path: root/Pancake.hs
diff options
authordefanor <>2017-11-06 10:54:15 +0300
committerdefanor <>2017-11-06 10:54:15 +0300
commite19d502ced73cf9fcbc5c8b7c2983983b48566d7 (patch)
treec2992caf8858595afd18d2b21f0b4fb0317cf702 /Pancake.hs
parent1f23441e61bf9ac4e4e9f5b9a42e77bed7140b4f (diff)
Lint the code
Diffstat (limited to 'Pancake.hs')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/Pancake.hs b/Pancake.hs
index f950188..ab27ed6 100644
--- a/Pancake.hs
+++ b/Pancake.hs
@@ -56,14 +56,14 @@ printDoc :: MonadIO m => URI -> P.Pandoc -> StateT LoopState m ()
printDoc uri doc = do
term <- liftIO setupTermFromEnv
st <- get
- let cols = maybe 80 id $ getCapability term termColumns
+ let cols = fromMaybe 80 $ getCapability term termColumns
l = renderDoc cols doc
textLines = rLines l
modify (\s -> s { rendered = l })
if embedded st
then showSexps uri l
else do
- let rows = maybe 25 id (getCapability term termLines) - 1
+ let rows = fromMaybe 25 (getCapability term termLines) - 1
showLines $ if paginate (conf st)
then take rows textLines
else textLines
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ loadDocument sType rawURI = do
let ddg = isPrefixOf "/l/?kh=-1&uddg=" $ uriToString id rawURI ""
adjustedURI = case (ddg, uriIsAbsolute rawURI, history st) of
-- fix DDG links (that's rather hacky, todo: improve)
- (True, _, _) -> maybe rawURI id $
+ (True, _, _) -> fromMaybe rawURI $
parseAbsoluteURI (unEscapeString $ drop 12 (uriQuery rawURI))
-- handle relative URIs
(_, False, ((cur, _):_, _)) -> relativeTo rawURI cur
@@ -96,14 +96,14 @@ loadDocument sType rawURI = do
uScheme = case uriScheme adjustedURI of
[] -> "unknown"
s -> init s
- cmd = maybe (defaultCommand $ conf st) id $
+ cmd = fromMaybe (defaultCommand $ conf st) $
M.lookup uScheme (commands $ conf st)
liftIO $ do
docData <- retrieve cmd adjustedURI
case docData of
Nothing -> pure (adjustedURI, mzero)
Just (rawDoc, mdURI, mdType) -> do
- let effectiveURI = maybe adjustedURI id mdURI
+ let effectiveURI = fromMaybe adjustedURI mdURI
fType = sType <|> mdType
ext = case (fType, takeExtension $ uriPath effectiveURI) of
(Just x, _) -> x
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ loadDocument sType rawURI = do
Right r -> pure (effectiveURI, pure r)
Just ev -> do
dir <- getXdgDirectory XdgCache "pancake"
- let tmpPath = dir </> (takeFileName $ uriPath effectiveURI)
+ let tmpPath = dir </> takeFileName (uriPath effectiveURI)
(\(e :: SomeException) ->
putErrLn (concat ["Failed to open `", tmpPath, "` with `"
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ loadDocument sType rawURI = do
((shell ev) { env = Just (("FILE", tmpPath) : curEnv) }) $
\_ _ _ p -> waitForProcess p
when (ec /= ExitSuccess) $
- putErrLn $ concat ["An error occured. Exit code: ", show ec]
+ putErrLn $ "An error occured. Exit code: " ++ show ec
pure (effectiveURI, mzero)
-- | Visits an URI, updates history accordingly.
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ command (GoTo t u@(URI _ _ _ _ ('#':xs))) = do
(Nothing, _) -> putErrLn $ "Unknown identifier: " ++ xs
(Just x, False) -> do
term <- liftIO setupTermFromEnv
- let lineCount = maybe 25 id (getCapability term termLines)
+ let lineCount = fromMaybe 25 (getCapability term termLines)
when (x + lineCount - 2 > position st) $ do
-- scroll to the given position without skipping anything
showLines $ take (x - position st + lineCount - 2) $
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ command Forward = do
command More = do
st <- get
term <- liftIO setupTermFromEnv
- let lineCount' = maybe 25 id (getCapability term termLines)
+ let lineCount' = fromMaybe 25 (getCapability term termLines)
lineCount = lineCount' - div lineCount' 3
showLines $ take lineCount $ drop (position st) (rLines $ rendered st)
modify (\s -> s { position = position st + lineCount })
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ command Reload = do
command Help = do
st <- get
liftIO $ do
- putErrLn $ intercalate "\n" $
+ putErrLn $ intercalate "\n"
[ "[q]uit, [b]ack, [f]orward, [h]elp, [r]eload, [re]load config"
, "type a number to follow a link, \"?<number>\" to print its URI"
, "type an URI (absolute or relative) to open it"