path: root/Pancake/Reading.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Pancake/Reading.hs')
1 files changed, 132 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Pancake/Reading.hs b/Pancake/Reading.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..801cf43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pancake/Reading.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+{- |
+Module : Pancake.Reading
+Maintainer : defanor <>
+Stability : unstable
+Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions are used)
+Document retrieval and parsing.
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module Pancake.Reading ( retrieve
+ , readDoc
+ ) where
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
+import Network.URI
+import qualified Text.Pandoc as P
+import System.Process
+import Control.Exception
+import Control.Applicative
+import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8', decodeLatin1)
+import Data.Default
+import System.Console.Terminfo
+import System.FilePath
+import Data.Char
+import System.Exit
+import System.Environment
+import GHC.IO.Handle
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Plain
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Gopher
+import Pancake.Common
+-- | Retrieves a document. Prints an error message and returns an
+-- empty string on failure.
+retrieve :: String
+ -- ^ Shell command to use for retrieval.
+ -> URI
+ -- ^ Document URI.
+ -> IO BS.ByteString
+ -- ^ Document contents.
+retrieve cmd uri = do
+ putErrLn $ "Retrieving " ++ show uri
+ curEnv <- getEnvironment
+ let envAuthority = maybe [] (\x -> [ ("URI_USERINFO", uriUserInfo x)
+ , ("URI_REGNAME", uriRegName x)
+ , ("URI_PORT", uriPort x) ])
+ (uriAuthority uri)
+ environment = ("URI", uriToString id uri "")
+ : ("URI_SCHEME", uriScheme uri)
+ : ("URI_PATH", uriPath uri)
+ : ("URI_QUERY", uriQuery uri)
+ : ("URI_FRAGMENT", uriFragment uri)
+ : curEnv
+ ++ envAuthority
+ handle (\(e :: SomeException) ->
+ putErrLn (concat ["Failed to run `", cmd, "`: ", show e])
+ >> pure BS.empty) $
+ withCreateProcess ((shell cmd) { env = Just environment
+ , std_out = CreatePipe
+ , std_err = CreatePipe
+ , delegate_ctlc = True }) $
+ \_ stdout stderr ph -> case stdout of
+ Nothing -> putErrLn "No stdout" >> pure BS.empty
+ Just stdout' -> do
+ hSetBinaryMode stdout' True
+ out <- BS.hGetContents stdout'
+ ec <- waitForProcess ph
+ if (ec /= ExitSuccess)
+ then do
+ putErrLn $ concat ["An error occured. Exit code: ", show ec]
+ case stderr of
+ Nothing -> pure ()
+ Just stderr' -> do
+ err <- BS.hGetContents stderr'
+ putErrLn $ "stderr:\n" ++ BS.unpack err
+ else putErrLn $ show uri
+ pure out
+-- | Reads a document: retrieves it and parses into a Pandoc
+-- structure. The parser is chosen depending on the URI.
+readDoc :: String
+ -- ^ Shell command to use for retrieval.
+ -> URI
+ -- ^ Document URI.
+ -> IO (Either P.PandocError P.Pandoc)
+ -- ^ A parsed document.
+readDoc cmd uri = do
+ out <- retrieve cmd uri
+ term <- setupTermFromEnv
+ let reader = either (const plain) id $
+ case (uriScheme uri, map toLower $ takeExtension $ uriPath uri) of
+ -- some exceptions and special cases (might be better to make
+ -- this configurable)
+ ("http:", ext) -> http ext
+ ("https:", ext) -> http ext
+ ("gopher:", ext) -> case uriPath uri of
+ ('/':'1':_) -> gopher
+ ('/':'h':_) -> html
+ -- "0" should indicate plain text, but it's also the most
+ -- suitable option for non-html markup. Not sure about this
+ -- approach, but it's similar to ignoring HTTP content-type,
+ -- and will do for now: better to render documents nicely
+ -- when possible.
+ ('/':'0':_) -> byExtension ext
+ -- unknown or unrecognized item type
+ _ -> byExtension ext <|> gopher
+ (_, ext) -> byExtension ext
+ cols = maybe 80 id $ getCapability term termColumns
+ opts = def { P.readerColumns = cols }
+ case reader of
+ (P.TextReader f, _) -> case decodeUtf8' out of
+ Left err -> do
+ putErrLn $ show err
+ P.runIO $ f opts $ decodeLatin1 out
+ Right r -> P.runIO $ f opts r
+ (P.ByteStringReader f, _) -> P.runIO $ f opts $ BL.fromStrict out
+ where
+ http ext = byExtension ext <|> html
+ html = P.getReader "html"
+ plain = (P.TextReader . const $ readPlain, P.emptyExtensions)
+ gopher = pure (P.TextReader . const $ readGopher, P.emptyExtensions)
+ byExtension "" = Left "No extension"
+ byExtension ".md" = P.getReader "markdown"
+ byExtension ".htm" = html
+ byExtension ".ltx" = P.getReader "latex"
+ byExtension ".tex" = P.getReader "latex"
+ byExtension ".txt" = pure plain
+ byExtension ext = P.getReader $ tail ext