path: root/Pancake
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1 files changed, 20 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/Pancake/Rendering.hs b/Pancake/Rendering.hs
index 140fecf..5f7e31f 100644
--- a/Pancake/Rendering.hs
+++ b/Pancake/Rendering.hs
@@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ data RS = RS { indentationLevel :: Int
, listing :: Maybe Listing
, columns :: Int
, rsConf :: Config
- , elemNumber :: Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | This is what gets rendered.
@@ -100,7 +99,7 @@ data RendererOutput = RLink URI
| RNote [RendererOutput]
| RLine StyledLine
| RIdentifier String Int
- | RBlock Int Int Int
+ | RBlock Int Int
-- ^ number, start line, end line
deriving (Show, Eq)
@@ -127,9 +126,9 @@ rIdentifiers (RIdentifier s i:xs) = (s, i) : rIdentifiers xs
rIdentifiers (_:xs) = rIdentifiers xs
-- | Extracts block positions.
-rBlocks :: [RendererOutput] -> [(Int, Int, Int)]
+rBlocks :: [RendererOutput] -> [(Int, Int)]
rBlocks [] = []
-rBlocks (RBlock p s e:xs) = (p, s, e) : rBlocks xs
+rBlocks (RBlock s e:xs) = (s, e) : rBlocks xs
rBlocks (_:xs) = rBlocks xs
-- | Extracts notes.
@@ -159,7 +158,7 @@ runRenderer :: Int
-- ^ Collected links and text lines.
runRenderer cols ls ns ln cnf r =
let o = snd $ evalState (runWriterT r)
- (RS 0 ls ns ln Nothing cols cnf 0)
+ (RS 0 ls ns ln Nothing cols cnf)
in o ++ concatMap (map RLine . rLines) (rNotes o)
-- | Stores a link, increasing the counter.
@@ -416,36 +415,36 @@ inlines = flip inlines' []
-- | Renders a block element.
renderBlock :: P.Block -> Renderer ()
renderBlock (P.Plain i) =
- mapM_ (\l-> enumerated $
+ mapM_ (\l-> fixed $
(pure . concat <$> mapM readInline l) >>= indented)
(inlines i)
renderBlock (P.Para i) = indented =<< readInlines i
renderBlock (P.LineBlock i) =
- mapM_ (\l -> enumerated $
+ mapM_ (\l -> fixed $
(pure . concat <$> mapM readInline l) >>= indented)
renderBlock (P.CodeBlock attr s) = do
storeAttr attr
- mapM_ (enumerated . indented . pure)
+ mapM_ (fixed . indented . pure)
(map (pure . Fg Green . fromString) $ lines s)
renderBlock (P.RawBlock _ s) =
indented $ map (pure . fromString) $ lines s
renderBlock (P.BlockQuote bs) = withIndent $ renderBlocks bs
renderBlock (P.OrderedList _ bs) = do
zipWithM_ (\b n -> modify (\s -> s { listing = Just (Ordered n) })
- >> enumerated (keepIndent (renderBlocks b)))
+ >> fixed (keepIndent (renderBlocks b)))
bs [1..]
modify $ \s -> s { listing = Nothing }
renderBlock (P.BulletList bs) = do
mapM_ (\b -> modify (\s -> s { listing = Just Bulleted })
- >> enumerated (keepIndent (renderBlocks b)))
+ >> fixed (keepIndent (renderBlocks b)))
modify $ \s -> s { listing = Nothing }
renderBlock (P.DefinitionList dl) =
let renderDefinition (term, definition) = do
indented =<< map (map (Fg Yellow)) <$> readInlines term
withIndent $ mapM_ renderBlocks definition
- in mapM_ (enumerated . renderDefinition) dl
+ in mapM_ (fixed . renderDefinition) dl
renderBlock (P.Header level attr i) = do
storeAttr attr
indented =<< map (map (Denote (Heading level) . Bold . Fg Green)
@@ -471,10 +470,10 @@ renderBlock (P.Table caption aligns widths headers rows) = do
+ 1 / fromIntegral (length lens) * 0.3) lens
let withHead = if all null headers then id else (headers :)
- (\r -> (enumerated (renderBlock P.HorizontalRule)
- >> enumerated (tableRow ws r)))
+ (\r -> (fixed (renderBlock P.HorizontalRule)
+ >> fixed (tableRow ws r)))
(withHead rows)
- enumerated $ renderBlock P.HorizontalRule
+ fixed $ renderBlock P.HorizontalRule
renderCell :: Int -> [P.Block] -> Renderer [RendererOutput]
renderCell w blocks = do
@@ -541,24 +540,23 @@ skipAfter P.Para {} = True
skipAfter (P.Div _ bs@(_:_)) = skipAfter $ last bs
skipAfter b = isList b
--- | Stores a block position.
-enumerated :: Renderer a -> Renderer a
-enumerated r = do
+-- | Stores an element position for fixed elements.
+fixed :: Renderer a -> Renderer a
+fixed r = do
st <- get
- modify $ \s -> s { elemNumber = elemNumber s + 1 }
ret <- r
st' <- get
- tell [RBlock (elemNumber st) (lineNumber st) (lineNumber st')]
+ tell [RBlock (lineNumber st) (lineNumber st')]
pure ret
-- | Renders block elements with empty lines between some of them.
renderBlocks :: [P.Block] -> Renderer ()
renderBlocks [] = pure ()
-renderBlocks [b] = enumerated $ renderBlock b
+renderBlocks [b] = fixed $ renderBlock b
renderBlocks (b1:bs@(b2:_)) = do
- enumerated $ renderBlock b1
+ fixed $ renderBlock b1
when (skipAfter b1 || skipBefore b2) $
- enumerated $ storeLines [[]]
+ fixed $ storeLines [[]]
renderBlocks bs
-- | Renders a document.