path: root/Pancake.hs
diff options
authordefanor <>2017-11-26 13:36:04 +0300
committerdefanor <>2017-11-26 13:36:04 +0300
commit3dfe58246ac5b32386dd253b81bdb689133ffc06 (patch)
tree4adcc8bc30c24304be117e05970562086456a3a4 /Pancake.hs
parent53d7b8175ff897391fda84eb3dc71af31d364f7e (diff)
Add file saving
User commands are adjusted, and the code is slightly refactored in order to fit this better.
Diffstat (limited to 'Pancake.hs')
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/Pancake.hs b/Pancake.hs
index 64e3b74..e71014b 100644
--- a/Pancake.hs
+++ b/Pancake.hs
@@ -81,15 +81,10 @@ updateConfig = do
c <- loadConfig
modify $ \s -> s { conf = c }
--- | Decides what to do with a given URI; either returns a document or
--- runs an external viewer. Used by both 'GoTo' and 'Reload'.
-loadDocument :: MonadIO m
- => Maybe String
- -- ^ Document type.
- -> URI
- -- ^ Document URI.
- -> StateT LoopState m (URI, Maybe P.Pandoc)
-loadDocument sType rawURI = do
+-- | A wrapper around 'retrieve' that adjusts the URI.
+loadRaw :: MonadIO m => URI ->
+ StateT LoopState m (URI, Maybe (BS.ByteString, Maybe URI, Maybe String))
+loadRaw rawURI = do
st <- get
let ddg = isPrefixOf "/l/?kh=-1&uddg=" $ uriToString id rawURI ""
adjustedURI = case (ddg, uriIsAbsolute rawURI, history st) of
@@ -104,41 +99,53 @@ loadDocument sType rawURI = do
s -> init s
cmd = fromMaybe (defaultCommand $ conf st) $
M.lookup uScheme (commands $ conf st)
- liftIO $ do
- docData <- retrieve cmd adjustedURI
- case docData of
- Nothing -> pure (adjustedURI, mzero)
- Just (rawDoc, mdURI, mdType) -> do
- let effectiveURI = fromMaybe adjustedURI mdURI
- fType = sType <|> mdType
- ext = case (fType, takeExtension $ uriPath effectiveURI) of
- (Just x, _) -> x
- (_, '.':xs) -> map toLower xs
- (_, other) -> other
- case M.lookup ext (externalViewers $ conf st) of
- Nothing -> do
- doc <- readDoc rawDoc fType effectiveURI
- case doc of
- Left err -> do
- putErrLn $ show err
- pure (effectiveURI, mzero)
- Right r -> pure (effectiveURI, pure r)
- Just ev -> do
- dir <- getXdgDirectory XdgCache "pancake"
- let tmpPath = dir </> takeFileName (uriPath effectiveURI)
- handle
- (\(e :: SomeException) ->
- putErrLn (concat ["Failed to open `", tmpPath, "` with `"
- , ev, "`: ", show e])) $ do
- createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
- BS.writeFile tmpPath rawDoc
- curEnv <- getEnvironment
- ec <- withCreateProcess
- ((shell ev) { env = Just (("FILE", tmpPath) : curEnv) }) $
- \_ _ _ p -> waitForProcess p
- when (ec /= ExitSuccess) $
- putErrLn $ "An error occured. Exit code: " ++ show ec
- pure (effectiveURI, mzero)
+ doc <- liftIO $ retrieve cmd adjustedURI
+ pure (adjustedURI, doc)
+-- | Decides what to do with a given URI; either returns a document or
+-- runs an external viewer. Used by both 'GoTo' and 'Reload'.
+loadDocument :: MonadIO m
+ => Maybe String
+ -- ^ Document type.
+ -> URI
+ -- ^ Document URI.
+ -> StateT LoopState m (URI, Maybe P.Pandoc)
+loadDocument sType rawURI = do
+ st <- get
+ (adjustedURI, docData) <- loadRaw rawURI
+ case docData of
+ Nothing -> pure (adjustedURI, mzero)
+ Just (rawDoc, mdURI, mdType) -> liftIO $ do
+ let effectiveURI = fromMaybe adjustedURI mdURI
+ fType = sType <|> mdType
+ ext = case (fType, takeExtension $ uriPath effectiveURI) of
+ (Just x, _) -> x
+ (_, '.':xs) -> map toLower xs
+ (_, other) -> other
+ case M.lookup ext (externalViewers $ conf st) of
+ Nothing -> do
+ doc <- readDoc rawDoc fType effectiveURI
+ case doc of
+ Left err -> do
+ putErrLn $ show err
+ pure (effectiveURI, mzero)
+ Right r -> pure (effectiveURI, pure r)
+ Just ev -> do
+ dir <- getXdgDirectory XdgCache "pancake"
+ let tmpPath = dir </> takeFileName (uriPath effectiveURI)
+ handle
+ (\(e :: SomeException) ->
+ putErrLn (concat ["Failed to open `", tmpPath, "` with `"
+ , ev, "`: ", show e])) $ do
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
+ BS.writeFile tmpPath rawDoc
+ curEnv <- getEnvironment
+ ec <- withCreateProcess
+ ((shell ev) { env = Just (("FILE", tmpPath) : curEnv) }) $
+ \_ _ _ p -> waitForProcess p
+ when (ec /= ExitSuccess) $
+ putErrLn $ "An error occured. Exit code: " ++ show ec
+ pure (effectiveURI, mzero)
-- | Visits an URI, updates history accordingly.
