n" : map (Fg Green . Style Bold . Style Underline) strings
+ strings <- readInlines i
+ storeLines [[""]]
+ indented $ map (map $ Fg Green . Main.Bold . Main.Underline) strings
+ storeLines [[""]]
renderBlock P.HorizontalRule = do
st <- get
- indented [fromString $ replicate (columns st - indentationLevel st * 2) '-']
+ indented [[fromString $ replicate (columns st - indentationLevel st * 2) '-']]
renderBlock (P.Table caption _ widths headers rows) = do
-- todo: don't ignore alignments, improve relative widths
-- calculation and handling.
- indented =<< concat <$> mapM readInline caption
+ indented =<< readInlines caption
mapM_ (\r -> renderBlock P.HorizontalRule >> tableRow r) (headers : rows)
renderBlock P.HorizontalRule
- tableCell :: Int -> [P.Block] -> Renderer [Colored String]
+ tableCell :: Int -> [P.Block] -> Renderer [StyledLine]
tableCell w blocks = do
st <- get
let l = runRenderer w (linkCount st) (lineNumber st) $
mapM_ renderBlock blocks
mapM_ storeLink $ rLinks l
pure $ map
- (\x -> x <> Value (replicate (w - length (uncolored x)) ' '))
+ (\x -> x ++ [fromString (replicate (w - length (unstyled x)) ' ')])
$ rLines l
tableRow :: [[P.Block]] -> Renderer ()
tableRow cols = do
@@ -424,8 +450,9 @@ renderBlock (P.Table caption _ widths headers rows) = do
cells <- zipWithM tableCell widths' cols
let maxLines = foldr (max . length) 0 cells
padded = zipWith (\w c -> c ++ replicate (maxLines - length c)
- (fromString $ replicate w ' ')) widths' cells
- indented $ map (mconcat . intersperse (Value " | ")) $ transpose padded
+ [fromString $ replicate w ' ']) widths' cells
+ indented $ map (mconcat . intersperse (pure $ fromString " | "))
+ $ transpose padded
renderBlock (P.Div attr b) = do
storeAttr attr
renderBlocks b
@@ -535,11 +562,25 @@ data LoopState = LS { history :: Sliding (URI, P.Pandoc)
, embedded :: Bool
} deriving (Show)
+-- | Propertizes a styled string for a given terminal.
+propertize :: Terminal -> Styled -> TermOutput
+propertize _ (Plain s) = termText s
+propertize t (Fg clr s) = maybe id (\f -> f clr)
+ (getCapability t withForegroundColor) $ propertize t s
+propertize t (Main.Bold s) =
+ maybe id id (getCapability t withBold) $ propertize t s
+propertize t (Main.Emph s) =
+ maybe id id (getCapability t withStandout) $ propertize t s
+propertize t (Main.Underline s) =
+ maybe id id (getCapability t withUnderline) $ propertize t s
-- | Prints rendered lines.
-showLines :: MonadIO m => [Colored String] -> StateT LoopState m ()
+showLines :: MonadIO m => [StyledLine] -> StateT LoopState m ()
showLines ls = liftIO $ do
- term <- getTerm
- mapM_ (\s -> printColoredS term s >> putChar '\n') ls
+ term <- setupTermFromEnv
+ let nl = maybe (termText "\n") id $ getCapability term newline
+ runTermOutput term . mconcat $
+ map (\l -> mconcat (map (propertize term) l) <#> nl) ls
-- | Shows a list of strings as an s-expression
list :: [String] -> String
@@ -557,7 +598,9 @@ showSexps ro =
-- would be nicer to use some library for this, but they tend to be
-- abandoned, and the task is simple enough to do it here
putSexpLn [ "render"
- , list $ "lines" : map (list . pure . showSexp) (rLines ro)
+ , list $ "lines" :
+ map (list . pure . concat . intersperse " " . map showSexp)
+ (rLines ro)
, list $ "identifiers"
: map (\(i, l) -> list [encodeStr i, show l]) (rIdentifiers ro)
, list $ "links"
@@ -567,30 +610,26 @@ showSexps ro =
escape '\\' = "\\\\"
escape '"' = "\\\""
escape other = pure other
- showSexp :: Colored String -> String
- -- no need for nils since the pairs are flattened
- showSexp Nil = ""
- showSexp (Value x) = encodeStr x
- showSexp (Style s c) = concat ["(style ", show s, " ", showSexp c, ")"]
- showSexp (Unstyle s c) = concat ["(unstyle ", show s, " ", showSexp c, ")"]
- showSexp (Fg clr c) = concat ["(fg (", show clr, ") ", showSexp c, ")"]
- showSexp (Bg clr c) = concat ["(bg (", show clr, ") ", showSexp c, ")"]
- -- pairs are not important here, flattening at once
- showSexp (Pair x y) = concat [showSexp x, " ", showSexp y]
+ showSexp :: Styled -> String
+ showSexp (Plain s) = encodeStr s
+ showSexp (Fg clr s) = list ["fg", show clr, showSexp s]
+ showSexp (Bold s) = list ["style", "bold", showSexp s]
+ showSexp (Underline s) = list ["style", "underline", showSexp s]
+ showSexp (Emph s) = list ["style", "italic", showSexp s]
-- | Renders a parsed document.
