path: root/Pancake.hs
diff options
authordefanor <>2017-11-16 03:17:28 +0300
committerdefanor <>2017-11-16 03:17:28 +0300
commit7390b37f0a907d764e0b183ca307f37c20bb068b (patch)
tree2cbdb30a0ce809a724a1b9e2a1685b2a0e62e543 /Pancake.hs
parentca120bde0cf023219d765f06c3c52720ead9a6a6 (diff)
Handle SIGINT during getLine
It is too easy to kill pancake by accident, while trying to interrupt a child process that finishes by itself right at that moment. So, only quitting if there's two interruptions in a row (without any input between them). Minor refactoring has also happened in this commit.
Diffstat (limited to 'Pancake.hs')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/Pancake.hs b/Pancake.hs
index 1574734..36234fb 100644
--- a/Pancake.hs
+++ b/Pancake.hs
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ import System.IO.Error
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Version
import System.Console.GetOpt
+import System.Posix.Signals
+import Control.Concurrent
import Pancake.Common
import Pancake.Configuration
@@ -52,6 +54,7 @@ data LoopState = LS { history :: Sliding (URI, P.Pandoc)
, rendered :: [RendererOutput]
, conf :: Config
, embedded :: Bool
+ , interrupted :: Bool
} deriving (Show)
-- | Renders a parsed document.
@@ -174,7 +177,7 @@ command (Follow i) = do
st <- get
if length (rLinks $ rendered st) > i
then command (GoTo Nothing $ rLinks (rendered st) !! i)
- else liftIO $ putErrLn "No such link"
+ else putErrLn "No such link"
command Back = do
st <- get
case history st of
@@ -182,7 +185,7 @@ command Back = do
printDoc uri d
modify $ \s ->
s { history = (p:prev, take (historyDepth $ conf s) $ cur : next) }
- _ -> liftIO $ putErrLn "There's nothing back there"
+ _ -> putErrLn "There's nothing back there"
command Forward = do
st <- get
case history st of
@@ -190,7 +193,7 @@ command Forward = do
printDoc uri d
modify $ \s ->
s { history = (take (historyDepth $ conf s) $ n : prev, next) }
- _ -> liftIO $ putErrLn "Nowhere to go"
+ _ -> putErrLn "Nowhere to go"
command More = do
st <- get
unless (embedded st) $ do
@@ -212,45 +215,55 @@ command Reload = do
_ -> putErrLn "There's nothing to reload"
command Help = do
st <- get
- liftIO $ do
- putErrLn $ intercalate "\n"
- [ "[q]uit, [b]ack, [f]orward, [h]elp, [r]eload, [re]load config"
- , "type a number to follow a link, \"?<number>\" to print its URI"
- , "type an URI (absolute or relative) to open it"
- , "prefix it with a type (html, txt, org, etc) to choose a reader"]
- when (paginate $ conf st) $ putErrLn "RET to scroll"
+ putErrLn $ intercalate "\n"
+ [ "[q]uit, [b]ack, [f]orward, [h]elp, [r]eload, [re]load config"
+ , "type a number to follow a link, \"?<number>\" to print its URI"
+ , "type an URI (absolute or relative) to open it"
+ , "prefix it with a type (html, txt, org, etc) to choose a reader"]
+ when (paginate $ conf st) $ putErrLn "RET to scroll"
command (Show n) = do
st <- get
- liftIO . putErrLn $ if length (rLinks $ rendered st) > n
- then show $ rLinks (rendered st) !! n
- else "No such link"
+ putErrLn $ if length (rLinks $ rendered st) > n
+ then show $ rLinks (rendered st) !! n
+ else "No such link"
command ShowCurrent = do
st <- get
case history st of
- ((u, _):_, _) -> liftIO $ putErrLn $ show u
+ ((u, _):_, _) -> putErrLn $ show u
_ -> pure ()
command (Shortcut u q) = command . GoTo Nothing . fromJust . parseURI $
u ++ escapeURIString isUnreserved q
command ReloadConfig = updateConfig
command Quit = liftIO $ do
- dir <- getXdgDirectory XdgCache "pancake"
- exists <- doesDirectoryExist dir
- when exists $ removeDirectoryRecursive dir
+ dir <- getXdgDirectory XdgCache "pancake"
+ exists <- doesDirectoryExist dir
+ when exists $ removeDirectoryRecursive dir
+command Interrupt =
+ putErrLn "Received SIGINT. Interrupt twice in a row to quit."
-- | Reads commands, runs them.
eventLoop :: MonadIO m => StateT LoopState m ()
eventLoop = do
- cmd' <- liftIO $ try getLine
- let onErr e = unless (isEOFError e)
- (putErrLn ("Unexpected error: " ++ show e))
- >> pure Quit
st <- get
- c <- either onErr (pure . parseCommand (conf st)) cmd'
- command c
- when (c /= Quit) eventLoop
+ c <- liftIO $ catches (parseCommand (conf st) <$> getLine)
+ [Handler handleIO, Handler handleAsync]
+ unless (c == Interrupt && interrupted st) $ do
+ command c
+ modify $ \s -> s { interrupted = c == Interrupt }
+ when (c /= Quit) eventLoop
+ where
+ handleIO :: IOException -> IO Command
+ handleIO e = unless (isEOFError e)
+ (putErrLn ("Unexpected error: " ++ show e))
+ >> pure Quit
+ handleAsync :: AsyncException -> IO Command
+ handleAsync UserInterrupt = pure Interrupt
+ handleAsync other = throw other
+-- | Command-line options.
data Option = OVersion | OHelp | OEmbedded deriving (Show)
+-- | Command-line option descriptions for 'getOpt'.
options :: [OptDescr Option]
options = [ Option [] ["version"] (NoArg OVersion) "show version number and exit"
, Option [] ["help"] (NoArg OHelp) "show help message and exit"
@@ -261,8 +274,11 @@ options = [ Option [] ["version"] (NoArg OVersion) "show version number and exit
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
+ -- A hack to receive SIGINT reliably.
+ tid <- myThreadId
+ _ <- installHandler sigINT (Catch (throwTo tid UserInterrupt)) Nothing
let run e = runStateT (updateConfig >> eventLoop)
- (LS ([],[]) 0 [] def e)
+ (LS ([],[]) 0 [] def e False)
>> pure ()
case getOpt Permute options args of
([], [], []) -> run False