goTo :: MonadIO m => Maybe String -> URI -> StateT LoopState m ()
@@ -154,7 +161,50 @@ goTo t u' = do
-- | Evaluates user commands.
command :: MonadIO m => Command -> StateT LoopState m ()
-command (GoTo t u@(URI _ _ _ _ ('#':xs))) = do
+command (Save (RURI uri') p) = do
+ (uri, mraw) <- loadRaw uri'
+ case mraw of
+ Nothing -> pure ()
+ Just (raw, euri, _) -> liftIO $ do
+ (targetDir, mTargetName) <- case p of
+ Nothing -> do
+ cacheDir <- getXdgDirectory XdgCache "pancake"
+ pure (cacheDir, Nothing)
+ Just fp -> do
+ exists <- doesDirectoryExist fp
+ pure $ case (exists, takeFileName fp) of
+ (True, _) -> (fp, Nothing)
+ (_, "") -> (fp, Nothing)
+ (False, fn) -> (takeDirectory fp, pure fn)
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True targetDir
+ let remoteURI = fromMaybe uri euri
+ remoteURIStr = uriToString id remoteURI ""
+ remoteFileName' = takeFileName $ uriPath remoteURI
+ remoteFileName = if remoteFileName' `elem` [".", "..", ""]
+ then map escapeURI remoteURIStr
+ else remoteFileName'
+ targetFileName = fromMaybe remoteFileName mTargetName
+ targetPath = targetDir </> targetFileName
+ e <- try $ BS.writeFile targetPath raw
+ putErrLn $ unwords $ case e of
+ Left (err :: SomeException) ->
+ ["Failed to write", targetPath ++ ":", show err]
+ Right _ -> ["Saved", remoteURIStr, "as", targetPath]
+ where
+ escapeURI c
+ | isPathSeparator c = '-'
+ | otherwise = c
+command (Save (RNumber i) p) = do
+ st <- get
+ if length (rLinks $ rendered st) > i
+ then command $ Save (RURI $ rLinks (rendered st) !! i) p
+ else putErrLn "No such link"
+command (Save RCurrent p) = do
+ st <- get
+ case history st of
+ ((u, _):_, _) -> command $ Save (RURI u) p
+ _ -> pure ()
+command (GoTo t (RURI u@(URI _ _ _ _ ('#':xs)))) = do
-- follow an URI first, if it's not just a fragment
case u of
(URI "" Nothing "" "" _) -> pure ()
@@ -172,11 +222,11 @@ command (GoTo t u@(URI _ _ _ _ ('#':xs))) = do
drop (position st) (rLines $ rendered st)
modify (\s -> s { position = x + lineCount - 2 })
(Just x, True) -> putSexpLn ["goto", show x]
-command (GoTo t u) = goTo t u
-command (Follow i) = do
+command (GoTo t (RURI u)) = goTo t u
+command (GoTo t (RNumber i)) = do
st <- get
if length (rLinks $ rendered st) > i
- then command (GoTo Nothing $ rLinks (rendered st) !! i)
+ then command (GoTo t $ RURI $ rLinks (rendered st) !! i)
else putErrLn "No such link"
command Back = do
st <- get
@@ -202,11 +252,11 @@ command More = do
lineCount = lineCount' - div lineCount' 3
showLines $ take lineCount $ drop (position st) (rLines $ rendered st)
modify (\s -> s { position = position st + lineCount })
-command Reload = do
+command (GoTo t RCurrent) = do
st <- get
case history st of
((u, _):prev, next) -> do
- (uri, d) <- loadDocument Nothing u
+ (uri, d) <- loadDocument t u
case d of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just doc -> do
@@ -216,10 +266,8 @@ command Reload = do
command Help = do
st <- get
putErrLn $ intercalate "\n"
- [ "[q]uit, [b]ack, [f]orward, [h]elp, [r]eload, [re]load config"
- , "\"[.]<number>\" to follow a link, \"?<number>\" to print its URI"
- , "type an URI (absolute or relative) to open it"
- , "prefix it with a type (html, txt, org, etc) to choose a reader"]
+ [ "basic commands: [b]ack, [f]orward, ',' to reload"
+ , "<URI> or [,]<number> to open a document" ]
when (paginate $ conf st) $ putErrLn "RET to scroll"
command (Show n) = do
st <- get
@@ -231,7 +279,7 @@ command ShowCurrent = do
case history st of
((u, _):_, _) -> putErrLn $ show u
_ -> pure ()
-command (Shortcut u q) = command . GoTo Nothing . fromJust . parseURI $
+command (Shortcut u q) = command . GoTo Nothing . RURI . fromJust . parseURI $
u ++ escapeURIString isUnreserved q
command ReloadConfig = updateConfig
command Quit = liftIO $ do