renderDoc :: MonadIO m => P.Pandoc -> StateT LoopState m ()
renderDoc (P.Pandoc _ blocks) = do
- term <- liftIO TI.setupTermFromEnv
+ term <- liftIO setupTermFromEnv
st <- get
- let cols = maybe 80 id $ TI.getCapability term TI.termColumns
+ let cols = maybe 80 id $ getCapability term termColumns
l = runRenderer cols 0 1 $ mapM_ renderBlock blocks
textLines = rLines l
modify (\s -> s { rendered = l })
if embedded st
then showSexps l
else do
- let rows = maybe 25 id (TI.getCapability term TI.termLines) - 1
+ let rows = maybe 25 id (getCapability term termLines) - 1
showLines $ if paginate (conf st)
then take rows textLines
else textLines
@@ -666,8 +705,8 @@ command (GoTo u@(URI _ _ _ _ ('#':xs))) = do
case (lookup xs (rIdentifiers $ rendered st), embedded st) of
(Nothing, _) -> putErrLn $ "Unknown identifier: " ++ xs
(Just x, False) -> do
- term <- liftIO TI.setupTermFromEnv
- let lineCount = maybe 25 id (TI.getCapability term TI.termLines)
+ term <- liftIO setupTermFromEnv
+ let lineCount = maybe 25 id (getCapability term termLines)
when (x + lineCount - 2 > position st) $ do
-- scroll to the given position without skipping anything
showLines $ take (x - position st + lineCount - 2) $
@@ -698,8 +737,8 @@ command Forward = do
_ -> liftIO $ putErrLn "Nowhere to go"
command More = do
st <- get
- term <- liftIO TI.setupTermFromEnv
- let lineCount' = maybe 25 id (TI.getCapability term TI.termLines)
+ term <- liftIO setupTermFromEnv
+ let lineCount' = maybe 25 id (getCapability term termLines)
lineCount = lineCount' - div lineCount' 3
showLines $ take lineCount $ drop (position st) (rLines $ rendered st)
modify (\s -> s { position = position st + lineCount })
diff --git a/pancake.cabal b/pancake.cabal
index e00e835..20914f0 100644
--- a/pancake.cabal
+++ b/pancake.cabal
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ executable pancake
, Text.Pandoc.Readers.Gopher
build-depends: base >= 4.9 && < 5
, bytestring >= && < 1
- , colorful-monoids >= && < 1
, containers >= && < 1
, data-default >= && < 1
, directory >= && < 2
diff --git a/pancake.el b/pancake.el
index ecab7a4..7b225ad 100644
--- a/pancake.el
+++ b/pancake.el
@@ -164,29 +164,16 @@
(if (stringp element)
(pcase element
- (`(fg (,color) . ,rest)
+ (`(fg ,color . ,rest)
(let ((inner (pancake-print-line rest)))
0 (length inner) (pancake-translate-color color 'foreground) t inner)
- (`(bg (,color) . ,rest)
+ (`(style ,face . ,rest)
(let ((inner (pancake-print-line rest)))
- (add-face-text-property
- 0 (length inner) (pancake-translate-color color 'background) t inner)
- inner))
- (`(style Bold . ,rest)
- (let ((inner (pancake-print-line rest)))
- (add-face-text-property 0 (length inner) 'bold t inner)
- inner))
- (`(style Underline . ,rest)
- (let ((inner (pancake-print-line rest)))
- (add-face-text-property 0 (length inner) 'underline t inner)
- inner))
- (`(style Italic . ,rest)
- (let ((inner (pancake-print-line rest)))
- (add-face-text-property 0 (length inner) 'italic t inner)
+ (add-face-text-property 0 (length inner) face t inner)
- (_ (format "%S" element)))))
+ (_ (format "Unexpected element: %S" element)))))
(defun pancake-print-line (line)